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《职场英语》PPT课件 杨安文 西南交通大学

Unit One Know yourself 
Lesson 1 Career Plan 
Lesson 2 Stories of Entrepreneurs 
Lesson 3 Career Choice 
Lesson 4 Vocational Counseling 
Test One 
Unit Two Preparation for challenge 
Lesson 1 Job Ads 
Lesson 2 Cover Letter 
Lesson 3 CV 
Test Two 
Unit Three Interview 
Lesson 1 Interview 
Lesson 2 Definition of Interview 
Lesson 3 Types of Interview 
Lesson 4 Interveiw Rehearsal 
Lesson 5 Bloopers 
Lesson 6 Dressing code 
Test Three 
Unit Four On Boarding 
Lesson 1 Arriving at a new job 
Lesson 2 Self-introduction 
Lesson 3 Organizational structure 
Lesson 4 Facilities 
Lesson 5 Office Culture 
Test Four 
Unit Five On-the-job Skills 
Lesson 1 Meeting Memo & Agenda 
Lesson 2 Meeting Minutes 
Lesson 3 Business Report & Graph Writing 
Lesson 4 Proposal 
Lesson 5 How to make a Killer PPT 
Test Five 
Unit Six Business Communication 
Lesson One Business Phone Call 
Lesson Two Email and Fax 
Lesson Three Tips for Making a Good Presentation 
Lesson Four Samples of Presentation 
Lesson Five Small Talk 
Unit 6 Test 
Unit Seven Business Trips 
Lesson One Flight 
Lesson Two Airport 
Lesson Three Hotel 
Lesson Four Business Dinner 
Lesson Five Dinning Etiquette 
Test Seven 

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