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Language and Life
Teaching Syllabus
The Course “Language and Life” consists of 15 sessions, each corresponding to 15 units. Each unit contains a video of about 5-10 minutes and is equipped with questions such as tests, exercises, and discussions.
1. Introduction to pragmatics?
(1) What is pragmatics?
(2) What does pragmatics studies?
(3) Where does it come from?
2. Speech act theory 1
(1)Words are deeds
(2) Constative vs. performative
(3) Locution, illocution and perlocution
(4) classification of speech acts
3.Speech act theory 2
(1) reclassification of speech acts
(2) felicity conditions of speech acts
(3) indirect speech acts
(4) extended speech acts
4. Gricean theory: Conversational implicature
(1) natural vs. non-natural meaning
(2) what is implicature?
(3) types of implicatures
(4) features of conversational implicatures
5. Gricean theory: Cooperative Principle
(1) the Cooperative Principle and the maxims
(2) non-observance of the maxims
(3) calculation of conversational implicatures
6.Neo-Gricean theory
(1) Q- and R- principles by Horn
(2) Q-, I- and M- principles by Levinson
理解合作原则的问题所在,基于齐波夫经济原则理解Horn Q-与R-二准则的提出,掌握洪恩等级;理解Horn准则的问题,学习Levinson的Q-, I- 和 M-准则,掌握基于Levinson三准则的会话含义。
7. Deixis
(1) Definition of deixis
(2) Deictic vs. Non-deictic
(3) Classification of deixis
(4) Deictic center/deictic projection
(5) Preemptive usage of deixis
8. Presupposition
(1) entailment and presupposition
(2) presupposition triggers
(3) pragmatic presupposition
9.Conversation analysis 1
(1)Turn-taking in conversation
(2)Transition Relevance Place (or TRP)
(3)Adjacency pairs
(4)Preference structure (to be continued)
10. Conversation analysis 2
(1) Preference structure (continued)
(2) Pre-sequence
(3) Insertion sequence
(4) Side sequence
(5) Repair
(6) The structure of conversations.
11. Politeness and Face 1
(1) Approaches to politeness
(2) Politeness Principle (PP): the principle and its maxims
(3) Clashes and tradeoffs between the maxims
(4) PP: A reformulation
12. Politeness and Face 2
(1) The notion of face
(2) Face-threatening acts
(3) Strategies of doing Face Threatening Acts
(4) Factors behind the strategy choice
13. Pragmatic Acquisition
(1) Defining Pragmatic Competence
(2) Teaching L2 Pragmatics
(3) Pragmatic Transfer and Pragmatic Failures
14. Cross-cultural pragmatics
(1)Assumption of Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
(2) Research Methods in Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
(3) Three Domains of Study in Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
15. Pragmatics and translation
(1) Pragmatic perspectives on translation
(2) Translating pragmatic meanings
(3) Some major types of pragmatic meanings
(4) Aim of pragmatic translation: Pragmatic equivalence
(5) Layers of pragmatic equivalence