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《《综合英语》1》PPT课件 中国矿业大学 刘婷婷

1. 我们为何要建设《综合英语》1在线课程?2. 这门课程能够如何帮助学生进行课程学习?3. 我们是一个什么样的教学团队? 
1. 《综合英语》课程在整个专业课程体系中具有学分最多,学期跨度时间最长的特点,是英语专业基础阶段最重要的专业核心课程。 
2. 在大一第一学期对《综合英语》课程的学习树立了正确的学习理念,掌握正确的学习方法。 
3. 帮助同学们在课前进行有效预习。 
4. 帮助同学们在课程学习过程中及时查漏补缺,加强语言技能训练和文本内涵挖掘。 
5. 帮助同学们课后复习与反思。 
6. 《综合英语》1在线课程9个教学单元分为三个模块:语言、文化、语言与文化。 
7. 教学团队里共有9位老师,其中教授3名,副教授5名,讲师1名。主讲《综合英语》等课程,本科生年均授课量320学时,年均指导本科毕业论文4人,指导省级、国家级大创8项。主持江苏省高校外语“课程思政与混合式教学”研究项目;主持“高校英语混合式教学模式的建构与实践”教育部产学研项目;主持“‘国标’指导下的英语专业“课程思政”实施路径研究”江苏高校哲社外语专项;主编规划教材《人文思想经典与现代社会》《新工科大学英语》;发表“混合式教学中‘课程思政’的实施路径分析—以英语专业《综合英语》课程为例”等核心教研论文18篇。获“教学之星”全国总决赛一等奖(2023)、“教学之星”江苏省赛特等奖(2021);主讲的《思辨英语阅读》入选首批江苏省高校教学能力建设“云书院”教学示范课;主持省一流课程(2024);获省教学成果二等奖(2021)。 
1. 我眼中的《综合英语》1课程特点; 
2. 最初的学习困惑; 
3. 《综合英语》1在线课程学习感受; 
4. 《综合英语》1线下课程学习心得; 
5. 我的课程学习反思 
Course Orientation 
1. what is English Comprehensive English? 
2. the structure of the 9 units 
3. the relationship between Language and Culture 
The Nature of Language  
1. Text A: the Introduction and structure of the text 
2. Appreciation of the text 
3. Body language and Design languages 
4. Exploring beyond the text 
5. language and Paraphrase  
6. language Enhancement  
7. A Speech given by Chomsky 
8. Text B:Taking stock of Language  
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication  
1. Text A: the Introduction and structure of the text  
2. Summary and Video  
3. Appreciation of the Text 
4. Exploring beyond the text  
5. Vocabulary and Grammar  
6. Words in context and Paraphrase 
7. Rhetorical Devices 
Cultural Values 
1. Introducing Jeans 
2. Background information  
3. Text A appreciation  
4. Text B appreciation  
Cultural Stereotypes 
1. Lead-in (1): Introduction to Stereotype and Cultural Stereotype 
2. Lead-in (2): Introduction to Japanese culture and its characteristics 
3. Text analysis (1): The first experiment and its findings 
4. Text analysis (2): The second experiment and its findings 
5. Text analysis (3): The third experiment and its findings 
6. Detailed study (1): sentences to be paraphrased 
7. Detailed study (1): key words and phrases 
8. Introduction to Amy Tan and “The language of discretion” 
9. Text B: The language of discretion 
1. Lead-in (1): Introduction to Ethnocentrism and Euro-centrism 
2. Lead-in (2): The formation and influence of Euro-centrism  
3. Text analysis (1): The first three biases 
4. Text analysis (2): The following three biases 
5. Text analysis (3): The seventh bias and the new paradigm  
6. Detailed study (1): sentences to be paraphrased 
7. Detailed study (1): key words and phrases 
8. Introduction to body rituals and their implicature  
9. Text B: Body ritual among the Nacirema 
了解英语不同变体的形式,特别是谭恩美眼中母亲的四种英语变体;了解全球化背景下“全球游牧人”(Global nomad)作为一种文化现象的存在;了解全球化对语言的冲击和影响 
1. Introduction to globalization 
2. Introduction to global Englishes 
3. Amy Tan and an interview on her life 
4. Focus on paragraphs 1 to 6 of Text A 
5. Focus on paragraphs 7 to 13 of Text A 
6. Focus on paragraphs 14 to 21 of Text A 
7. Words and Exercises 
8. Introduction to World-wise Kids and TCK 
Cultural Diversity  
1. Two basic concepts: Melting Pot theory vs Salad Bowl theory 
2. Introduction to A Common Core: Thais and Americans by Fieg and Wrapping culture by Hendry  
3. Visual comparison between Chinese and German cultures 
4. Focus on paragraphs 1 to 7 of Text A 
5. Focus on paragraphs 8 to 18 of Text A 
6. Focus on paragraphs 19 to 28 of Text A 
7. Key Words and Exercises 
Language and Gender  
1. Background information and Structure of Text A 
2. Comprehension check of Text A 
3. Evaluation and Exploration of Text A 
4. Language Enhancement  
5. Exploring beyond the text  
Language and Media  
1. An overview of Text A and the relations between language and media 
2. An introduction to the author and the structure of the text 
3. Text analysis 1: main idea and theme  
4. Text analysis 2: content  
5. Language and paraphrase 1 
6. Language and paraphrase 2 
7. Language enhancement 
8. An overview of Text B: author  structure and main idea 

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