绪论 Introduction
教学目标及要求:了解化工工艺课程的学习目的和学习要求;了解化工工艺学研究的内容、方法和特点。Teaching objectives and requirements: understand the learning objectives and requirements of chemical process courses; To understand the contents methods and characteristics of chemical technology research.
1.1 化工工艺学研究内容
1.2 化学工业的发展、地位与作用
1.3 现代化学工业的特点和发展方向
1.4 化工原料资源及其加工
1.1 The research field of chemical technology
1.2 The development position and function of chemical industry
1.3 Characteristics and development direction of modern chemical industry
1.4 Chemical raw material resources and processing
化工工艺学基础 Fundamentals of chemical technology
教学目标及要求:了解基本化工原料的来源;了解煤、天然气、生物资源的加工;掌握石油加工的基本工艺方法,常压、减压蒸馏;掌握馏分油化学加工工艺及产物;掌握化工生产过程、主要效率指标;掌握化学平衡的概念,反应条件对化学平衡的影响;掌握催化剂对化学反应的影响,以及催化剂的性能指标。Teaching objectives and requirements: to understand the source of basic chemical raw materials; Understand the processing of coal natural gas and biological resources; Master the basic process methods of petroleum processing atmospheric and vacuum distillation; Master chemical processing technology and products of distillate oil; Master chemical production process and main efficiency indicators; Grasp the concept of chemical equilibrium and the influence of reaction conditions on chemical equilibrium; Grasp the influence of catalyst on chemical reaction and the performance index of catalyst.
2.1 化工生产过程及流程
2.2 化工过程主要效率指标
2.3 化工反应条件影响
2.4 催化剂
2.5 反应过程物料衡算和热量衡算
2.1 Chemical production process and flow chart
2.2 Main efficiency index of chemical process
2.3 Effects of chemical reaction conditions
2.4 Performance and use of catalyst
2.5 Material balance and heat balance of the reaction process
烃类热裂解 Hydrocarbon cracking
教学目标及要求:掌握烃类热分解概念、热裂解的基本反应类型;了解裂解过程工艺参数选取的原则和对生产效率的影响;掌握裂解气预分馏的目的和任务;掌握裂解气净化的目的与方法;理解裂解气精馏分离原理。Teaching objectives and requirements: master the concept of thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons the basic reaction types of thermal cracking; Understand the principle of the selection of technological parameters in the cracking process and its influence on the production efficiency; Master the purpose and task of cracking gas prefractionation; Master the purpose and method of cracking gas purification; Understand the separation principle of fractionated gas.
3.1 热裂解过程基本反应
3.3 裂解气预分馏及净化
3.4 压缩和制冷系统
3.5 裂解气精馏分离系统
3.1 Basic reactions during pyrolysis
3.2 The parameters and indexes of cracking process
3.3 Pre-fractionation and purification of cracked gas
3.4 Compression and refrigeration system
3.5 Distillation separation system for cracking gas
芳烃转化 Aromatic Conversion
教学目标及要求:了解芳烃的来源和生产过程;掌握芳烃转化反应;掌握C8芳烃的分离方法。Teaching objectives and requirements: to understand the source and production process of aromatic hydrocarbons; Mastering aromatics conversion reaction; Master the separation method of C8 aromatic hydrocarbons.
4.1 概述
4.2 芳烃转化
4.3 C8芳烃分离
4.4 芳烃生产技术发展方向
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Aromatic conversion
4.3 Separation of C8 aromatics
4.4 Development direction of aromatics production technology
合成气生产 Production of syngas
教学目标及要求:掌握煤制备合成气的生产原理;了解天然气制备合成气的基本原理和工艺条件;掌握一氧化碳变换的反应,热力学和动力学特征;掌握气体净化(脱除硫化物和二氧化碳)。Teaching objectives and requirements: master the production principle of coal synthesis gas; Understand the basic principle and technological conditions of synthesis gas from natural gas; Master the reaction thermodynamic and kinetic characteristics of carbon monoxide transformation; Master gas purification (removal of sulfide and carbon dioxide).
5.1 概述
5.2 由煤制合成气
5.3 由天然气制造合成气
5.4 由渣油制合成气
5.5 一氧化碳变换过程
5.6 气体中硫化物和二氧化碳脱除
5.1 Summary
5.2 Synthesis gas from coal
5.3 Synthesis gas from natural gas
5.4 Synthesis gas from residue
5.5 Carbon monoxide conversion process
5.6 Removal of sulfide and carbon dioxide from gas
加氢与脱氢过程 Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation process
教学目标及要求:掌握加氢与脱氢反应的种类和热力学性质;了解氮加氢制合成氨反应的热力学、动力学特点和工艺条件;理解甲醇合成反应及热力学性质;了解乙苯脱氢制苯乙烯的方法。Teaching objectives and requirements: to master the types and thermodynamic properties of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions; To understand the thermodynamics kinetic characteristics and process conditions of nitrogen hydrogenation to ammonia synthesis. Understand methanol synthesis reaction and thermodynamic properties; To understand the method of dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene.
6.1 概述
6.2 加氢、脱氢反应一般规律
6.3 氮加氢制合成氨
6.4 甲醇合成
6.5 乙苯脱氢制苯乙烯
6.6 正丁烯氧化脱氢制丁二烯
6.1 Summary
6.2 General rules of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reaction
6.3 Nitrogen hydrogenation to synthetic ammonia
6.4 Synthesis of methanol
6.5 Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene
6.6 Oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butene to butadiene
烃类选择性氧化 Selective oxidation of hydrocarbons
教学目标及要求:掌握氧化反应特征和催化自氧化的机理;掌握氧化操作中防止爆炸的工艺措施。Teaching objectives and requirements: to master the characteristics of oxidation reaction and the mechanism of catalytic autoxidation; Master the process measures to prevent explosion in oxidation operation.
7.1 概 述
7.2 均相催化氧化
7.3 非均相催化氧化
7.4 乙烯环氧化制环氧乙烷
7.5 丙烯氨氧化制丙烯腈
7.6 芳烃氧化制邻苯二甲酸酐
7.7 氧化操作安全技术
7.8 催化氧化技术进展
7.1 Overview
7.2 Homogeneous catalytic oxidation
7.3 Heterogeneous catalytic oxidation
7.4 Epoxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide
7.5 Ammoxidation of propylene to acrylonitrile
7.6 Oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons to phthalic anhydride
7.7 Safety techniques for oxidation operations
7.8 Advances in catalytic oxidation technology
羰基化 Carbonylation
教学目标及要求:了解羰基化反应的种类,应用;了解均相配位催化的基本理论;掌握低压法合成醋酸的催化过程;了解甲醇生产醋酸的两种主要工艺方法的优缺点;掌握从丙烯生成辛醇的反应过程;掌握丙烯氢甲酰化反应的工艺流程及操作条件。课程思政:江苏响水3.21爆炸事故案例阐述化工安全生产的重要性,口罩用PP无纺布阐述化工产品与国民生命健康的密切关系。Teaching objectives and requirements: to understand the types and applications of carbonylation reactions; Understand the basic theory of homologous catalysis; Master the catalytic process of acetic acid synthesis by low pressure method; To understand the advantages and disadvantages of two main processes for producing acetic acid from methanol; Master the reaction process of producing octanol from propylene; Master the process flow and operating conditions of propylene hydroformylation reaction.Course ideological and political: Jiangsu Xiangshui 3.21 explosion accident case to illustrate the importance of chemical safety production mask with PP non-woven fabric to explain the close relationship between chemical products and national life and health.
8.1 概述
8.2 羰基化反应理论基础
8.3 甲醇羰基化合成醋酸
8.4 丙烯羰基化合成丁醇、辛醇
8.5 羰基化反应技术发展趋势
8.1 Overview
8.2 Theoretical basis for carbonylation reactions
8.3 Methanol carbonylation to acetic acid
8.4 Butanol and octanol synthesis by propylene carbonylation
8.5 Development trend of carbonylation reaction technology
《化工工艺学》PPT课件 淮阴工学院 王金权