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《园林规划设计 Landscape Planning and Design》PPT课件 江苏农林职业技术学院 孙化蓉

园林规划设计 Landscape Planning and Design_江苏农林职业技术学院
Getting to Know Tools 
Task1 Get Started 
Drawing Surface and T square 
Drawing Paper and Size 
Drafting Tape 
Task2 Drawing  Erasing and Measuring 
Drawing Leads 
Millimeter or Mechanical Pencils 
Colored Pencils  Pens and Markers 
Erasers and Dusting Brush 
Working to scale 
Task3 Angles  Curves and Templates 
Triangles and Protractor 
Irregular Curves 
Task4 Digital and Computer-Aided Design and Drafting 
Digtal Capturing Tools 
Design Software 
Graphics Enhancing Software 
Developing Drawing Skills 
Task1 Importance of Graphics 
Task2 Choosing between Drafted and Freehand Graphics 
Task3 Black and White Mechanics 
Line and Dot Quality 
Line Weight Hierarchy and Contrast 
Value Contrast 
Task4 Graphic Symbols and Definition 
Plan View Graphics 
Additional Graphic Methods 
Analysis and Concept Graphics 
Task5 Color Basics 
Common Media 
Principles for Using Color Effectivly 
Task5 Graphic Drawing 
Free-Hand Drawing and Sketching 
Task6 Sheet merchanics and Layout 
General Layout 
Title Block 
North Arrow and Drawing Scale 
Additional Information and Formatting 
Task7 Drawing Types 
Base Map 
Site Inventory and Analysis 
Functional Diagram 
Preliminary Design 
Final Design 
Task8 Computer and CAD Graphics 
Benefits of Computer-Aided Design 
Computer Graphics Trade-Offs 
CAD Graphics Summary 
Incorporate the Principles of Design 
Task1 Overarching Principles 
A Landscape Design Definition 
Components of Design(Aesthetic and Functional Components;Art and Science;Outdoor Space;Plants;Water;Hardscapes) 
How We Learn to Design 
Elements of Art 
Relationships of People And the Outdoor Environment(P121) 
Task2 Aesthetic Landscape Design Principles 
Order or Design Framework 
Proportion and Scale 
Task3 Aesthetic Principles Applied 
Visually Connect Structures to the Landscape  
Define Space: Mass and Void 
Direct People Physically and Visually 
Designing Outdoor Living Space to Meet the Physical Congnitive and Restorrative Needs of People  
Task4 Functional Design Principles 
Working with the Existing Topography 
Creating a Useful Outdoor Living Space 
Accounting for Maintenance 
Addressing Irrigation Needs 
Incorporating Sustainability  
Provide Wildlife Habitat 
Task4 Principles of Design 
Aesthetic Principles 
Functional Design Principles 
Sustainable Design Principles(Residential) 
Landscape Design Process 
Task1 Client-Designer Communications and the Sales Process 
Making Initial Contact with the Client 
Design Planning Questionnaire 
Meeting the Client for the First Time 
The Budget Question 
Case Study: Meet with Client (P175P182) 
Task2 Site Documentation  
Photos and Videos 
Developing a Base Map 
Case Study: Base Map Information 
Task3 Inventory and Analysis  
Capitalizing on the Homeowner as a Resource 
Two Distinct Steps: Inventory and Analysis 
Documenting the Information 
Combining Site Inventory and Analysis 
Case Study: Site Inventory and Analysis 
Task4 Developing a Design Concept and a Design Program 
Design Concept  
Design Program 
Case Study: Design Concept and Design Program 
Task5 Developing Functional Diagrams 
Functional Diagram Elements and Information 
Developing a Functional Diagram 
Case Study: Functional Diagrams 
Task6 Preliminary Design 
Purpose and Characteristics 
Graphic Style and Content 
Summary and Design Process Flexibility 
Case Study: Preliminary Design(含Case Study: Selecting a Design Theme) 
Task7 Final Design Package 
Final Design Checklist 
The Final Design or Master Plan 
Creating a Planting Plan 
Task1 Environmental Consideration 
Plant Hardiness Zone 
Heat Zone 
Forest Occurrence 
Seasonal Rainfall 
Soil Characteristics 
Sun Exposure 
Task2 Aesthetic Qualities 
Plant Types 
Plant Lifecycles 
Fourseason Plants 
Flowering and Fruiting Habit 
Mature Size 
Task3 Maintenance Requirements 
Woody Plants 
Herbaceous Plants 
Task4 Functional Uses in Landscape 
Defining Space 
Utility Purpose 
Aesthetic purpose 
Task5 Conceptual Plant Communities 
Task6 The Urban Growing Environment 
Light Patterns 
Task7 Native Plants vs.Non-native Plants 
Task8 Creating a Planting Plan (workbook) 
What to Include 
The Stage Involved 
Structural Planting 
Herbaceous Planting 
Selecting and using Hardscapes 
Task1 Hardscapes in the Ground Plane 
Task2 Hardscapes in the Vertical Plane 
Task3 Hardscapes in the Overhead Plane 
Pergolas and Arbors 
Task4 Landscape Lighting 
Task5 Garden Features and Embellishments 
Water Features 
Fire Pits and Outdoor Fireplace 
Garden Embellishments 
Visualize the Design 
Task1 Enhance the Plan 
Task2 Use Colour 
Coloured Crayons or Pencils 
Felt-Tip or Maker Pens 
Task3 Apply Tone and Render Texture 
Task4 Use Photographs 
Task5 Mood boards 
Task6 Drawing sections and Elevations 
Task7 Axonometric Projections 
Task8 Constructions Planting and Maintenance 
Do the Work yourself 
Hiring and Using a Contractor 
Supply the Plants 
Maintenance and Future Development 
Task9 Your Role as Landscape Designer 
Design for a Friend 
Student Designer 
Newly Qualified Professionals 
Semi-Professional Designers 
Professional Designers 

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