Types of Ships(船舶种类)
1.1 Types of Cargo Ships(货船种类)
1.2 Other Types of Ships(其他船舶种类)
Introduction to Ships(船体介绍)
2.1 Parts of a Ship(船体部位)
2.2 Deck Area(甲板区域)
2.3 Bridge (驾驶台)
2.4 Rooms on the Ship(船上房间)
Work of Seafarers(船员工作)
3.1 Duties and Responsibilities of Deck Crew(甲板部船员工作及职责)
3.2 Captain’s Job and Responsibilities(船长工作及职责)
3.3 Daily Communication on Board(船上日常会话与沟通)
Ship Orders(船舶口令)
4.1 Wheel Orders(舵令)
4.2 Engine Orders(车钟令)
4.3 Anchoring Orders(锚令)
4.4 Mooring Orders(缆令)
Introduction to Pilotage(引航概述)
5.1 Pilotage(引航)
5.2 Piloting YUKUN(引航育鲲轮)
Anchoring and Mooring(锚泊和系泊)
6.1 Berthing and Unberthing(靠离泊作业)
6.2 Watch-Keeping at Anchorage or Mooring(锚泊或系泊值班)
7.1 Watch-Keeping(船员值班)
7.2 Bridge Shift Change(驾驶台交接班)
7.3 Navigating in Tough Situations(恶劣环境航行)
Introduction to Communication at Sea
8.1 How to Use VHF?(如何正确使用甚高频)
8.2 Introduction to SMCP(标准航海通信用语简介)
8.3 Communications at Sea(海上通信)
Emergency at Sea(海上应急)
9.1 Lifeboats (1)(救生艇上)
9.2 Lifeboats (2)(救生艇下)
9.3 Response to a Man-Overboard Situation(人员落水后的应急措施)
9.4 Lifejackets (1) (救生衣上)
9.5 Lifejackets (2)(救生衣下)
9.6 Firefighting on Board(海上消防)
10.1 Piracy and Maritime Industry(海盗与航运业)
10.2 Anti-Piracy Weapons(防海盗武器)
PSC Inspection (港口国检查)
11.1 Introduction to PSC (港口国检查介绍)
《航海英语听力与会话》PPT课件 王海华 大连海事大学