◆ Get to know the definition of linguistics◆ Get familiar with the scope of linguistics
week 1- 1.1 What is linguistics?
week 1- 1.2 What is language?
◆Ge to recognize the speech organs◆Get o know the classification of English consonants and vowels◆Get to know the definition of phonetics and phonology◆Understand the differences between phonetics and phonology
week 2-2.1 Phonetics
week 2-2.2 Phonology
◆Get to know the following terms: morpheme morph allomorph◆Classify the English morphemes◆Derivational and inflectional morphemes◆Morphological rules of word formation
week 3-3.1 Morphemes
week 3-3.2 Morphological rules of word formation
◆To understand the definition and study scope of syntax◆To understand the categories of different levels of language◆Get to know the phrase structure rule ◆Analyze the structure of English phrase and sentences
week 4-4.1 What is syntax?
week 4-4.2 Phrase structure rule
week 4-4.3 Sentences(The S rule)
◆To understand four theories concerning “meaning”◆Naming theory conceptualist view contextulism and behaviorism◆Get to know the major sense relations between words and sentences
week 5-5.1 Some views concerning the study of meaning
week 5-5.2 Lexical meaning
week 5-5.3 Sense relaitons between sentences
◆ Get to know the differences between pragmatics and semantics◆ To understand the speech act theory◆To understand the principle of conversation
week 6-6.1 Some basic notions
week 6-6.2 Speech act theory
week 6-6.3 Principle of conversation
Language Change
◆ Get to know the changes of English ◆ Get to know the causes and trends of language change
week 7-7.1 Mophological and synactic change
week 7-7.2 Lexical and semantic change
week 7-7.3 Some recent trends
Language and Society
◆To understand the scope of sociolinguistics◆Get to know varieties of language
week 8-8.1 The scope of sociolinguistics
week 8-8.2 Varieties of language
week 8-8.3 Standard dialect
Language and culture
◆To understand the relationship between language and culture◆To understand Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis◆Different forms of culture contacts
week 9-9.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
week 9-9.2 Linguistic evidence of cultural differences
Language Aquisition
◆To understand the theories of child language acquisition◆Get to know the important factors of language acquisition◆Get to know the important factors of language acquisition
week 10-10.1 Theories of child language acquisition
week 10-10.2 Language environment and the Critical Period Hypothesis
week 10-10.3 Stages in child language development
Second Languageg Acquisition
◆To understand the connection between first language acquisition and second language acquisition◆Get to know the analysis concerning second language acquisition◆Get to know Krashen’s Input Hypothesis◆Get to know the individual differences
week 11-11.1 Connections between first language acquisition and SLA
week 11-11.2 Contrastive analysis&Error analysis
week 11-11.3 Second language learning models and input hypothesis
Language and the Brain
◆Get to know the structure of brain◆Understand language processing
week 12-12.1 Neurolinguistics
week 12-12.2 Psycholinguistics
《英语语言学》PPT课件 新乡学院 朱瑶瑶