作 者:刘先觉 著
第一篇 中国建筑史研究
Chapter 1 Studies on the History of Chinese Architecture
1 中国近代建筑史的地位与价值
The Status and Value of the Early Modern History of ChineseArchitecture
2 建筑教育的师表—纪念杨廷宝先生诞辰一百周年
A Paragon in Architectural Education—In Memory of the CentenaryBirthday of Mr. T. P. Yang
3 过渡时期的建筑见证—1898—1937 年南京近代建筑形态
The Architectural Witnesses in the Transitional Period—the EarlyModern Architectural
Forms of Nanjing during 1898-
4 澳门建筑今昔
Macau\’s Architecture from the Past to the Present
5 中国传统建筑文化在海外的传承—新加坡佛教建筑的继承与革新
Overseas Continuity of Traditional Chinese ArchitecturalCulture—Continuity and
Creation of Buddhist Architecture in Singapore
6 洋务派与早期民间仿洋式建筑—中国建筑学会建筑史学分会第一次年会论文
The Westernization Faction and the Early Imitations of WesternArchitecture—A
Paper for the 1st Annual Conference of Architectural History Branchof ASC
7 建筑技术在南京近代建筑发展中的作用
The Role Played by Architectural Techniques in Nanjing\’s EarlyModern Architectural
8 研究中国近现代建筑艺术的意义与价值
The Significance and Values of Studying Modern and ContemporaryArchitectural Art
of China
9 西方建筑思潮对中国建筑的挑战
The Challenge to Chinese Architecture from the West Trend10鸦片战争前中国的西式建筑概述
A Brief Account of Western Style Buildings in China before theOpium War
11 澳门1900 年前重要建筑普查研究报告
A Survey Report on Macau\’s Significant Buildings Constructedbefore
12 澳门城市发展概况
A General Survey of Macau\’s Urban Development
13 澳门的宗教建筑
刘先觉文集 [刘先觉 著] 2012年