课程简介(Course Introduction)
01 课程简介
01 Course Introduction
02 机械精度设计的认知
02 Understanding of Mechanical Precision Design
03 机械精度检测的认知
03 Understanding of Mechanical Precision Inspection
项目一 排丝机构的尺寸精度设计与检测(Design and Inspection of Dimensional Accuracy)
任务1 尺寸精度设计
Task 1: Design of Dimensional Precision
任务2 尺寸精度检测
Task 2: Inspection of Dimensional Precision
任务3 二维尺寸检测
Task 3: 2D Dimensional Measurement
任务4 三坐标的虚拟仿真尺寸检测
Task 4: Virtual Simulation of Three-Coordinate Dimensional Measurement
任务5 三坐标测量机的检测
Task 5: Inspection Using a Three-Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
项目二 收丝机构的几何公差设计与误差检测(Design of Geometric Tolerances and Error Detection)
任务1 几何公差设计
Task 1:Design of Geometric Tolerance
任务2 几何误差检测
Task 2: Detection of Geometric Error
任务3 收丝机构连杆的二维检测
Task 3: 2D Inspection of the Connecting Rod for the Wire Collection Mechanism
任务4 三坐标检测
Task 4: Three-Coordinate Measurement
04项目三 驱动机构的表面粗糙度设计与检测(Design and Inspection of Surface Roughness )
任务1 表面粗糙度的设计
Task 1: Design of Surface Roughness
任务2 表面粗糙度检测
Task 2: Inspection of Surface Roughness
项目四 主轴机构的典型精度设计与检测(Design and Inspection of Typical Precision)
任务1 滚动轴承的精度设计
Task 1: Precision Design of Rolling Bearings
任务2 键的精度设计与检测
Task 2: Precision Design and Inspection of Keys
任务3 螺纹的精度设计与检测
Task 3: Precision Design and Inspection of Threads
任务4 圆锥的精度设计与检测
Task 4: Precision Design and Inspection of Cones
任务5 齿轮的精度设计与检测
Task 5: Precision Design and Inspection of Gears
项目五 胎丝绕丝机的装配精度设计(Design of Assembly Accuracy)
任务1 胎丝绕丝机的装配关系确定
Task 1: Determination of Assembly Relationships for the Tire Wire Winding Machine
任务2 胎丝绕丝机的装配精度设计
Task 2: Assembly Precision Design for the Tire Wire Winding Machine
《机械精度设计与检测》PPT课件 苏州市职业大学 赵宏平