class orientation
class orientation
Chapter One Man Vs. Nature
1-1 Transcendentalism & Walden
1-2 Imagism: the Beauty of Nature
1-3 Gary Snyder: Deep Ecology
Chapter Two Man Vs. Society
2-1 Puritanism and Colonial Expansion
2-2 “Rip Van Winkle”:Literature vs. History
2-3 Consumerism in \”A Pair of Silk Stockings\”
2-4 The Wasteland: Spiritual Crisis
2-5 The Death of a Salesman: Collapse of American Dream
2-6 Invisible Man and black music
Chapter Three Man Vs.Man
3-1 Male Gaze in\’The Birthmark\”
3-2 Misunderstanding in \”A Day\’s Wait\”
3-3 Desire Under the Elms and Tragedy
3-4 The Kite Runner and Initiation Novel
3-5 \”Everyday Use\” and Cultural Conflict
Chapter Four Man vs. Himself
4-1 A Psychoanalytical Reading of \”Young Goodman Brown\”
4-3 Dilemma in \”The Road Not Taken\”
4-2 Gothicism in \”The Cask of Amontillado\”
4-4 The Catcher in the Rye: An Anti-Initiation Story
4-5 The Theatre of the Absurd
《美国文学选读》PPT课件 河海大学 赵令霞