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《中级英语写作》PPT课件 梁静璧 广东外语外贸大学

Describe things描写物 
Objective description; describe animals with feelings and emotions;use rhetorical devices;combine objective and subjective descriptions 客观描写物的手法;结合人的感情及运用拟人的修辞手法描写动物;结合客观描写与情感描写物的手法 
1.1 Describe trees 描写树 
1.2 Describe animals 描写动物 
1.3 Combine objective and subjective descriptions 综合描写练习 
Describe senses & foods 感官描写、描写食物 
Describe five senses; Describe thoughts and emotions related to foods 如何描写人的五种感官体会;如何描写食物的特点及描写跟食物相关的情感和心理感受 
2.1 Describe senses 感官描写 
2.2 Describe foods 描写食物 
Describe people 描写人物 
Highlight the features & use concrete details;use specific details to describe feelings & describe different stages of the development of feelings; use evidence to describe personality; use effective language从总括到细节,突出外貌特征;将抽象的情感具体化,描写情感发展的不同阶段;运用例证展现性格;运用清晰精炼的语言、具体生动的词汇以及善于利用明喻 
3.1 Describe appearance 描写外貌 
3.2 Describe feelings 描写情感 
3.3 Describe personality 描写性格 
3.4 Use effective language 用有效的语言描写人物 
Describe a place and scenery 描写地方和景色 
Describe a place in order & highlight the features; use specific words & personification如何按顺序描写地方,写出地方特点;描写景色的细节具有相关性,运用拟人的修辞手法描写景色 
4.1 Describe a place 描写地方 
4.2 Describe scenery 描写景色 
Design a well-knitted plot (1) 设计情节(1) 
Design a three-part structure; supply an ending to the original story & respond to the theme如何设计流畅的三段式情节;如何结合主题来设计有效的结尾 
5.1 Introduce the basic story structure 介绍基本的情节架构 
5.2 Write an effective ending 设计有效的结尾 
Design a well-knitted plot(2) 设计情节(2) 
What is suspense & how to create suspense; what is a flashback  why & how to write flashback什么是悬念,如何制造悬念;什么是倒叙,为什么写倒叙,如何写倒叙 
6.1 Create suspense 制造悬念 
6.2 Use flashback 使用倒叙 
Build characters 描写人物 
Flat characters and round characters; point of view平面人物和立体人物的特点及其描写手法;不同的叙事视角及转换视角叙事 
7.1 Features of flat and round characters人物的分类 
7.2 Point of view 叙事视角 
Construct a setting 设置情境 
Time & place; reveal characters through setting; advance the plot through setting时间因素,空间因素;揭示人物地位、身份、思想情感;情境如何推动情节发展 
8.1 Elements of setting 情境的因素 
8.2 Setting and characters 情境和人物 
8.3 Setting and plot 情境和情节 
Think like a writer 像作家一样思考 
Familiar details are more vivid; the advantages of writing about your own culture; ”Don’t waste the reader’s time” & decide important moments in advance; summary condenses information to save time; scenes show events as they happen  in specific detail & in scenes  time stops and starts选择生动熟悉的细节,写自己的文化更得心应手;“不要浪费读者的时间”, 决定推进情节的重要时刻;把非重点部分放入概述;用细节描写场景,场景描写里要把控时间节奏 
9.1 Write what you know 写自己知道的 
9.2 Narrow your focus 缩小聚焦范围 
9.3The purpose of summary 概述的目的 
9.4 Write vivid scenes 描写生动的场景 
Literary style 文学风格 
The effects of ”Showing” through specific language; avoid over-describing Showing through careful choice of detail;Active voice creates a sense of movement  & Active voice simplifies and strengthens sentences; pick verbs carefully通过具体的用词来展示;防止过度描写,精心挑选细节来展现;主动语态营造动态的世界,主动语态让句子简洁有力;精心挑选动词 
10.1 Showing  not telling 展现,而非直陈 
10.2 Pick the right details选择合适的细节 
10.3 Active voice and a “moving world”善用主动语态,营造“动态的世界” 
10.4 The power of verbs动词的力量 
Design richer narratives 设计丰富的叙述 
Characters are important to plot;no character should be all good or all bad; avoid simple conflict; avoid “stories that go nowhere” & finish stories logically人物对于情节的重要性;没有绝对的好人或坏人;避免简单的冲突;避免无意义的故事,故事结尾符合逻辑 
11.1 Design interesting characters 设计有趣的人物 
11.2 Who is good  and who is bad? 谁是好人,谁是坏人? 
11.3 Develop conflict 发展冲突 
11.4 Resolve conflict 解决冲突 
After your story is done 故事完结后 
Strategies for editing; recognize sentences that are too long and remove unnecessary words; make a list of questions while the partner speaks; read fiction to study its technique; read nonfiction to learn more about the world  which leads to more complex stories校订的策略;找出冗长的句子,删除冗余的词语,凝练词语;同伴发言时,自己列出问题;阅读虚构性小说钻研其技巧,阅读非虚构性小说,了解世界,创作更为复杂的故事 
12.1 The importance of editing 校订的重要性 
12.2 Keep only what is necessary 保留最重要的 
12.3 Advice on partner feedback 同伴互评的建议 
12.4 On continued growth as a writer 作者的成长 
Present an idea 提出论点 
Distinguish facts  opinions  and arguments; distinguish deductive and inductive arguments区分事实、观点、论点;区分归纳和演绎 
13.1Facts  opinions or arguments 事实、观点、论点 
13.2 Deduction and induction 归纳与演绎 
Organize a point of view 组织论点 
Manage introduction  main body  and conclusion; different ways to start and end an argumentative essay掌握议论文开头、主题与结尾三部分的构成要素及其关系;掌握议论文开头和结尾的常见方法 
14.1 Structure an argumentative essay 论说文的结构 
14.2 Begin and end an argumentative essay 论说文的开头与结尾 
Highlight an argument 突出论证 
Shape a thesis statement well; shape a topic sentence well; use coherence and cohesion 掌握写中心论点的诀窍;掌握写主题句的方法;关注篇章的连贯与衔接手法 
15.1Shape a thesis statement well 如何写中心论点句 
15.2 Shape a topic sentence well如何写主题句 
15.3 Use coherence and cohesion 篇章的连贯与衔接 
Do closed-form writing 规范式论说文写作 
How to support the topic sentence(1):expansion and explanation; how to support the topic sentence (2):illustration怎样支撑段落主题:扩展与说理;怎样支撑段落主题:有效利用例释 
16.1 How to support the topic sentence (1) 支撑段落主题的方式(1) 
16.2 How to support the topic sentence (2) 支撑段落主题 的方式(2) 
Use evidence 使用证据 
Introduce 7 types of evidence; introduce 10 types of fallacies介绍7种常见的证据;介绍10种常见的逻辑谬误 
17.1 Types of evidence 证据的种类 
17.2 Logical fallacies 逻辑谬误 
Cause-effect relationship 因果关系 
Introduce logical links in cause-effect relationship; gentle reminders in cause-effect argumentative essays介绍议论文中的因果关系链;介绍撰写因果关系论说文时要注意的问题 
18.1 Logical links 逻辑链条 
18.2 Logical fallacies in cause-effect relationship 因果关系的逻辑谬误 
Comparison and contrast 比较和对比 
Two types of comparison; cohesive devices介绍两种对比结构,介绍对比的目的和语篇连贯词的使用 
Two types of comparison; cohesive devices 
Rebuttal 驳论 
Definition of rebuttal  different ways to do the rebuttal; language patterns for rebuttals介绍驳论的定义和方法;介绍议论文和驳论文中的语言特征 
20.1 How to refute the counter-arguments 如何反驳对方观点 
20.2 Commonly-used language patterns for rebuttals 驳论文的语言特征 
20.3 TEM4 writing 专四英语写作 

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