1 平片——最常用的X线检查
1.1 X射线的产生
1.2 X射线在物质中的衰减规律
1.3 X射线和物质的相互作用
1.4 模拟X线摄影
1.5 数字X线摄影DR
第1讲 单元测验
2 平片里的战斗机——特殊X线检查
2.1 给X线检查加点料——X线造影术
2.2 乳房卫士——乳腺钼靶X线检查
2.3 平片里的减法——数字减影血管造影
2.4 小结
第2讲 单元测验
3 平片升级版——CT检查
3.1 CT图像重建原理
3.2 削菠萝式的螺旋CT
3.3 CT与DR的比较
3.4 小结
第3讲 单元测验
4 安全无创无辐射——超声检查
4.1 超声的发射和接收
4.2 超声的反射和透射
4.3 B超检查原理
4.4 多姿多彩的检查——彩超
4.5 B超与CT比较
4.6 小结
第4讲 单元测验
5 看“穿”大脑之利器——磁共振检查
5.1 磁共振有辐射吗?—磁共振原理
5.2 能级劈裂
5.3 磁共振成像参数—弛豫
5.4 磁共振多参数图像—加权图像
5.5 自由感应衰减信号
5.6 MRI与CT的比较
5.7 MRI检查虚拟仿真流程
5.8 小结
第5讲 单元测验
6 一直被误会——核医学检查
6.1 放射性活度
6.2 γ闪烁计数器
6.4 谈“辐射”色变之医疗辐射防护
6.5 小结
第6讲 单元测验
Course Schedule
Section 1: Radiography—The Most Common Radiographic Examinations
1.1. Generation of X-Rays
1.2. Attenuation Laws of X-Rays in Matter
1.3. Interaction of X-Rays with Matter
1.4. Analog Radiography – Plain Films
1.5. Digital Radiography (DR)
1.6. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz
Section 2:Fighter Jet in Radiography—Special X-ray Examinations
2.1. Spicing Up X-ray Examinations—X-ray Contrast Techniques
2.2. Guardian of Breast Health—Mammographic Examination with Molybdenum Target
2.3. Subtraction in Plain Films—Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)
2.4. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz
Section 3: The upgraded X-ray detection — Computed Tomography (CT)
4.1. Principles of CT Image Reconstruction
4.2. Pineapple-slicing Spiral CT
4.3. Comparison between CT and DR
4.4. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz
Section 4:Non-invasive and Radiation-free Screening—Ultrasound Examination
4.1. Transmission and Reception of Ultrasound
4.2. Reflection and Transmission of Ultrasound
4.3. Principles of Ultrasonography (USG)
4.4. Color Doppler Ultrasound—Colorful Examination
4.5. Comparison between Ultrasound and CT
4.6. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz
Section 5:Exploring the Brain — Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
5.1. Does Magnetic Resonance Have Radiation?—Principles of Magnetic Resonance
5.2. Energy Level Splitting
5.3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameters—Relaxation
5.4. Multi-parametric MRI Images—Weighted Images
5.5. Free Induction Decay Signal
5.6. Comparison between MRI and CT
5.7. Virtual Simulation Process of MRI Examination
5.8. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz
Section 6:The Often Misunderstood—Nuclear Medicine Examination
6.1. Radioactive Activity
6.2. Gamma Scintillation Counters
6.3. PET+CT = PET-CT
6.4. Medical Radiation Protection
6.5. Summary
Assignment: unit quiz