作 者: (澳)普里马拉特纳 (Malin Premaratne)(美)Govind P.Agrawal 著
出版时间: 2013
丛编项: 国外信息科学与技术优秀图书系列·光学和光电子学
在过去的二十年里,光纤放大器在现代通信中已变得非常重要,其技术还应用在诸多前沿技术的研究中,如生物光子学和实验室型生物芯片器件等。《Light propagation in gainmedia(光放大原理与分析方法:增益介质中光的传播)(英文版)》是一本介绍增益介质中光传播问题理论处理方法的学术专著。作者力图从电磁理论对增益介质的一般性描述出发,建立光在增益介质中传播的理论框架,以此为基础介绍增益介质中光传播问题的各种理论分析方法及其在不同增益介质和不同传播问题中的应用。其中,特别侧重对人工介观材料和超短脉冲放大的讨论。《Light propagation in gainmedia(光放大原理与分析方法:增益介质中光的传播)(英文版)》的理论描述简洁,适合于具有电气工程、应用物理学等背景知识,在物理、光学、生物光学、通信等方面从事研究的研究生和科研人员参考。
1 Introduction
1.1 Maxwell\’s equations
1.2 Permittivity of isotropic materials
1.3 Dispersion relations
1.4 Causality and its implications
1.5 Simple solutions of Maxwell\’s equations
2 Light propagation through dispersive dielectric slabs
2.1 State of polarization of optical waves
2.2 Impedance and refractive index
2.3 Fresnel equations
2.4 Propagation of optical pulses
2.5 Finite-difference time-domain(FDTD)method
2.6 Phase and group velocities
2.7 Pulse propagation through a dielectric slab
3 Interaction of light with generic active media
3.1 Reflection of light from a gain medium
3.2 Surface-plasmon polaritons
3.3 Gain-assisted management of group velocity
3.4 Gain-assisted dispersion control
4 Optical Bloch equations
4.1 The bra and ket vectors
4.2 Density operator
4.3 Density-matrix equations for two-level atoms
4.4 Optical Bloch equations
4.5 Maxwell-Bloch equations
4.6 Numerical integration of Maxwell-Bloch equations
5 Fiber amplifiers
5.1 Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers
5.2 Amplifier gain and its bandwidth
5.3 Rate equations for EDFAs
5.4 Amplification under CW conditions
5.5 Amplification of picosecond pulses
5.6 Autosolitons and similaritons
5.7 Amplification of femtosecond pulses
6 Semiconductor optical amplifiers
6.1 Material aspects of SOAs
6.2 Carrier density and optical gain
6.3 Picosecond pulse amplification
6.4 Femtosecond pulse amplification
7 Raman amplifiers
7.1 Raman effect
7.2 Raman gain spectrum of optical fibers
7.3 Fiber Raman amplifiers
7.4 Silicon Raman amplifiers
8 Optical parametric amplifiers
8.1 Physics behind parametric amplification
8.2 Phase-matching condition
8.3 Four-wave mixing in optical fibers
8.4 Three-wave mixing in birefringent crystals
8.5 Phase matching in birefringent fibers
9 Gain in optical metamaterials
9.1 Classification of metamaterials
9.2 Schemes for loss compensation in metamaterials
9.3 Amplification through three-wave mixing
9.4 Resonant four-wave mixing using dopants
9.5 Backward self-induced transparency