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《国际贸易 (英)》PPT课件 许统生 江西财经大学

国际贸易 (英)_江西财经大学
World Trade: an Overview 
1.1 Why trade is important 
1.2Features and Trends of World Trade 
1.3Who Trades with Whom: The Gravity Model 
Classical Trade Theory 
2.1 Mercantilism 
2.2 Absolute Advantage Theory 
2.3 Comparative Advantage Theory (1) 
2.4 Comparative Advantage Theory (2) 
Neoclassical trade Theory 
3.2 Specific Factors Model (2) 
3.3 Heckscher-Ohlin Model (1) 
3.4 Heckscher-Ohlin Model (2) 
3.5 Factor-Price Equalization  
3.6 Leontief Paradox 
The Standard Trade Model 
4.1 A Standard Trade Model (1) 
4.2 A Standard Trade Model (2) 
4.3 The Effects of Economic Growth 
4.4 The Effects of Import Tariffs and Export Subsidies 
New Trade Theory and Frontier of Trade Theory 
5.1 External Economies of Scale and Trade 
5.2 Introduction and Imperfect Competition 
5.3 Review of Monopolistic Competition Equilibrium 
5.4 New Trade Theory (1) 
5.5 New Trade Theory (2) 
5.6 New New Trade Theory 
Trade Protection Theory 
6.1 Infant-Industry Protection Theory 
6.2 Foreign Trade Multiplier Theory 
6.3 Strategic Trade Protection Theory 
The Instruments of Trade Policy 
7.1 Concepts and Classification of a Tariff  
7.2 Effects of a Tariff 
7.3 Effective Rate of Protection  
7.4 Costs and Benefits of a Tariff 
7.5 Import Quotas and Voluntary Export Restraints 
7.6 Subsidies  
The political Economy of Trade Policy 
8.1 The case for Free Trade 
8.2 National Welfare Argument against Free Trade  
8.3 Income Distribution and Trade Policy 
Foreign Trade policy in the developed and developing countries 
9.1 Import substitution Industrialization policy 
9.2 Export Oriented Industrialization 
9.3 U.S. Foreign Trade Policy 
9.4 Instruments of U.S. Foreign Trade Policy 
9.5 South Korean trade policy (1) 
9.6 South Korean trade policy(2) 
Controversies in Trade Policy 
10.1 Globalization and Low-Wage Labor 
10.2 Globalization and the Environment 
Multilateral and Bilateral Trading Systems 
11.1 What’s the WTO? 
11.2 Principles of the Trading System 
11.3 Regional Trade Agreement 

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