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作者:李惠 编 
  Innovation & sustainability of structures are emerging issues in civil engineering recent years. The Inter-national Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability in Civil Engineering is dedicated to promoting related re-search and practice. As the on-going series symposia which were held sequentially in 2005 ( Nanjing, Chi-na) , 2007 (Shanghai, China) , 2009 ( Cuangzhou, China) and 2011 ( Xiamen, China) , the objec,tive of this symposium (ISISS-2013) is still to provide an intemational forum for researchers, specialists, professionals and public administrators and for all concemed with the promotion and exchange on innovation in civ-il engineering, especially for sustainability of structures and disaster prevention & mitigation. The symposiumis aimed at presenting and publishing the most recent research & development on innovative materials , methodologies and technologies, intelligent structures, structural health monitoring, structural safety and durability, structures and systems with high performance and sustainable capacity. ISISS-2013 is organized by the School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, and is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC) , American Society of Civil Engineers ( ASCE) , Intemational Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure ( ISHMII), China Civil Engineering Society( CCES) and China Society of Vibration Engineering ( CSVE) . On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Intemational Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability in Civil Engineering ( ISISS-2013 ) , we would like towelcome professionals involved in the related fields in civil engineering from all over the world to the City of Harbin in China on July 6-7 , 2013 for ISISS-2013. 
Multi-metric Model-based Fatigue-Iife Monitoring of Bridges 
Wind and Wave Hazards on Coastal Structures 
Impact Analysis and Damage Assessment and Mitigation of Bridge Piers Subjected to Barge Impact Loads 
Noncontact Laser Sensing for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring 
Analysis on OveraH Stability and Seismic Damage Evaluation for Diagrid Tube Structures 
Evaluation of Wind Turbine Probabilistic Extreme Response : Controlled Monte Carlo Simulation and Statistical Extrapolation 
Characterization of Traffic Loads on Buried Pipeline for Life-cycle Management of Municipal Distribution System 
Diffusion of the Aggressive Ions in the Crack of Concrete 
Durability-based Service Life Prediction of Concrete Bridges 
Influence of the Corrosion on the Ultimate Bearing Capacity of RC Beams 
Steel Bar Corrosion of RC Members Subjected to Combination Attack of Pre-existed Chloride and Concrete Carbonation 
The Coupled Effects of Chloride Diffusion and Scouring on Concrete 
A MATLAB-based Evaluation Tool for Seismic Retrofitting Schemes of an Existing Building Using Structural Control Systems 
Analysis Method for Seismic Response of High-rise Structure Based on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Platform

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