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《中医运动疗法–易筋经》PPT课件 福建中医药大学 鄢行辉 (Yan Xing Hui)

第一章 绪论(Chapter 1Preface) 
1.1 易筋经课程介绍(1.1 Introduction to thecourseofSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise) 
第一章 测试(Chapter One Test) 
第二章 易筋经各论(Chapter 2 Each Monograph of Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise) 
2.1易筋经辅助功法松筋术,韦驮献杵第一式手太阴经的拉伸(2.1 theactionofstretchingmusclesinSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise,thefirstactionisstretchingintheexercisecalled Wei Tuoofferingthepestle) 
2.2 易筋经辅助功法伏虎桩,韦驮献杵第二式手阳明经的拉伸(2.2 theactiontosubduethetigerinSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise,thesecondactionisstretchingintheexercisecalled Wei Tuoofferingthepestle) 
2.3 易筋经辅助功法降龙桩,韦驮献杵第三式足阳明经的拉伸(2.3 theactiontosubduethedragoninSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise,thethirdactionisstretchingintheexercisecalled Wei Tuoofferingthepestle) 
2.4 易筋经辅助功法托天桩,摘星换斗势足太阴经筋的拉伸(2.4 theactionlikeholding up the pillars of the sky,theactionliketransfering the worldandstretch) 
2.5 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之马步腾筋术,出爪亮翅手少阴经筋的拉伸(2.5 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, The exercise of maintaining in seated position to agitate fascia, Do the action like stretching out paws to show wingsandstretch the musculature of meridian of hand) 
2.6 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之铁板桥,倒跩九牛尾势手太阳经筋的拉伸(2.6 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise,The exercise called iron bridge of agitating fascia,Doing the action like pulling the Ox‘s tails upside downandstretch the musculature of lung meridian) 
2.7 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之三盘大力法,九鬼拔刀势足太阳经筋的拉伸(2.7 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, Three power sets of agitating fascia, Imitate Jiugui pulling out the sabre from its neckandstretch the musculature of gall-bladder meridian) 
2.8 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之浑元劲,三盘落地势足少阴经筋的拉伸(2.8 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, The exercise to unify and strengthen one‘ s spirit and energy of agitating fascia, Three sets landandstretch the musculature of kidney meridian) 
2.9 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之侧向劲,青龙探爪势手厥阴经筋的拉伸(2.9 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, The exercise of lateral forcing to agitate fascia, Do the action like cyan dragon sticking out its pawandstretch the musculature of pericardium of hand) 
2.10 易筋经辅助功法,筋膜鼓荡术之正向劲,卧虎扑食势手少阳经筋的拉伸(2.10 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise,The exercise to force positively of agitating fascia, Do the action like ambushing tiger pounces on preyandstretch the musculature of triple energizer meridian) 
2.11 易筋经辅助功法,拍打功法,打躬势足少阳经筋的拉伸(2.11 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, The actions of slapping, The action of bowingandstretch the musculature of gall-bladder meridian) 
2.12 易筋经辅助功法,收气法,掉尾势足厥阴经筋的拉伸(2.12 Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise, Ways to recover energy, Tail movementandstretch the musculature of pericardium of feet) 
第三章  易筋经自我保健(Chapter 3Themethodsofself-carein Sinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise) 
3.1 易筋经自我保健 颈部与肩部自我保健易筋经术(3.1 Themethodsofself-careinSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exerciseSelf-care methodforneck and shoulders) 
3.2 易筋经自我保健 上臂、肘、手部保健易筋经术,下躯干保健易筋经术(3.2 Themethodsofself-careinSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exerciseSelf-care methodforupper arms, elbows, handsandlower torso) 
3.3 易筋经自我保健 膝、大腿保健易筋经术,腿部保健易筋经术(3.3 Themethodsofself-careinSinew-Transforming Auxiliary exercise Self-care methodforknees, thighsandlegs) 

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