第1章 魅力华夏:今日中国 A Charming China: an Introduction to Modern-day China
1.1引言 Introduction
1.2 泱泱:神奇的中国大地 The magnificent landscapes in China
1.3 济济:天南地北中国人 The population diversity in China
1.4 万象:中国城市地图(上) Representative cities in China
1.5 万象:中国城市地图(下)Representative cities in China
1.6 融合:21世纪的中国与世界 Integration: China and the world in the 21st century
第2章 诗礼传世:神奇的汉语故事 A Cultural Inheritance: Mysteries of the Chinese Language
2.4 百花齐放:普通话和方言 A full blossom of Mandarin Chinese and other dialects
2.5 他山之石:外语在中国 Foreign language education in China
2.1 引言 Introduction
2.2 博大精深:汉语的传奇 A profound history of the Chinese language
2.3 方正流长:魅力汉字 The everlasting charm of the upright and square Chinese characters
第3章 生命年轮:中国人的人生仪式 Rings of Our Life Tree: Important Life Ceremonies of Chinese People
3.1 引言 Introduction
3.2 萌芽:诞生礼 Sprout of life: birth ceremony
3.3 春华:成人礼和婚礼 Rosy youth: coming-of-age ceremony and wedding ceremony
3.4 秋实:寿礼 Harvest season:birthday ceremony for the elderly
3.5 沉香:葬礼 Twilight: funeral ceremony
第4章道法自然:中国人的时间法则 The Rule of Nature: The Time System of Chinese People
4.1 引言 Introduction
4.2 天地玄黄:中国传统历法 From heaven to earth: Chinese calendar
4.3 东方瑞兽:中国生肖 Auspicious animals: The Chinese zodiac
4.4 斗转星移:二十四节气 Change of seasons: the 24 solar terms
4.5 良辰吉日:中国传统节日 Lucky dates: Chinese festivals
第5章 智慧中国:智慧生活新气象 Smart China: Smart Lifestyle brought by Innovations
5.1 引言 Introduction
5.2 智慧沟通:改变生活的通信方式 Smart communication: ICT and a new lifestyle
5.3智慧购物:网络购物的时尚潮流 Smart shopping: the trend of online shopping
5.4智慧交通:便捷出行的幸福体验 Smart transportation: a convenient travelling experience
5.5 智慧城市:信息时代的美好家园 Smart city: a wonderful home in the information age
第6章 未来已来:走向世界的中国教育 An Upcoming Future: Chinese Education Preparing for the World
6.1 引言 Introduction
6.2 传道授业:古代教育制度 Preaching and teaching: ancient Chinese educational systems
6.3 春风化雨:当代教育体系 Inspiring and stimulating: current Chinese educational system
6.4 东方象牙塔:中国著名高校一览(上)An Introduction to prestigious Chinese universities
6.5东方象牙塔:中国著名高校一览(下) An Introduction to prestigious Chinese universities
第7章 聆听中国:音乐盛宴 Listen to China: A Musical Feast
7.2 金石丝竹:古典中国音乐与乐器Instruments and sounds: Chinese classical music and its instrument
7.3 生旦净丑:璀璨的中华戏曲 Sheng Dan Jing Chou: Dazzling Chinese operas
7.4 山花烂漫:中国民歌Flowers in full bloom: Chinese folk songs
7.5 雅俗共赏:当代流行音乐 Refined and popular tastes: contemporary pop music and songs
第8章 品味中国:华夏美食 A Taste of China: Chinese Cuisine
8.1 引言 introduction
8.2 以食为天:三餐的秘密 The first necessity–the secret of three meals of the day
8.3 诸味纷呈:五湖四海中国菜 Diverse flavors: specialties from all over the country
8.4东方树叶:中国茶 Oriental leaves: Chinese tea
8.5 对酒当歌:中国酒 Sing while drinking:Chinese wine
第9章 流光溢彩:中华艺术瑰宝 splendid Display of Colors: Treasures of Chinese Arts
9.1 引言 Introduction
9.2 国色:中国传统色彩美学 National colors: Chinese aesthetics of traditional colors
9.3 黑白:中国书画 Black and white: Chinese calligraphy and ink painting
9.4 丹青:剪纸和瓷器 Dan and Qing: paper cutting and porcelain
9.5 缤纷:刺绣与京剧脸谱 Dazzling colors: embroidery and facial makeups in Chinese opera
第10章 创新中国:科技之光 Innovations in China: The Power of Science
10.1 引言Introduction
10.2 超级工程:令人惊叹的中国力量 Impressive megaprojects:Amazing China power
10.3 信息革命:5G时代的数字变革 Information revolution: digital transformation in the age of 5G communication
10.4 创新制造:从中国“制造”到中国“智造” Innovative manufacturing:from “Made in China” to “Wisdom in China”
10.5 空海传奇:大海与星辰的无尽探索 Chinese legends of sky and sea: explorations of the oceans and the universe
第11章 光影传奇:中国影视 Legend of Light and Shadow: Chinese Films and TV Shows
11.1 引言 Introduction
11.2 龙腾四海:全球视野下的中国电影 Each demonstrating his Skill: Chinese films under a global vision
11.3 百花齐放:中国主流电视剧 A Hundred flowers blossoming: Chinese popular TV dramas
11.4人生百态:火热的综艺娱乐 The Diversified Aspects of Life: Popular Variety Shows
11.5 日新月异:自媒体时代 Changing with each passing day: We Media Age
第12章 健康中国:中医与体育China’s Public Health:Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Sports
12.1 引言
12.2 疏经通络:中医外治法 Dredging meridians and collaterals: external therapy of TCM
12.3 固本培元:中药 Consolidating the basis: trtaditional Chinese medicine
12.4 补精益气:食养食疗 Replenishing spirit to invigorate Qi: dietary health care and therapy
12.5 动静相宜:健身运动 Static or dynamic: fitness exercises
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