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《Single Variable Calculus》PPT课件 西北工业大学 张莹

Single Variable Calculus_西北工业大学
1 Preliminaries 
1 Preliminaries 
2 Limits and Continuity 
2.1 The Limit of a Function 
2.2 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws 
2.3 The Precise Definition of a Limit 
2.4 One-Sided Limits 
2.5 Limits Involving Infinity; Asymptotes of Graphs 
2.6 Continuity 
Quiz for Chapter 2 
3 Differentiation 
3.1 Tangents and Derivatives 
3.2 Derivative Functions 
3.3 Differentiation Rules 
3.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 
3.5 Exponential and Logarithmic Differentiations 
3.6 The chain Rule and Parametric Equations 
3.7 Implicit Differentiation 
3.8 Related Rates 
3.9 Linearization and Differentials 
Quiz for Chapter 3 
4 Applications of Derivatives 
4.1 Extreme Values of Functions 
4.2 Mean Value Theorems 
4.3 Indeterminate Forms and L\\\’Hopital\\\’s Rule 
4.4 Monotonic Functions and Derivative Tests 
4.5 Concavity 
4.6 Graphing 
4.7 Applied Optimization Problems 
4.8 Newton\\\’s Method 
4.9 Antiderivatives 
Quiz for Chapter 4 
5 Integration 
5.1 Areas and Distances 
5.2 The Definite Integral 
5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 
5.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Substitution Rule 
Quiz for Chapter 5 
6 Applications of Definite Integrals 
6.1 Areas Between Curves 
6.2 Volumes by Slicing and Rotation About an Axis 
6.3 Volumes by Cylindrical Shells 
6.4 Lengths of Plane Curves 
6.5 Areas of Surfaces of Revolution 
6.6 Work and Fluid Forces 
6.7 Center of Mass 
Quiz for Chapter 6 
7 Transcendental Function 
7.1 Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives 
7.2 Natural Logarithms 
7.3 The Exponential Function 
7.4 a^x and log_a(x) 
7.5 Relative Rates of Growth 
7.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions 
Quiz for Chapter 7 
8 Techniques of Integration 
8.1 Basic Integration Formulas 
8.2 Integration by Parts 
8.3 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions 
8.4 Trigonometric Integrals 
8.5 Trigonometric Substitutions 
8.6 Numerical Integration 
8.7 Improper Integrals 
Quiz for Chapter 8 
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