1. 儒家关于自然与人的思想Confucian Thought on Heaven and Humanity
1-1 智慧与信仰 Wisdom and Beliefs
1-2 儒家思想 Confucianism
1-3 孔子关于天的思想 Confucius on Heaven
1-4 孔子关于人的思想:仁 Confucius on People: Ren
1-5 孔子关于人的思想:礼 Confucius on People: Li
1-6 孔子关于人生活状态的思想 Confucius on the State of Life
2. 老子自然无为的哲学思想 Laozi’s Philosophy of Non-action
2-1 老子和《道德经》简介 A brief introduction to Laozi and the Way and Virtue
2-2 自然 Naturalness
2-3 无为 Non-action
2-4 不争的哲学 The philosophy of Non-contention
2-5 返璞归真 Returning to a Newborn State
3.《孙子兵法》:兵书之源 Sunzi’s Art of War: Source for All Books on War
3-1孙子和《孙子兵法》简介 An Introduction of Sunzi and Sunzi’s Art of War
3.2.1 孙子兵法战略思想之例一:先计而后战。 Planning before Going to War.
3.2.2 孙子兵法战略思想之例二:知己知彼,百战不殆。One can Fight and Win a Hundred Wars if One Knows both Oneself and the Enemy.
3.2.3 孙子兵法战略思想之例三:兵以诈立。 The Army Survives by Treachery.
3.2.4 孙子兵法战略思想之例四:不战而屈人之兵。 Winning a War without Fighting It.
3-3《孙子兵法》的辩证思维 The Dialectical Thinking of Sunzi
3-4孙子对慎战的思想和超越军事的智慧 Sunzi’s Cautions Against War and Wisdom Beyond the Military
4.长城 The Great Wall
4-1 长城 The Great Wall
4-2 长城修建的背景 The Reasons of Building the Great Wall
4-3 长城修建的意义 The Significance of Building the Great Wall
4-4长城的精神 The Spirit of the Great Wall
5. 兵马俑 A Silent Army
5-1 兵马俑的发现 Discovery of the Terracotta Army
5-2 四个坑的介绍 The introduction of Pit
5-3 生动的雕塑 Vivid Sculpture
6.京剧Peking Opera
6-1京剧的起源 The Origin of Peking Opera
6-2京剧脸谱的魅力The Delights of Peking Opera Masks
6-3京剧的艺术表现形式Peking Opera Performance
6-4虚拟世界之美The Beauty of “Virtual World”
6-5著名京剧选段Famous Peking Opera Appreciation
6-6著名京剧大师-梅兰芳Great Peking Opera Artist-Mei Lanfang
7.民间艺术 Folk Arts
7-1景泰蓝 Cloisonne
7-2 年画 New Year Pictures
7-3 刺绣 Embroidery
7-4 剪纸 Papercuts
7-5 皮影 Shadow Play
8.丝绸之路The Silk Road
8-1丝绸之路的起源 The Origin of the Silk Road
8-2古代丝绸之路的开拓者-张骞 The Trail Blazer of Ancient Silk Road – Zhang Qian
8-3古代丝绸之路的意义 The Significance of Ancient Silk Road
8-4现代“一带一路”的战略构想 The Strategy of “One Belt and One Road” in Modern Times
8-5“一带一路”战略的意义 The Significance of the Strategy of One Belt and One Road
《中国文化英语》PPT课件 东北农业大学 杨亚丽