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数字信号处理系统分析与设计(原书 英文版)第二版

数字信号处理系统分析与设计(原书  英文版)第二版 

作 者:        (巴西)迪尼兹 等著 

出版时间:        2012 






1 Discrete-time signals and systems 

1.1 Introduction 

1.2 Discrete-time signals 

1.3 Discrete-time systems 

1.3.1 Linearity 

1.3.2 Time invariance 

1.3.3 Causality 

1.3.4 Impulse response and convolution sums 

1.3.5 Stability 

1.4 Difference equations and time-domain response 

1.4.1 Recursive x no recursive systems 

1.5 Song difference equations 

1.5.1 Computing impulse responses 

1.6 Sampling of continuous-time signals 

1.6.1 Basic principles 

1.6.2 Sampling theorem 

1.7 Random signals 

1.7.1 Random variable 

1.7.2 Random processes 

1.7.3 Filtering a random signal 

1.8 Do-it-yourself: discrete-time signals and systems 

1.9 Discrete-time signals and systems with MA lab 

1.10 Summary 

1.11 Exercises 

2 The z and Fourier transforms 

2.1 Introduction 

2.2 Definition of the z transforms 

2.3 Inverse z transform 

2.3.1 Computation based on residue theorem 

2.3.2 Computation based on partial-fraction expansions 

2.3.4 Computation based on series expansion 

2.4 Properties of the z transom 

2.4.1 Linearity 

2.4.2 Time reversal 

2.4.3 Time-stuff theorem 

2.4.4 Multiplication by an exponential 

2.4.5 Complex differentiation 

2.4.6 Complex conjugation 

2.4.7 Real and imaginary sequences 

2.4.8 Initial-value theorem 

2.4.9 Convolution theorem 

2.4.10 Product of two sequences 

2.4.11 Parsifal\’s theorem 

2.4.12 Table of basic z transforms 

2.5 Transfer functions 

2.6 Stability in the z domain 

2.7 Frequency response 

2.8 Fourier transform 

2.9 Properties of the Fourier transform 

2.9.1 Linearity 

2.9.2 Time reversal 

2.9.3 Time-shift theorem 

2.9.4 Multiplication by a complex exponential (frequency shiftmodulation) 

2.9.5 Complex differentiation 

2.9.6 Complex conjugation 

2.9.7 Real and imaginary sequences 

2.9.8 Symmetric and ant symmetric sequences 

2.9.9 Convolution theorem 

2.9.10 Product of two sequences 

2.9.11 Parsifal\’s theorem 

2.10 Fourier transform for periodic sequences 

2.11 Random signals in the transform domain 

2.11.1 Powerspectraldensity 

2.11.2 White noise 

2.12 Do it-yourself: the z and Fourier transforms 

2.13 The z and Fourier transforms with MATLAB 

2.14 Summary 

2.15 Exercises 

3 Discrete transforms 

3.1 Introduction 

3.2 Discrete Fourier transform 

3.3 Properties of the DFT 


4 Digital Filters 

5 Fir Filter Approximations 

6 IIR Filter Approximations 

7 Spectral Estimation 

8 Multirate Systems 

9 Filter Banks 

10 Wavelet Transforms 

11 Finite Precision Digital Signal Processing 

12 Efficient Fir Structures 

13 Efficient IIR Structures 

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