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《新融合大学英语(I)》PPT课件 江西理工大学 刘书亮

Unit 1 Let Kids Rule the School 
1.1 Introduction:Campus life 
1.2 Text Analysis:Independent Project 
1.3 Vocabulary: \”inter-\” 
1.4 Sentence Analysis:Basic Sentence Pattern 
1.5 Cultural Focus:AP 
Unit 2 The Gift 
2.1 Introduction:Human relationship 
2.2 Text Analysis: Narrative 
2.3 Vocabulary: \”listlessly\” 
2.4 Sentence Analysis:Inverted Sentence 
2.5 Rhetorical Devices: Simile 
2.6 Cultural Focus:Christianity 
Unit 2 单元测验 
Unit 3 The Snow Man 
3.1 Introduction: Classic romantic relationships 
3.2 Text Analysis: Key elements of a story 
3.3 Vocabulary: “in-” 
3.4 Sentence Analysis: Adverbial clause of time 
3.5 Rhetorical Devices: Personification 
3.6 Cultural Focus: Hans Christian Andersen 
Unit 3 单元测验 
Unit 4 To My daughter 
4.1 Introduction: Family affection 
4.2 Text Analysis: The clue of the text 
4.3 Vocabulary: \”pre-\” 
4.4 Sentence Analysis: Predicative and predicative clauses 
4.5 Rhetorical Devices: Parallelism 
4.6 Cultural Focus: Wedding ceremony 
Unit 4 单元测验 
Unit 5 Power of Patience 
5.1 Introduction: Human and animals 
5.2 Text Analysis: The clue of the text 
5.3 Vocabulary: Compounds 
5.4 Sentence Analysis: Relative clauses 
5.5 Cultural Focus: Chinese zodiac 
Unit 5 单元测验 
Unit 6 A Whisper of AIDS 
6.1 Introduction: HIV and AIDS 
6.2 Text Analysis: The organization of a speech 
6.3 Vocabulary: Acronyms and initialisms 
6.4 Sentence Analysis: If-conditionals 
6.5 Cultural Focus: Western medicine VS TCM 
Unit 6 单元测验 
Unit 7 A Thanksgiving Story 
7.1 Introduction: Traditional Chinese and Western festivals 
7.2 Text Analysis: The structure of the text 
7.3 Vocabulary: \”over-\” 
7.4 Sentence Analysis: Passive voice 
7.5 Cultural Focus: Thanksgiving Festival 
Unit 7 单元测验 
Unit 8 The Cost of a Miracle 
8.1 Introduction: Factors of making a miracle 
8.2 Text Analysis: The key elements of a narrative 
8.3 Vocabulary: \”-en\” 
8.4 Sentence Analysis: Exclamation 
8.5 Cultural Focus: American Dream VS Chinese Dream 
Unit 8 单元测验

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