第一章:导论 Introduction
1.1\t旅游景区的概念 Concept of tourist attractions
1.2\t旅游景区的构成要素与特征 Elements and characteristics of tourist attractions
1.3\t旅游景区的分类以及管理模式分类 Classification of tourist attractions and management mode
第二章:旅游景区管理理论前沿 The theoretical frontier of Tourist Attractions management
2.1\t旅游景区概念的演进 The evolution of the concept of tourist attractions
2.2\t新一代人的市场需求 Market demand of the new generation
2.3\t旅游景区管理者面临的挑战 Challenges for Managers of tourist attractions
2.4\t旅游景区管理理论演进 The evolution of management theory of tourist attractions
2.5\t地格基础论与体验过程论 Placeality and Experience process theory
2.6\t旅游景区管理新技术新方法 New technology and method of tourist attractions management
第三章:旅游景区开发规划 Development planning of Tourist Attractions
3.1\t旅游景区空间构造(上) The spatial structure of TA (1)
3.2\t旅游景区空间构造(下)The spatial structure of TA (2)
3.3\t旅游景区规划定位案例 Cases of the planning and positioning of TA
3.4\t旅游景区和目的地发展脉络 Development traces of TA and destinations
3.5\t旅游景区产品策划案例(上)Cases of TA product planning (1)
3.6\t旅游景区产品策划案例(下)Cases of TA product planning (2)
3.7\t旅游景区选址案例(上)Cases of TA site selection (1)
3.8\t旅游景区选址案例(下)Cases of TA site selection (2)
3.9\t旅游景区风水问题 The problem of Fengshui(geomantic omen) in TA
第四章:旅游景区运营管理 Operation and Management of Tourist Attractions
4.1\t旅游景区季节性问题原理 Principle of seasonality of tourist attractions
4.2\t旅游景区季节性问题影响与应对 Influence and countermeasures of seasonal problems in tourist attractions
4.3\t旅游景区工程造价问题 Project cost problem of tourist attractions
4.4\t旅游交通管理与创新 Tourism transportation management and innovation
4.5\t旅游景区分区管理 Partitioned management of tourist attractions
4.6\t旅游景区与社区的联系模式 Connection pattern between TAs and communities
4.7\t景区环境容量 The environmental capacity of the TAs
4.8\t景区环境容量测算方法 Measurement of the environmental capacity in TAs
第五章:旅游景区营销管理 Marketing and Management of Tourist Attractions
5.1\t旅游景区市场营销 The marketing of TA
5.2\t旅游景区形象营销 The image marketing of TA
5.3\t旅游景区品牌营销 The brand marketing of TA
5.4\t旅游景区节事营销 The festival & special event marketing of TA
5.5\t旅游景区创新营销 The innovation marketing of TA
5.6\t旅游景区技术和创意营销 The technology & creativity marketing of TA
第六章:旅游景区解说 The Tourist Attractions interpretation
6.1\t旅游景区解说概述 The TA interpretation
6.2\t旅游景区解说系统(上)The interpretation system of TA (1)
6.3\t旅游景区解说系统(下)The interpretation system of TA (2)
6.4\t旅游景区解说规划(上)The interpretation planning of TA (1)
6.5\t旅游景区解说规划(下)The interpretation planning of TA (2)
6.6\t旅游解说管理与游客体验 Interpretation management and tourists experience.
第七章:遗产型景区开发与管理 Development and management of heritage-based tourist attractions
7.1\t遗产型景区概述 Introduction of heritage-based TA
7.2\t自然遗产型景区概况 Introduction of natural heritage-based TA
7.3\t自然遗产型景区保护与开发 The protection and development of natural heritage-based TA
7.4\t自然遗产型景区体制创新 System innovation of natural heritage-based TA
7.5\t文化遗产型景区概况 Overview of cultural heritage-based TA
7.6\t文化遗产型景区的保护与管理 Protection and management of cultural heritage-based TA
7.7\t文化遗产型景区活化与利用 Activation and utilization of cultural heritage-based TA
第八章:开发型景区开发与管理 The development and management of development-oriented Tourist Attractions
8.1\t主题公园的概念和发展历程 The concept and development progress of theme parks
8.2\t主题公园的开发管理策略 Development and management strategy of theme parks
8.3\t旅游度假区 Tourist resort
8.4\t旅游综合体 Tourist complex
第九章:旅游景区治理模式创新——长白山 The innovation of the TA management model——Take Changbai Mountain as example
9.1\t旅游景区治理模式创新——长白山 The innovation of the TA management model——Take Changbai Mountain as example
第十章:旅游景区开发模式创新——华侨城 Innovative Tourist Attractions development —— Overseas Chinese Town Holdings Company (the OCT Group)
第十一章:旅游景区精细化管理——呀诺达 The delicacy management of tourist attractions——Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone
11.1\t旅游景区精细化管理——呀诺达 The delicacy management of tourist attractions——Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone
第十二章:旅游景区整合营销——云台山 The comprehensive management and marketing of tourist attractions–Yuntaishan
12.1\t云台山的发展历程 Development history of Yuntaishan
12.2\t云台山的整合营销(上)The comprehensive marketing of Yuntaishan (1)
12.3\t云台山的整合营销(下)The comprehensive marketing of Yuntaishan (2)
12.4\t云台山的发展动态 The development Trends of Yuntaishan
第十三章:旅游景区智慧管理 The intelligent management of Tourist Attractions
13.1\t旅游景区智慧管理 The intelligent management of tourist attractions
13.2\t智慧景区总体框架 The overall framework of smart scenic area
13.3\t智慧景区分类管理 The classified management of smart scenic areas
13.4\t智慧景区评价标准体系 The evaluation standard system of smart scenic spot
13.5\t旅游景区智慧管理案例 A successful case of smart scenic area
第十四章:中国旅游景区管理前沿实践与趋势 The cutting-edge practices and trends of the management of Tourist Attractions in China
14.1\t旅游景区管理前沿实践 The cutting-edge practices of the management of tourist attractions
14.2 中国创造的旅游景区营销(上)The Chinese way of marketing for tourist attractions(Ⅰ)
14.3 中国创造的旅游景区营销(中)The Chinese way of marketing for tourist attractions(Ⅱ)
14.4 中国创造的旅游景区营销(下)The Chinese way of marketing for tourist attractions(Ⅲ)
14.5 旅游景区管理发展趋势 The development trend of the management of tourist attractions
《旅游景区经营与管理》PPT课件 北京第二外国语学院 邹统钎