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《主题英语阅读》PPT课件 李小辉 重庆大学

Men and Women\’s Prejudices 
1.1 Lead-in 
1.2 Unit Overview 
1.3 Passage A: the Unsung Heroes: What About Working Dads? 
1.4 Passage A: Language Support 
1.5 Passage B: A Manifesto for Men 
1.6 Passage B: Language Support 
1.7 Critical Thinking: “Absent Father”-Phenomenon and Problems 
Unit 1 Quiz 1: Language Focus 
Unit 1 Quiz 2: Reading Comprehension 
Unit 1 Quiz 3: Summary and Cloze (Passage A) 
Unit 1 Quiz 4: Summary and Cloze (Passage B) 
2.1 Lead-in 
2.2 Unit Overview 
2.3 Passage A: One Question You Should Ask About Every Job 
2.4 Passage A: Language Support 
2.5 Passage B: Cultural Differences 
2.6 Passage B: Language Support 
2.7 Critical Thinking: “Job hunting is indeed \’The Dating Game\’”-Agree or Disgree 
Unit 2 Quiz 1: Language Focus 
Unit 2 Quiz 2: Reading Comprehension 
Unit 2 Quiz 3: Summary and Cloze (Passage A) 
Unit 2 Quiz 4: Summary and Cloze (Passage B) 
Business Ethics 
3.1 Lead-in 
3.2 Unit Overview 
3.3 Passage A: Dirty Secrets 
3.4 Passage A: Language Support 
3.5 Passage B: Honesty in Business 
3.6 Passage B: Language Support 
3.7 Critical Thinking: What other cases of business ethcis do you know? 
Unit 3 Quiz 1: Language Focus 
Unit 3 Quiz 2: Reading Comprehension 
Unit 3 Quiz 3: Summary and Cloze (Passage A) 
Unit 3 Quiz 4: Summary and Cloze (Passage B) 
Hopes and Fears for the Future 
4.1 Lead-in 
4.2 Unit Overview 
4.3 Passage A: How Can Today\’s College Students Future-Proof Their Careers? 
4.4 Passage A: Language Support 
4.5 Passage B: Love Means Never Having to Say \Get a job\ 
4.6 Passage B: Language Support 
4.7 Critical Thinking: \Future Jobs Will Have Risks of being swallowed by Advances in Automation\ – Agree or Disagree 
Unit 4 Quiz 1: Language Focus 
Unit 4 Quiz 2: Reading Comprehension 
Globalization-One Belt One Road 
5.1 Lead-in 
5.2 Unit Overview 
5.3 Passage A: The Silk Roads: Charismatic Spark 
5.4 Passage A: Language Support 
5.5 Passage B: How to Raise a Global Kid 
5.6 Passage B: Language Support 
5.7 Critical Thinking: What Ideal is Dangerously Delusional? Do you agree with it?  
Unit 5 Quiz 1: Language Focus 
Unit 5 Quiz 2: Reading Comprehension 
Unit 5 Quiz 3: Summary and Cloze (Passage A) 
Unit 5 Quiz 4: Summary and Cloze (Passage B) 
Unit 6 Patents and Innovations 
6.1 Unit Overview 
6.2 Passage A : Set Innovation Free — Time to Fix Patents 
6.3 Passage A : Language Support 
6.4 Passage B : Innovation Emerges From Stories We Tell 
6.5 Critical Thinking :Why does the author think the present patent systems are a rotten way of rewarding them? 
Unit 6 Quiz 1 : Language Focus 
Unit 6 Quiz 2 : Reading Comprehension 
Unit 7 Language and Economy 
7.1 Unit Overview 
7.2 Passage A : Majoring in English for Fun and Profit 
7.3 Passage A : Language Support 
7.4 Passage B : What Is a Foreign Language Worth? 
7.5 Critical Thinking :Real situation of career choices of English majors in China 
Unit 7 Quiz 1 : Language Focus 
Unit 7 Quiz 2 : Reading Comprehension 
Unit 8 Phychological Health 
8.1 Unit Review 
8.2 Passage A : Is It Healthy to Be a Football Supporter?——Why Fans Know the Score 
8.3 Passage A : Language Support 
8.4 Passage B : A Working Man Is a Healthy Man 
8.5 Critical Thinking: Why does the author say that the fans’ connection to a team is fickle? Can you give some reasons according to the text? 
Unit 8 Quiz 1 : Language Focus 
Unit 8 Quiz 2 : Reading Comprehension 

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