中国建筑 英文版 第2版
作者:蔡燕歆 著
出版时间: 2016年版
有人说,了解一个国家可先从了解它的建筑开始,因为建筑是人类生活史的浓缩,建筑是活着的记忆,建筑是通俗易懂的语言。中国传统建筑与欧洲建筑、伊斯兰建筑并列为世界三大建筑体系,其一屋、一楼、一殿、一庙、一桥、一塔……无不有着文化、历史、政治、宗教、社会的影响。本书以讲故事的方式,介绍中国不同建筑形态背后的文化内涵。Someone says that to understand a country, one may begins from its architecture, since architecture is a concentration of history of human life, a living memory, and a language that is easy to understand. Traditional Chinese architecture, along with European architecture and Islamic architecture, are called three architectural systems of the world. Each one, no matter a room, a tower, a hall, a temple, a bridge, or a pagoda, reflects the influence of Chinese culture, history, politics, religion, and society. This book, in the form of telling stories, introduces the cultural connotation behind different Chinese architectural forms.
中国建筑 英文版 第2版 蔡燕歆 著 2016年版