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《职场英语写作》PPT课件 徐永 上海外国语大学

Introduction to EWW 
After learning this unit  students will be able to understand the concept of English writing for the workplace and the importance of strategic thinking in writing  tell the correct writing steps  and prepare to apply the principles of EWW in their future writing.  
1.1 Course overview  
1.2 Understanding EWW  
1.3 EWW principles  
1.4 Unit summary 
Language issues in EWW (1) 
After learning this unit  students will be able to understand the notion of different types of English and which type of English to use in EWW  and know how to use words and build sentences that best suit their communication context.  
2.1 Different types of English  
2.2 Diction  
2.3 Syntax 
Language issues in EWW (2) 
After learning this unit  students will be able to understand and control the style and tone in their EWW works. These two aspects of language skills are more subtle  and distinguish advanced writers from ordinary ones. This unit also makes a recap of units 2 and 3.  
3.1 Style 
3.2 Tone 
3.3 Recap of language issues in EWW 
After learning this unit  students will be able to decide on the format  content and language for their resumes according to their specific situations. Also  they will know how to prepare for a job interview.  
4.1 Process and format 
4.2 Content and language 
4.3 Sample study 
4.4 Sample task and analysis  
4.5 Interview tips  
Notices and notes 
After learning this unit  students will be able to produce notices and notes commonly used in the workplace.  
5.1 Notice writing 
5.2 Note writing 
5.3 Sample tasks and analysis  
After learning this unit  students will be able to write emails with clear focus  proper structure  appropriate language  and professional format. 
6.1 Email introduction 
6.2 Email content 
7.3 Email structure 
7.4 Email language 
7.5 Email layout 
7.6 Recap for email writing  
After learning this unit  students will understand the meeting basics and be able to write effective meeting agendas and concise minutes. 
7.1 Introduction to meetings 
7.2 Vocabulary for meetings 
7.3 Types of meetings  
7.4 Meeting process 
7.5 Meeting etiquette 
7.6 Meeting agendas 
7.7 Meeting minutes 
Work reports 
After learning this unit  students will understand the features of different types of work report  and be able to write both long and short reports with appropriate content  structure and language.  
8.1 Work report introduction 
8.2 Report writing methods 
8.2.1 Writing short work reports 
8.2.2 Writing long work reports 
8.3 Sample report and analysis 
8.4 Recap 
Powerpoint presentations 
After learning this unit  students will be able to create professional slides for powerful Powerpoint presentations. 
9.1 Introduction to PPT presentations 
9.1.1 Significance 
9.1.2 Problems 
9.1.3 \4 less\ principles 
9.2 Format and style 
9.3 Content and layout 
9.4 Sample analysis 
9.5 Tasks 
9.5. Recap  
Chairing meetings 
After learning this unit  students will be able to efficiently chair business meetings and prepare written materials for such activities if necessary. 
10.1 Guidelines 
10.2 Pre-meeting 
10.3 In-meeting 
10.4 Post-meeting 
10.4.1 AOB 
10.4.2 Summary 
10.4.3 Adjournment 
10.5 Dos and don\’ts 
Product Presentations 
After learning this unit  students will be able to professionally present new products at press conferences or roadshows  and prepare written materials for such presentations. 
11.1 Significance 
11.2 3S prep 
11.3 7P principles 
11.4 Writing tips 
11.4.1 \3\ rule  
11.4.2 Sample analysis 
11.5 Language skills 
11.6 Recap 

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