Unit 1 Introduction
1-1\tCourse Description
1-2\tDescription of English Speech Sounds
1-3\tPhysiology of speech sounds
Achievement Test 1
Unit 2 Vowel
2-1\tDescription of Vowels
2-2\tDescription of English Monophthongs
2-3\tFront vowels
2-4\tBack Vowels
2-5\tCentral Vowels
2-8\tSummary & Achievement Test
Achievement Test 2
Unit 3 Consonants
3-1 Description of Consonants
3-2 Plosives
3-3 Nasals
3-4 Fricative
3-5 Affricates
3-6 Approximants
3-7 Summary & Achievement tests
Achievement tests 3
Unit 4 Sounds and Spelling
4-1 English spelling system
4-2 Vowel letters
4-3 Consonant letters
4-4 Summary & Achievement test
Achievement tests 4
Unit 5 Syllables and Consonant Clusters
5-1 Syllables
5-2\tSyllabic consonants
5-3\tSyllable types
5-4\tConsonant clusters
5-6\tAchievement test
Achievement test 5
Unit 6 Word Stress and Vowel Reduction
6-1 Word stress
6-2 Vowel reduction
6-3 Pitch patterns of a word
6-4 Placement of word stress
6-5 Stress of compounds
6-6 Achievement tests
Achievement tests 6
Unit 7 Sentence Stress & Weak Forms
7-1 Sentence stress (I)
7-2 Sentence stress (II)
7-3 Weak forms
Achievement tests
Unit 8 Connected Speech
8-1 Rhythm (I)
8-2 Rhythm (II)
8-3 Linking
8-4 Assimilation
8-5 Elision
8-6 Achievement test
Achievement tests 8
Unit 9 Intonation
9-1 Tonality-the Division of the Intonation Phrase
9-2 Tonicity-the placement of Nuclear Syllable (I)
9-3 Tonicity-the placement of Nuclear Syllable (II)
9-4 Tone-the Selection of Nuclear Tone (1)
9-5 Tone-the Selection of Nuclear Tone (2)
9-6 Tone-the Selection of Nuclear Tone (3)
9-7 Tone-the Selection of Nuclear Tone (4)
Achievement tests 9
Unit 10 Pitch Contour
10-1 The Components of the intonation phrase
10-2 Pitch contour of prenuclear segment
10-3 Pitch contour of nuclear segment
10-4 Pitch contour of the whole intonation phrase
10-5 Achievement tests
Achievement tests 10
《英语语音》PPT课件 上海师范大学 卜友红