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《Diagnostics of TCM(中医诊断学)》PPT课件 南京中医药大学 钱峻

Diagnostics of TCM(中医诊断学)_南京中医药大学
To grasp the primary contents of DTCM  the theories of DTCM  the principles of DTCM; To get familiar with the related concepts of DTCM; To understand the history of DTCM and the learning methods of DTCM. 掌握中医诊断学的主要内容、基本原理、基本原则;熟悉中医诊断学的有关概念;了解中医诊断学的发展简史和学习方法。 
1. Introduction 绪论 
Inspection 1 (全身望诊等) 
To grasp the key knowledge points of general inspection  local inspection  inspection of excreta  Infant Finger Venules Inspection.掌握全身望诊、局部望诊、望排出物、望小儿指纹的重要知识点。To grasp the key knowledge points of Tongue Diagnosis  including normal tongue  tongue body and tongue coating  as well as the clinical significance of tongue diagnosis.掌握舌诊的重要知识点,如正常舌象,望舌质,望舌苔,舌诊的临床意义。 
2.1 Inspection of Vitality (望神) 
2.2 Inspection of Complexion  Body and Posture (望面色形态) 
2.3 Inspection of Parts  Excreta and Infant Index Finger Venules (局部望诊、望小儿指纹) 
2.4 Basic Introduction to Tongue Diagnosis(舌诊概说) 
2.5 Inspection of Tongue Body(望舌质) 
2.6 Inspection of Tongue Coating  etc. (望舌苔等) 
Listening and Smelling 
To grasp the key knowledge points of Listening and Smelling  including deep-heavy voice  loss of voice delirium  fading murmuring  manic raving  soliloquy  dyspnea  asthma  cough  vomiting  hiccup  belching  sigh  sneezing  snoring  Yawn and bowel sound of listening  as well as general rules of diagnosis through smelling.掌握闻诊的重要知识点,包括语声重浊,音哑或失音,谵语,郑声,狂言,独语,喘,哮,咳嗽,呕吐,呃逆,嗳气,叹息,喷嚏,鼻鼾,呵欠,肠鸣,以及嗅气味的一般规律。 
3. Listening and Smelling 
Inquiry (问诊) 
To grasp the key knowledge points of Inquiry  including main complaints  inquiry of present symptoms such as cold & fever  sweat  pain  head-body-chest-abdomen  emotion  sleeping  thirst-drinking-appetite-taste  stool & urine  women, men,and children.掌握问诊的重要知识点,如主诉,问寒热、汗出、疼痛、头身胸腹、情志、睡眠、二便、妇女、男子和小儿。  
4.1 Introduction to Inquiry  Inquiry of Cold & Fever(问诊概说,问寒热) 
4.2 Inquiry of Sweating and Pain(问汗、问疼痛) 
4.3 Inquiry of Sleeping  etc.(问睡眠等) 
4.4 Inquiry of Thirst & Drinking  Appetite and Taste(问饮食口味) 
4.5 Inquiry of Stool and Urine(问二便) 
4.6 Inquiry of Women  Men & Children(问诊妇女、男子和儿童) 
Pulse-taking and Palpation(切诊) 
To grasp the key knowledge points of Pulse-taking and Palpation  suh as the clinical manifestation and significance of normal pulse  29 kinds of pathological pulses  etc.掌握切诊的重要知识点,如正常脉象、29种病理性脉象的临床特征及其临床意义。  
5.1 Introduction to Pulse-taking(脉诊概说) 
5.2 Pathological Pulses 1(病理性脉象1) 
5.3 Pathological Pulses 2(病理性脉象2) 
5.4 Summary of Pulse-taking  Palpation(脉诊总结,按诊) 
Eignt-principle Syndrome Differentiation(八纲辨证) 
To grasp the key knowledge points of Eignt-principle Syndrome Differentiation  including basic syndromes of eight-principle like exterior syndrome  cold syndrome  heat syndrome  as well as the relationships among syndromes of eight principles  true or false symptoms of specific syndromes  etc. 掌握八纲辨证的重要知识点,如表证、寒证、热证等八纲基本证,八纲证之间的关系,证的真候等。 
6.1 Basic Syndromes of Eight-principle(八纲基本证) 
6.2 Relationships among Syndromes of Eight Principles(八纲证之间的关系) 
Syndrome Differentiation of Disease Nature(病性辨证) 
To grasp the key knowledge points ofSyndrome Differentiation of Disease Nature  including six-excessive-climatic-factor syndrome Differentiation  deficiency of yin & yang syndrome differentiation  qi-blood syndrome differentiation and body fluids syndrome differentiation. 掌握病性辨证的重要知识点,如六淫辨证、阴阳虚损辨证、气血辨证、津液辨证等。 
7.1 Syndrome Differentiation of Disease Nature 1(病性辨证1) 
7.2 Syndrome Differentiation of Disease Nature 2(病性辨证2) 
7.3 Syndrome Differentiation of Disease Nature 3(病性辨证3) 
Syndrome Differentiation of Disease Location(病性辨证) 
To grasp the key knowledge points ofSyndrome Differentiation of Disease Location  including zang-Fu organs syndrome differentiation such as heart and small intestine syndromes  lung and large intestine syndromes  spleen and stomach syndromes  liver and gallbladder syndromes  kidney and bladder syndromes  and combined syndromes of Zang-fu organs  six-jing Syndrome Differentiation  wei-qi-ying-xue phases syndrome differentiation  three-jiao syndrome differentiation  as well as meridian syndrome differentiation. 掌握病位辨证的重要知识点,如脏腑辨证之心与小肠病证、肺与大肠病证、脾与胃病证、肝与胆病证、肾与膀胱病证、脏腑兼证,以及六经辨证、卫气营血辨证、三焦辨证、经络辨证。 
8.1 Heart & Small Intestine SD(心和小肠病证) 
8.2 Lung & Large Intestine SD(肺和大肠病证) 
8.3 Spleen & Stomach SD(脾和胃病证) 
8.4 Liver & Gallbladder SD(肝和胆病证) 
8.5 Kidney & Urinary Bladder SD(肾和膀胱病证) 
8.6 Combined Zang-fu Organs SD(脏腑兼证) 
8.7 Other Methods of SD(其它辨证) 

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