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《大学英语(3)》PPT课件 郑州西亚斯学院 王银平

Unit 1 Never  ever give up! 
Think critically aobut the factors that contribute to success;Understand and skillfully use the words and phrases that describe persistence and preparation; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop an example essay; Learn the significance of realizing youthful dreams and think critically about how to connect your dream with the Chinese dream. 
1.1 Moral Education 
1.2 Lead-in Activities  
1.3 Cultural Background 
1.4 Text Analysis 
1.5 Writing Techniques 
1.6 Discussion 
1.7 Unit Test 
Unit 2 Swimming through fear  
Understand what fear is and think critically about fear;Learn the key words and phrases to describe fear; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop a narrative essay; Gain tips on coping with fear  stress and anxiety in college.  
2.1 Moral Education 
2.2 Lead-in Activities  
2.3 Cultural Background 
2.4 Text Analysis 
2.5 Writing Techniques 
2.6 Discussion 
2.7 Unit Test  
Unit 3 Audrey Hepburn-A true angel in this world 
Think critically about the spirit you could learn from these famous people and how to tell a meaningful life story aobut yourself;Understand and skillfully use the words and phrases that are related to people\’s life stories; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop an example essayin chronological order; Explore the life stories of some Chinese celebrities and gain some enlightenment from them. 
3.1 Moral Education 
3.2 Lead-in Activities  
3.3 Cultural Background 
3.4 Text Analysis 
3.5 Writing Techniques 
3.6 Discussion 
3.7 Unit Test 
Unit 4 The suprising purpose of travel  
Figure out from differing persepctives the significance of travel;Understand and skillfully use the words and phrases about traveling and cross-cultural communication; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop a cause-and effect essay; Think critically about how to be a civilized traveler and cultural ambassador. 
4.1 Moral Education 
4.2 Lead-in Activities  
4.3 Cultural Background 
4.4 Text Analysis 
4.5 Writing Techniques 
4.6 Discussion 
4.7 Unit Test 
Unit 5 Will you be a worker or a laborer 
Explore the purposes of working and learn to plan your career;Understand and skillfully use the words and phrases about working; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop a comparison / contrast essay; Think critically about why craftsmanship remains significant today. 
5.1 Moral Education 
5.2 Lead-in Activities  
5.3 Cultural Background 
5.4 Text Analysis 
5.5 Writing Techniques 
5.6 Discussion 
5.7 Unit Test 
Unit 6 Under the bombs:1945 
Think critically about the relevance of The Art of War to daily life;Understand and skillfully use the words and phrases about war and peace; Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;Learn how to develop a descriptive essay; Gain a deeper understanding from ancient Chinese wisdom about war and peace.  
6.1 Moral Education 
6.2 Lead-in Activities  
6.3 Cultural Background 
6.4 Text Analysis 
6.5 Writing Techniques 
6.6 Discussion 
6.7 Supplementary Resource 
6.7Unit Test 

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