出版时间: 2017年版
1 非“透视学”视点下的“写生”
2 从地形到空间的19 个实例
实例 2-1 从“北纬23.45\’36.63,东经117.22\’11.19 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-2 从“北纬23.54\’55.90,东经57.06\’02.58 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-3 从“北纬31.52\’20.67,东经36.58\’39.98 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-4 从“北纬31.53\’02.68,东经36.52\’23.09 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-5 从“北纬32.11\’20.17,东经36.08\’46.05 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-6 从“北纬23.45\’01.54,东经117.14\’03.03 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-7 从“北纬32.13\’03.67,东经36.08\’35.01 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-8 从“北纬32.13\’10.41,东经36.14\’03.79 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例 2-9 从“北纬23.54\’27.80,东经117.28\’36.57 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-10 从“北纬32.06\’07.90,东经37.22\’11.49 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-11 从“北纬14.56\’29.75,东经43.23\’25.95 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-12 从“北纬14.52\’56.87,东经43.17\’50.12 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-13 从“北纬32.16\’08.40,东经36.05\’48.26 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
3 从自然中直接截取的建筑
实例2-14 从“北纬53.50\’51.13,东经73.24\’12.32 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-15 从“北纬34.17\’24.41,东经57.33\’20.18 ” 周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-16 从“北纬39.59\’50.83,东经120.43\’55.90 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-17 从“北纬37.30\’33.17,东经122.00\’32.90 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-18 从“北纬35.38\’12.54,东经120.46\’43.01 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例2-19 从“北纬40.45\’16.15,东经144.52\’45.92 ”周边地形所选择出的建筑
实例3-1 直接截取“北纬36.75\’84.63,东经110.49\’35 ” 周边隆起的地形所获得的空间形态
实例3-2 直接截取“北纬37.46\’65.09,东经110.99\’91.12”周边隆起的地形所获得的正向空间形态
实例3-3 直接截取“北纬37.46\’65.09,东经110.99\’91.12”周边隆起的地形所获得的负向空间形态
实例3-4 直接截取“北纬24.38\’16.94,东经121.11\’84.74”周边隆起的地形所获得的空间形态
实例3-5 直接截取“北纬7.32\’52.19,东经134.49\’15.70” 周边隆起的地形所获得的空间形态
1 “Paint from life” based on “non-perspective science”
2 19 samples of transformation from landform to space
Sample 2-1
Sample 2-2
Sample 2-3
Sample 2-4
Sample 2-5
Sample 2-6
Sample 2-7
Sample 2-8
Sample 2-9
Sample 2-10
Sample 2-11
Sample 2-12
Sample 2-13
Sample 2-14
Sample 2-15
Architecture chosen from landform around 23.45\’36.63 N, 117.22\’11.19 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 23.54\’55.90 N, 57.06\’02.58 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 31.52\’20.67 N, 36.58\’39.98 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 31.53\’02.68 N, 36.52\’23.09 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 32.11\’20.17 N, 36.08\’46.05 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 23.45\’01.54 N, 117.14\’03.03 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 32.13\’03.67 N, 36.08\’35.01 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 32.13\’10.41 N, 36.14\’03.79 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 23.54\’27.80 N, 117.28\’36.57 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 32.06\’07.90 N, 37.22\’11.49 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 14.56\’29.75 N, 43.23\’25.95 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 14.52\’56.87 N, 43.17\’50.12 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 32.16\’08.40 N, 36.05\’48.26 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 53.50\’51.13 N, 73.24\’12.32 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 34.17\’24.41 N, 57.33\’20.18 E
3 Architecture directly extracted from nature
Sample 2-16
Sample 2-17
Sample 2-18
Sample 2-19
Sample 3-1
Sample 3-2
Sample 3-3
Sample 3-4
Sample 3-5
Architecture chosen from landform around 39.59\’50.83 N, 120.43\’55.90 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 37.30\’33.17 N, 122.00\’32.90 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 35.38\’12.54 N, 120.46\’43.01 E
Architecture chosen from landform around 40.45\’16.15 N, 144.52\’45.92 E
Spatial patterns acquired by directly extracting upheaval area
around 36.75\’84.63N, 110.49\’35 E
Spatial patterns of forward direction acquired from upheaval landform
around 37.46\’65.09 N, 110.99\’91.12 E
Spatial patterns of negative direction acquired from upheaval landform
around 37.46\’65.09 N, 110.99\’91.12 E
Spatial patterns acquired by directly extracting upheaval area
around 24.38\’16.94N, 121.11\’84.74 E
Spatial patterns acquired by directly extracting upheaval area
around 7.32\’52.19N, 134.49\’15.70 E
跨界设计 自然与建筑