1.1 Chemistry Is a Central Useful and Creative Science While It Is Facing Problems
1.2 Shortage of Resources and Health Concerns
1.3 Requirement of Sustainable Development and the Development of Green Chemistry
Green Chemistry
①了解绿色化学的基本概念、内涵和目标。②掌握绿色化学与环境治理的区别和联系。③掌握原子经济性的基本思想,并能在实际化学反应和化学过程中使用之。④熟悉绿色化学的各个研究领域。⑤掌握绿色化学12 原则。
2.1 The Connotation of Green Chemistry
2.2 The Realizability of Green Chemistry and Promoting the Development of Green Chemistry
2.3 Atom Economy of Chemical Reaction
2.4 Atom Economy Environmental Effects and Research Area of Green Chemistry
2.5 Seeking for New Starting Materials-1
2.6 Seeking for New Starting Materials-2
2.7 Seeking and Designing Safer and Effective Synthetic Routes and Seeking for New Conversion Methods
2.8 Seeking for Safer New Reaction Conditions
2.9 Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry
Designing Safer Chemicals
3.1 General Principles for Designing Safer Chemicals
3.2 Building the foundation for designing safer chemicals
3.3 Understanding of the Basic Toxicity and Corresponding Molecular Design
3.4 Absorption and Related Design
3.5 Designing Safer Chemicals from an Understanding of Toxic Mechanism
3.6 Designing Safer Chemicals Using Structure-Activity (Toxicity) Relationships
3.7 Designing Safer Chemicals Using Group Contribution Method and Isosteric Replacements
3.8 Elimination of the Need for Associated Toxic Substances
Application of Designing Safer Chemicals
4.1 Isosteric Replacement of Carbon with Silicon in the Design of Safer Chemicals
4.2 Designing Biodegradable Chemicals
4.3 Examples of Designing Biologically Safer Chemicals and Designing Aquatically Safer Chemicals
4.4 Designing Aquatically Safer Chemicals
4.5 Designing Aquatically Safer Chemicals and Molecular Modification
Techniques in Green Chemistry
5.1 The Performance of Catalysts in Chemical Reaction
5.2 The Design of Higher Efficient and Safe Catalyst
5.3 Changing Starting Material for Chemical Reaction and Changing Reagents
5.4 Changing the Solvent of Chemical Reaction
5.5 Process Control and Process Intensification
5.6 Process Intensification via Improvement of Technical Methods
《Green Chemistry》PPT课件 胡常伟 四川大学