前期预备-开发环境搭建 Pre-preparation – Setup of development environment
1、线路板CAD设计软件的下载和安装;Download and install circuit board CAD design software;2、熟悉软件的设计环境;Familiar with the software design environment;3、熟悉软件的操作界面。Familiar with the operating interface of the software.
预备1 PCB设计环境搭建_客户端下载与安装 Prepare 1 PCB design environment Setup _ Download and install the client
预备2 PCB设计环境搭建_开发环境构建 Preparation 2 PCB design environment construction _ Development environment construction
预备3 PCB设计环境搭建_软件界面介绍 Prepare 3 PCB design environment Construction _ Software interface Introduction
项目一 环境搭建测验 Project 1 Environment construction test
开发环境搭建作业 Development environment setup operation
岗前培训-PCB设计导论 Pre-job training – Introduction to PCB design
1、了解印制电路板的发展过程及分类; Understand the development process and classification of printed circuit boards; 2、认知线路板的组成; The composition of cognitive circuit boards;3、认识PCB常见的设计软件,Understand common design software for PCBs 4、熟悉电路仿真方法。 4. Familiar with circuit simulation methods.
学生在线学习导引单-PCB设计导论 Student online learning Guide Sheet – Introduction to PCB Design
PCB基础知识 PCB basics
立创EDA仿真入门 Introduction to EDA simulation
仿真:立创EDA-多路电源 Simulation: EDA- Multi-channel power supply
技能扩充:基本元件及电路仿真 Skill expansion: Basic components and circuit simulation
作业-PCB项目导论 Job – Introduction to the PCB project
设计准备-信号放大器 Design Preparation-Signal amplifier
1、掌握项目创建与项目文件管理方法; Master project creation and project file management methods;2、学会直接绘制PCB单面板; Learn to directly draw a PCB single panel;3、能够设置简单布线规则。 Can set simple wiring rules.
学生在线学习导引单-信号放大器 Student online learning guide Single – Signal amplifier
任务1 项目文件的创建 Task 1 Project file creation
任务2 原理图文件的创建与命名Task 2 Create and name the schematic file
任务3 PCB文件的创建与命名Task 3 Create and name the PCB file
任务4 项目文件的添加与删除Task 4 Add and delete project files
任务5 PCB布局 Task 5 PCB layout
任务6 PCB布线Task 6 PCB wiring
任务7 线宽规则设置Task 7 Set line width rules
任务8 线间距规则设置Task 8 Set the line spacing rule
任务9焊盘尺寸属性设置Task 9 Set pad size properties
项目二 测验Item 2 test
仿真:立创EDA-电阻器Simulation: EDA-resistor
仿真:立创EDA-三极管放大电路Simulation: EDA-Triode amplifier circuit
技能扩充:信号放大与功率输出仿真Skill expansion: signal amplification and power output simulation
作业-信号放大器Job – Signal amplifier
基础入门-DC供电电源 Basic Introduction-DC Power supply source
1、掌握绘制原理图及PCB单面板的完整流程和方法; Master the complete process and methods of drawing schematic diagrams and PCB single panels;2、掌握基本的布局布线技巧; Master basic layout and wiring skills;3、能够进行DRC检查及PCB设计规则的设置。 Capable of conducting DRC checks and setting PCB design rules.
学生在线学习导引单-DC供电电源Student online learning guide single-DC power supply
任务1 原理图环境配置 Task 1 Schematic Environment Configuration
任务2 原理图绘制常用命令 Task 2: Common commands for schematic drawing
任务3 元器件的查找、放置、替换 Task 3: Search Place and Replace Components
任务4 元器件属性的设置 Task 4: Setting Component Properties
任务5 原理图编译及错误检查 Task 5 Schematic Compilation and Error Checking
任务6 PCB设计流程Task 6 PCB design process
任务7 自定义PCB边框大小Task 7 Customize the PCB border size
任务8 更新PCB Task 8 Update the PCB
任务9 PCB布局Task 9 PCB layout
任务10 PCB规则设置 Task 10 Set PCB rules
任务11 PCB安全间距 Task 11 PCB safety spacing
任务12 PCB设置线宽规则 Task 12 Set line width rules for the PCB
任务13 布线基本操作Task 13 Perform basic cabling operations
任务14 完成PCB布线Task 14 Complete the PCB wiring
任务15 PCB铺铜Task 15 PCB copper laying
任务16 PCB设计欣赏Task 16 PCB design appreciation
任务17 DRC规则检查Task 17 DRC rule checking
任务18 PCB下单Task 18 PCB order
测验-DC供电电源Test -DC power supply
绘制放大电路OPA657Draw amplifier circuit OPA657
仿真:立创EDA-电容器Simulation: Lichon EDA- Capacitor
仿真:立创EDA-电感器Simulation: EDA- Inductor
技能扩充:整流、滤波、稳压仿真Skill expansion: rectification filtering voltage regulation simulation
巩固提升-彩灯控制器 Consolidation Lift – Coloured lantern controller
1、掌握元件库的创建; Master the creation of component libraries;2、巩固双面板的布局布线方法; Consolidate the layout and wiring methods of double-sided boards;3、学习如何将生产文件导出; Learn how to export production files;4、能够进行PCB下单打样。 Able to place PCB orders and make samples.
学生在线学习导引单-彩灯控制器Student online learning guide single – color light controller
任务1 流水灯显示PCB单元概述Task 1 Flow light shows an overview of the PCB unit
任务2 流水灯显示PCB单元项目创建Task 2 Flow light shows PCB unit project creation
任务3 流水灯显示PCB单元原理图符号Task 3 Flow light displays PCB unit schematic symbols
任务4 元件库创建Task 4 Component library creation
任务5 原理图符号的绘制Task 5 Schematic symbol drawing
任务6 原理图符号的修改Task 6 Modify schematic symbols
任务7 原理图的布局Task 7 Schematic layout
任务8 原理图的布线Task 8 Schematic wiring
任务9 原理图的DRC检查Task 9 DRC check of schematics
任务10 封装库的创建Task 10 Creating a wrapper library
任务11 封装库的绘制Task 11 Packaging library drawing
任务12 不规则PCB边框板定义Task 12 Irregular PCB border board definition
任务13 元件布局、规则设置、布线Task 13 Component layout rule setting wiring
任务14 双面板铺铜Task 14 Double-sided plate laying copper
任务15 双面板铺铜DRC检查Task 15 Double-sided plate laying copper DRC inspection
任务16 PCB彩色丝印和阻焊颜色Task 16 PCB color screen printing and solder stop color
任务17 彩色丝印生产加工Task 17 Production and processing of color screen printing
绘制电源和放大电路OP07 Draw the power supply and amplifier circuit OP07
仿真:立创EDA-三人表决电路Simulation: EDA- three-person voting circuit
仿真:立创EDA-仪器仪表Simulation: Lichon EDA- Instrumentation
技能扩充:发光二极管仿真Skill expansion: LED simulation
进阶拓展-寻迹避障传感器 Advanced Expansion – Tracking obstacle avoidance sensor
1、掌握元件库的创建; Master the creation of component libraries;2、巩固双面板的布局布线方法; Consolidate the layout and wiring methods of double-sided boards; 3、学习如何将生产文件导出; Learn how to export production files;4、能够进行PCB下单打样。 Able to place PCB orders and make samples.
学生在线学习导引单-寻迹避障传感器Student online Learning Guide – Tracking obstacle avoidance sensor
任务1 检查寻迹PCB单元工程、原理图和PCB的创建Task 1 Check the tracing PCB unit engineering schematics and PCB creation
任务2 多子件元件原理图库绘制Task 2 Schematic library drawing of multiple sub-components
任务3 设置封装库(SOP8)和属性Task 3 Set the wrapper library (SOP8) and properties
任务4 原理图规范设置Task 4 Schematic specification Settings
任务5 检查寻迹PCB单元原理图绘制Task 5 Check the tracing PCB unit schematic drawing
任务6 检查寻迹PCB单元原理图检查Task 6 Check the tracing PCB unit schematic check
任务7 添加泪滴Task 7 Add teardrops
任务8 铺铜Task 8 Lay copper
任务9 检测寻迹PCB单元DRC规则检查、生产文件导出Task 9 Detect trace PCB unit DRC rule check production file export
测验-寻迹避障传感器Test – Tracking obstacle avoidance sensor
仿真:立创EDA-电压源与电流源Simulation: EDA- Voltage source and current source仿真:立创EDA-三相电源Simulation: Lichuang EDA- three-phase power supply
仿真:立创EDA-受控源Simulation: EDA- Controlled source
绘制圆形Draw a circular NODE
技能扩充:集成运放仿真Skill expansion: Integrated op amp simulation
寻迹避障传感器项目作业Tracking obstacle avoidance sensor project work
综合应用-MCU控制器 Integrated Application -MCU controller
1、学习复杂PCB的设计方法,例如放置总线、不规则PCB板框的导入; Learn design methods for complex PCBs such as placing buses and importing irregular PCB frames;2、掌握更多的布局布线技巧,例如给PCB板添加图片和生成3D视图; Master more layout and wiring skills such as adding images to PCB boards and generating 3D views;3、具备自主设计较高集成度PCB产品的能力。 Capable of independently designing highly integrated PCB products.
学生在线学习导引单-MCU控制器Student online learning Guide single-MCU controller
任务1 STC15核心板项目及原理图准备Task 1 STC15 core board project and schematic preparation
任务2 从DXF文件导入板框Task 2 Import the board enclosure from a DXF file
任务3 核心板板框开槽Task 3 Slot the core plate frame
任务4 核心板布局Task 4 Core board layout
任务5 核心板布线Task 5 Wiring the core board
任务6 放置图片、查看3DTask 6 Place the image and view 3D
测验-MCU控制器Test -MCU controller
拓展:PCB工艺(立创云课堂) Expansion: PCB Process (Lichuang Cloud Class)
1、介绍了PCB生产加工的相关知识; Introduced the relevant knowledge of PCB production and processing;2、讲解了PCB工艺; Explained the PCB process;3、学习者可以对PCB产品制成有个更全面的了解,实现产品的设计到制作相融相通。 Learners can have a more comprehensive understanding of PCB product manufacturing achieving a seamless integration from product design to production.
焊盘Bonding pad
金属化孔与非金属化孔Metallized and nonmetallic holes
线宽与线隙Line width and line gap
PCB工作图层PCB working layer
禁止布线层与机械层Wiring layer and mechanical layer are prohibited
过孔内径与外径Inside diameter and outside diameter of the hole
导线与焊盘Wire and pad
PCB拼版PCB assembly
半孔工艺Half-hole process
感光油墨Photosensitive ink
工艺公差Process tolerance
立创EDA课程结业考核EDA course completion assessment
立创EDA课程结业考核EDA course completion assessment
《线路板CAD》PPT课件 苏州市职业大学 邓建平