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《大学英语Ⅱ》PPT课件 河南农业大学 陈洁

Ways of Learning 
Students will be able to: 1. Grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we could strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western styles of learning) and the structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote – elaboration by comparison and contrast – conclusion by a suggestion); 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate the various writing techniques employed by the writer—comparison and contrast  topic sentences followed by detail sentences  use of transitional devices. 
1.1 Vocabulary 
1.2 Long and Difficult Sentences 
1.3 Text Analysis 
1.4 Writing 
1.5 Discussion 
Unit 1 拓展资源 
Students will be able to 1. Grasp the main idea (one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially) and the structure of the text; 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate the wording (“riches”) in the title of the text; 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
2.1 Cultural Tips 
2.2 New Words and Expressions 
2.3 Long and Difficult Sentences 
2.4 Writing 
2.5 Discussion 
Unit 2 拓展资源 
The Generation Gap 
Students will be able to: 1. Grasp the main idea (Parents and children usually have different ideas and outlooks about the same world which always cause some conflicts between them); 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate the basic elements of a play. 
3.1 Cultural Note 
3.2 New Words and Phrases 
3.3 Long and Difficult Sentences 
3.4 Translation 
3.5 Discussion 
Unit 3 拓展资源 
The Virtual World 
Students will be able to 1. Grasp the main idea (one can live a life full of riches without being rich financially) and the structure of the text;2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text;3. Appreciate the wording (“riches”) in the title of the text;4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
4.1 Vocabulary 
4.2 Long & Difficult Sentences 
4.3 Text Organization 
4.4 Writing 
4.5 Discussion 
Unit 4 拓展资源 
True Height 
Students will be able to: 1. Grasp the main idea (dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success) and the structure of the text (narration with flashback); 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate certain narrative skills(using details to bring out character  a surprise ending  use of puns) employed by the writer; 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
5.1 Overview 
5.2 Cultural Notes 
5.3 New Words & Phrases 
5.4 Long & Difficult Sentences 
5.5 Writing 
5.6 Discussion 
Unit 5 拓展资源 
Women  Half the Sky 
Students will be able to: 1. Grasp the main idea (a woman can learn anything a man can  but determination and hard work are required) and the structure of the text; 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate the different forms of concessive clauses; 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
6.1 Background Information 
6.2 New Words & Phrases 
6.3 Long & Difficult Sentences 
6.4 Grammar 
6.5 Text Structure 
6.6 Discussion 
Unit 6 拓展资源 
Unit 7 Learning about English  
Students will be able to:1. Grasp the main idea (because of its tolerance for outside influences  English has become a great language); 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Appreciate some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit; 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
7.1 Vocabulary 
7.2 Useful Expressions 
Unit 7 拓展资源 
Unit 8 Protection Our Environment 
Students will be able to: 1. Grasp the main idea (lack of environmental protection leads to tragedy  as illustrated by the fate of an imaginary town in the heart of America); 2. Master the key language points and the grammatical structures in the text; 3. Understand a major characteristic of a fable; 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content. 
8.1 Vocabulary 
Unit 8 拓展资源 

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