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《初级汉语综合》PPT课件 陈海芳 浙江科技大学

0. Chinese Character & Phonetic Pinyin-汉字 & 拼音 
After this lesson  you will know the basics of Chinese characters and how to write them also you will know how to read Chinese character. 学完本课,你将了解汉字的基本知识并知道如何书写汉字以及如何拼读汉字。 
0.1 It\’s easy to learn Chinese Character-汉字易学-15‘45 
0.2 How to write Chinese Character-汉字怎么写-21‘00 
0.3 Character Introduction-汉字概览-9‘42 
0.4 Phonetic Pinyin-拼音-18‘42 
1. Radicals about nature-部首“自然” & Radicals about human etc.-部首\人\ & 其他 
After this lesson  you will know the 10 most commonly used radicals and many radicals about nature、human、animal and so on. Then you will know how to write character easily.学完本课,你将知道十个最常用的汉字部首以及有关于自然\\人、动物、器具衣物等的数十个常用部首,由此你将可以更容易习得汉字的书写办法。 
1.1Radicals-Top 10(氵木艹口扌亻钅忄女虫)-10‘22 
1.2 Radicals-about Nature[1](4-氵冫火木)-14‘01 
1.3 Radicals-about Nature[2](4-艹钅土)-9‘19 
1.4 Radicals-about Nature[3](5-日月夕阝雨)-7‘57 
1.5 Radicals-about Nature[4](4-糸山石玉)-10‘53 
1.6 Radicals-about Human[1](6-亻疒口欠饣讠)-19‘03 
1.7 Radicals-about Human[2](5-女子心月衤)-10‘11 
1.8 Radicals-about Human[3](4-目扌又攵页耳)-10‘23 
1.9 Radicals-about Human[4](5-彳辶止走足)-8‘21 
1.10 Radicals-about Animal(9-虫鱼犭马鸟隹羽牛门)13‘41 
1.11 Radicals-about Thing&Clothing(9-刂戈贝弓矢斤衣巾革)-9‘21 
1.12 Radicals-about Container(8-车广酉宀皿舟囗穴)-11’48 
1.13 Radicals-the others(6禾米礻力田瓦)-8‘42 
2. Word Order-语序 & 也、都、还 
After this lesson  you will know the two basic types of Chinese sentences and the word order. 学完本课,你将知道汉语句子的两大基本类型,并知道基本的汉语语序。 
2.1 Word Order [Verb]-语序[动词]-9‘20 
2.2 Word Order [Adj]-语序[形容词]-7’34 
2.3 Word Order [Quesiton]-语序[疑问句]-16‘08 
2.4 adv:also\\all\\still[1]-也、都、还[1]-10‘47 
2.5 adv:also\\all\\still[2]-也、都、还[2]-9‘21 
3. Classifiers-量词 
After this lesson  you will know a very special class of Chinese words–Classifiers.学完本课,你将知道汉语中很特殊的一类词——量词。 
3.1 Noun Classifiers-Countable-可数名量词-12‘32 
3.2 Noun Classifiers-the others-其他可数名量词-11‘06 
3.3 Noun Classifiers-Uncountable-不可数名-12‘11 
3.4 times-次vs遍-L9-10‘25 
4. Be doing-正在做什么、没有vs不  
After this lesson  you will know how to use the progression of an action and the difference between“没有” and “不”which both means \no \.学完本课,你将知道如何使用正在进行时,并了解同表示“No”的“没有”与“不”的区别。 
4.1 be doing[1]-正在[1]-L2-6‘42 
4.2 be doing[2]-正在[2]-L2-6‘42 
4.3 when-的时候-L2-6‘27 
4.4 no-没有vs不-L2-4‘10 
4.5 some…some…-有的…有的…-L1-7‘52 
4.6 sometimes-有时候…有时候…-L1-7‘48 
5. Seperable Verbs离合词 & Several groups of Synonym such as \ 或者vs还是、一点儿vs有点儿、再vs又、就vs才\ etc. 
After this lesson  you will know how to use seperable verbs and Several groups of Synonym such as \ 或者vs还是、一点儿vs有点儿、再vs又、就vs才\ etc. 学完本课,你将了解一些近义词的使用方法,比如“或者vs还是、一点儿vs有点儿、再vs又、就vs才、以后vs然后”等等。 
5.1 A or B-或者vs还是-L1-9‘09 
5.2 a little-一点儿vs有点儿-L4-12‘49 
5.3 After & Then-以后vs然后-L6-4‘48 
5.4 adv: again-再vs又-L16-12‘05 
5.5 Adv: 就vs才[1]for past-L18-12‘10 
5.5.1 Adv: 就vs才[2]for future-L18-8’51 
5.6 seperable verbs-离合词-L9-21‘03 
6. Several Sentence Patterns such as pivotal sentences & 对+…verb & Two objects & Repeated verbs “兼语句、双宾语句、对+、动词重叠”等几种句型 
After this lesson  you will know several Sentence Patterns such as pivotal sentences  serial-verb construction  two objects and how to use the structure“对……感兴趣”. 学完本课,你将知道兼语句、双宾语句、联动句以及如何使用“对……感兴趣”这一结构。 
6.1 two objects-双宾语句“教、给、问、回答”-L2-15‘58 
6.2 serial-verb construction-连动句-L18-10‘23 
6.2.1 go to sb-去我那儿-L6-2‘43 
6.3 repeated verbs-动词重叠-L4-10‘52 
6.4 pivotal sentences(ask sb. do sth.)-兼语句-L7-10‘39 
6.4.1 adv:conveniently;by the way-顺便-L3-9‘25 
6.4.2 help&for-帮、替、给-L3 
6.5 not only…but also-又…又…-L4-3‘31 
6.6 be interested in-对…感兴趣-L7-12‘01 
6.6.1 be satisfied with-对…满意…-L18-9‘02 
6.6.2 Prep: about、with-对…verb-L18-9’07 
7. Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐! 
After this lesson  you will know how to use the sentence with a nominal predicate  and understand the use of adverbs such as “正好” and “一定 \. 学完本课,你将知道如何使用名词谓语句,并了解“正好”、“一定”等副词的使用方法。 
7.1 how to ask about age-年龄-L5-4‘11 
7.2 date & time-日期与时间-L5-11‘06 
7.3 sentence without predicate-名词谓语句-L5-3‘59 
7.4 12 animals symbolize the year in which a person is born-你属什么-L5 
7.5 adv:happen to,chance to,just right-正好-L5-9‘14 
7.6 adv:surely;must-一定-L5-7‘06 
7.7 for\\so-为了\\这么\\那么-L10-4‘48 
8. How to describe locations:Direction+有/是 – 上边 有/是 书; From…To-从…到 & Go ahead-往前走 
After this lesson  you will learn how to ask for directions and how to show the way for the others in China.学完本课,你将学会在中国如何问路以及给人指路。 
8.1 direction+有-上边有书-L8-3‘47 
8.2 direction+是-上边是书-L8-5‘07 
8.3 from\o-从\\到-L8-8‘35 
8.4 from…to…-从…到…-L8-10‘24 
8.5 how far/tall/long…-多远/高/长…-L8-10‘3 
8.6 go ahead-往前走-L8-7‘49 
8.7 go towards some place-往银行走-L8-8‘49 
9. Modal verbs“会、可以、能”-能愿动词“会、可以、能” 
After this lesson  you will learn how to use modal verbs such as\会、可以、能\. 学完本课,你将学会能愿动词“会、可以、能”等的用法。 
9.1 modal verbs“会”-能愿动词“会”-L9-13‘03 
9.2 modal verbs“可以”-能愿动词“可以”-L9-9‘30 
9.3 modal verbs“能 [1]”-能愿动词“能 [1]”-L24-15‘59 
9.3.1 modal verbs“能 [2]”-能愿动词“能 [2]”-L24-7‘51 
9.3.2 modal verbs“能 [3]”-能愿动词“能 [3]”-L24-8‘03 
9.4 modal verbs“想”&“要”-能愿动词“想”&“要”-L9 
9.5 modal verbs“愿意”&“得”-能愿动词“愿意”&“得”-L9-10‘14 
9.6 modal verbs drill-能愿动词总练习-L9 
10. How to use “了” & “过” 
After his lesson  you will learn the usage of the past tense with“了” and “了”which means something is changed  and you will know how to use the completion of an action with “了”  and also “要…了” to indicate situation is about to change. After learning this lesson  you will know how to use “Verb+过” . 学完本课,你将学会表示过去时的“了”的用法以及表示动词完成的“了”的用法;同时你将了解如何使用动态助词“过”。 
10.1 “了”about change-“了”表变化-L9-12‘02 
10.2 “sentence+了”about past tense-句尾“了”表过去时-L16-14‘11 
10.3 completion of an action“verb+了”[1]-动词+了[1]-L17-10’59 
10.3.1 completion of an action“verb+了”[2]-动词+了[2]-L17-14‘07 
10.3.2 completion of an action“verb+了”[3]-动词+了[3]-L17-9‘22 
10.4 How to use “要…了” to indicate situation is about to change-[1]-5‘53 
10.5 How to use “要…了” to indicate situation is about to change-[2]-6‘42 
10.6 How to use verb+过 to emphasize experience-14‘8 
11. How to distinguish constructional particles“的 & 地 & 得” and How to use constructional particles“的” 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to distinguish constructional particles“的 & 地 & 得” and how to use constructional particles“的”.学完本课,你将知道如何区分“的、地、得”以及了解如何使用结构助词“的”。 
11.1 How to distinguish constructional particles“的 & 地 & 得”-7\’46 
11.2 Adj/Verb+的 & How to omit 的-14‘25 
11.3 Subject-predicate structure with 的 acts as an attributive-14‘12 
11.4 “是……的”structure to emphasize action took place in the past-[1]-10‘52 
11.4.1 “是……的”structure to emphasize action took place in the past-[2]-4‘50 
12. How to use “一点儿也不” to indicate complete negation 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to use “一点儿也不” to indicate complete negation. 学完本课,你将了解如何使用“一点儿也不”。 
12.1 How to use “一点儿也不” to indicate complete negation-[1]-7‘51 
12.1.1 How to use “一点儿也不” to indicate complete negation-[2]-6‘00 
12.1.2 How to use “一点儿也不” to indicate complete negation-张玲 
13. Complements of State-状态补语 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to use Complements of State and Complex Complements of State.学完本课,你将了解如何使用状态补语y以及复杂状态补语。 
13.1 Complements of State-状态补语-12‘58-陈海芳 
13.1.1 complement of state[1]-状态补语[1]-10-5‘41-包晨颖 
13.1.2 complement of state[2]-状态补语[2]-L10-5‘02-包晨颖 
13.2 Complex Complements of State-复杂状态补语-[1]-9‘20 
13.3 Complex Complements of State-复杂状态补语-[2]-9‘09 
14. Complements of Result-结果补语: 完、对、懂、好、给、对、成、上、开、住 
After this lesson  you will know how to use the complements of result. 学完本课,你将学会结果补语的使用方法。 
14.1 Complements of Result-完、对、早-L29-12‘7 
14.2 Complements of Result-懂、好、给-L29-14‘1 
14.3 Complements of Result-到 [1]-L29-13‘31 
14.3.1 Complements of Result-到 [2]-L29-11‘18 
14.4 Complements of Result-成 -11‘53 
14.5 Complements of Result-上、开-11‘42 
14.6 Complements of Result-住-5‘33 
14.7 Complements of Result drill-总练习-7‘33 
15. Complement of duration-时量补语 
After this lesson  you will know how to use the complements of duration.学完本课,你将学会时量补语的使用方法。 
15.1 complement of duration [1]-L20-6‘51 
15.2 complement of duration [2]-L20-11‘26 
15.3 complement of duration [3]-L20-8‘5 
15.4 complement of duration [4]-L20-7’54 
16. Complements of Direction & Extension of the Complements of Direction-趋向补语及其引申义 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to use Complements of Direction and Extension of the Complements of Direction .学完本课,你将了解如何使用趋向补语以及趋向补语的引申义 
16.1 Complements of Direction-Place[1]-趋向补语-地点类1-11‘21 
16.1.1 Complements of Direction-Place[2]-趋向补语-地点类2-[1]-6‘33 
16.1.2 Complements of Direction-Place[2]-趋向补语-地点类2-[2]-5‘28 
16.2 Complements of Direction-Thing-趋向补语-事物类-[1]-12‘20 
16.2.1 Complements of Direction-Thing-趋向补语-事物类-[2]-4‘39 
16.3 Extension of the Complements of Direction-[1]下来vs下去-12‘15 
16.4 Extension of the Complements of Direction-[2]起来-[1]-10‘28 
16.4.1 Extension of the Complements of Direction-[2]起来-[2]-8‘02 
16.5 Extension of the Complements of Direction-[3]出来-8‘32 
17. How to use aspect particles“着” 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to use aspect particles“着”.学完本课,你将了解如何使用动态助词“着”。 
17.1 How to use aspect particles“着”-[1].Location-[1]-5‘45 
17.1.1 How to use aspect particles“着”-[1].Location-[2]-5‘40 
17.1.2 How to use aspect particles“着”-[1].Location-[3]-6‘07 
17.2 How to use aspect particles“着”-[2].Describe-11‘46 
17.3 How to use aspect particles“着”-[3].Continuation-13‘02 
17.4 How to use aspect particles“着”-[4].Accompany-13‘46 
17.5 Existential Sentence-11‘52 
18. Complements of Possibility-可能补语 
After learning this lesson  you will know how to use Complements of Possibility.学完本课,你将了解如何使用可能补语。 
18.1 Complements of Possibility-[1].Result-可能补语-结果类-[1]-9‘25 
18.1.1 Complements of Possibility-[1].Result-可能补语-结果类-[2]-8‘26 
18.2 Complements of Possibility-[2].Direction-可能补语-趋向类-8‘59 
18.3 Complements of Possibility-[3].了-可能补语-了-10’11 
18.4 Complements of Possibility-[4].得-可能补语-得-10‘08 
19. Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns-疑问代词活用 
After learning this lesson  you will know the flexible use of Interrogative Pronouns.学完本课,你将了解疑问代词活用的方法。 
19.1 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns[1]-疑问代词活用[1]-[1]-8‘56 
19.1.1 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns[1]-疑问代词活用[1]-[2]-9‘53 
19.2 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns[2]-疑问代词活用[2]-[1]-8\’35 
19.2.1 Flexible Use of Interrogative Pronouns[2]-疑问代词活用[2]-[2]-9‘13 
20. How to compare-如何比较 
After this lesson  you will know how to compare with “越来越、比、跟” etc.学完本课,你将知道如何使用“越来越、比、跟”等词语进行对比。 
20.1 The structure “越来越”  
20.2 The structure “越A越B”-[1]-12\’29 
20.2.1 The structure “越A越B”-[2]-5\’26 
20.3 How to Compare-A比B [1]-16‘27 
20.3.1 How to Compare-A比B [2]-11‘56 
20.3.2 How to Compare-A比B [3]更、还-8‘41 
20.4 How to Compare-Negative-A没有B-17‘21 
20.4.1 How to Compare-Negative-A不比B-12‘13 
20.5 How to use “跟…一样” to compare-[1].Adj-5‘01 
20.5.1 How to use “跟…一样” to compare-[2].Noun-11‘ 
21. The Ba-Sentence & The Bei-Sentence-把字句和被字句 
After this lesson  you will know how to use the Ba-Sentence and Bei-Sentence.学完本课,你将知道如何使用“把字句”和“被字句”。 
21.1 The Ba-Sentence-A把B+Verb+…[1].blance-10’26 
21.2 The Ba-Sentence-A把B+Verb+…[2].change-[1]-10‘08 
21.2.1 The Ba-Sentence-A把B+Verb+…[2].change-[2]-6‘52 
21.3 The Bei-Sentence-被字句[1]-[1]-7‘43 
21.3.1 The Bei-Sentence-被字句[1]-[2]-6‘08 
21.4 The Bei-Sentence-被字句[2]-9‘28 
22. Several groups of Synonym & most commonly used adverbs etc. 
After this lesson  you will know Several groups of Synonym & most commonly used adverbs etc.学完本课,你将了解一些近义词和副词的使用方法。 
22.1 Synonym-值得vs值-11\’35 
22.2 Synonym-估计vs可能-12‘33 
22.3 Synonym-刚vs刚才-[1]-7\’25 
22.3.1 Synonym-刚vs刚才-[2]-10\’34 
22.4 Adv-竟然 & Messure Word-倍-8‘53 
22.5 Rhetorical question-反问句:不是……吗-9‘44 
22.5.1 Rhetorical question-反问句:不是……吧-7‘0 
23. Several groups of Correlatives Words 
After this lesson  you will know Several groups of Correlatives Words which will help you with more complex expressions.学完本课,你将知道一些关联词的使用方法。 
23.1 because…so…-因为…所以…-L17-15‘27 
23.2 If…then…-要是…就…-L18-16‘09 
23.3 Although…but…-虽然…但是…-L18-11’09 
23.4 Correlatives Words[1]不但…而且…-12‘19 
23.5 Correlatives Words[2]一…就…-[1]-6‘25 
23.5.1 Correlatives Words[2]一…就…-[2]-7‘39 
23.6 Correlatives Words[3]只要…就…-8‘09 
23.6.1 Correlatives Words[3]只有…才…-10‘13 
23.7 Two actions happen at the same time-一边…一边…-12‘08 

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