Email Writing
This unit discusses four topics: 1. How to write an effective English Email; 2. The Four Point Plan for structuring messages; 3. How to create SMART subjects; 4. Etiquette in Email communication.
1.1 How to Write an Effective English Email
1.2 Planning and Structuring Messages
1.3 Subject Lines
1.4 Email Netiquette
Small Ads Notices and Instructions
This unit discusses four topics: 1. Widely-used small advertisements; 2. Writing and application of notices; 3. Instructions and guidelines in life; 4. Fire knowledge and fire safety instruction.
2.1 Small Ads
2.2 Notices
2.3 Instructions
2.4 Fire Safety Instructions
Forms and Online Forms
This unit discusses three topics: 1. General knowledge about forms in English; 2. How to fill out the forms in English appropriately and effectively; 3. Online application.
3.1 Please Use English to Complete the Form
3.2 Tips and Key Points of Filling out English Forms
3.3 Common Terms and Shortenings in English Forms
3.4 Online Forms in English
Cover Letter and Reference Letter
This unit discusses four topics: 1. What is a cover letter and knowledge about a formal letter; 2. How to create a cover letter; 3. What is a reference letter and how to request for it; 4. How to create a reference letter.
4.1 What to Know about a Formal Letter
4.2 How to Write a Cover Letter
4.3 How to Request for a Reference Letter
4.4 How to Write a Reference Letter
CV and Personal Statement
This unit discusses four topics: 1. What is a CV and how to present it; 2. How to write an effective CV; 3. What is a personal statement and how to plan it; 4. How to write a good personal statement.
5.1 How to Beautifully Present a CV
5.2 How to Write an Effective CV
5.3 What to Plan for a Personal Statement
5.4 How to Write a Good Personal Statement
Note Taking and Summary Writing
This unit discusses four topics: 1. The benefits of taking notes and strategies for taking notes; 2. Six note-taking methods; 3. Knowledge of summary skills; 4. Seven steps to summarize and five basic summarizing techniques.
6.1 Benefits and Strategies of Taking Notes
6.2 Note-taking Methods (1)
6.3 Note-taking Methods (2)
6.4 What Is a Summary?
6.5 How to Summarize
Research Proposal Writing
This unit discusses three topics: 1. What is a research proposal and the characteristics and major components of a research proposal; 2. The major parts of a research proposal—literature review methodology conclusion and references; 3. How to write a research proposal.
7.1 What Is a Research Proposal?
7.2 Literature Review
7.3 Methodology Conclusion and References
7.4 How to Write a Research Proposal
Survey and Survey Report
This unit discusses three topics: 1. What is a questionnaire and how to develop a good questionnaire; 2. The basic components of a survey report; 3. How to create a survey report.
8.1 What Is a Survey?
8.2 How to Develop a Good Questionnaire
8.3 Basic Components of a Survey Report
8.4 How to Write a Survey Report
Memorandum and Agreement
This unit discusses four topics: 1. What is a memorandum and how to develop a good memorandum; 2. What is an agreement and how to develop an agreement; 3. The differences between a memorandum and an email; 4. Language features of an agreement.
9.1 Basic Knowledge of a Memorandum
9.2 How to develop a Memorandum
9.3 Basic Knowledge of an Agreement
9.4 How to develop an Agreement
《实用英语写作》PPT课件 陈洁 中南大学