Week 1: The Bible as Literature
Lecture 2: The Bible as a Literary Work
Video Introduction to Week One: The Bible as Literature
Lecture 1: The Bible as Cultural Influence
Lecture 3: The Bible as a Literary Anthology
Lecture 4:The Bible as a Story
Lecture 5:The Bible as a Literary Text
Lecture 6:The Bible as a Literary Style
Lecture 7:The Bible as Literary Archetypes
Lecture 8:The Bible as a Literary Course
Lecture 9:Q&A Questions for Week One
Lecture 10: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week One
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 1 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 2:The Creation of the World
Lecture 1: Genesis as the Bible’s Book of Beginnings
Lecture 4:Hero Story in the Bible
Lecture 5:Motifs and Themes in Genesis
Video Introduction to Week Two: The Creation of the World
Lecture 2: The Primeval History of Genesis
Lecture 3: The Genres of Genesis
Lecture 6: Genesis 1: The Creation of the World
Lecture 7: Plot: Epitome and Embryo
Lecture 8: Character: The Protagonist
Lecture 9: Style: Majestic Simplicity
Lecture 10: Structure: Symmetry and Design
Lecture 11: Q&A Questions for Week Two
Lecture 12: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Two
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 2 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 3:Life in Paradise
Video Introduction to Week Three: Life in Paradise
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Genesis 2
Lecture 2: Life in Paradise
Lecture 3: Genre: A Companion Story
Lecture 4: The Transcendent and Immanent Protagonist
Lecture 5: Physical Life in the Garden of Eden
Lecture 6: God\’s Creation of A Human Male
Lecture 7: The Two Trees
Lecture 8: Moral Choice in the Paradise
Lecture 9: Human Companionship and Marriage
Lecture 10: Q&A Questions for Week Three
Lecture 11: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Three
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 3 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 4:The Fall
Lecture 7: Genesis 4: Brothers in Rivalry
Video Introduction to Week Four: The Fall
Lecture 1: Genesis 3: The Fall
Lecture 2: The Fall from Innocence
Lecture 3: Prototypical Tragedy
Lecture 4: Temptation Motif
Lecture 5: Crime and Punishment
Lecture 6: Contrast and Foils
Lecture 8: Desire and Rule
Lecture 9: The Blood of Abel
Lecture 10: Q&A Questions for Week Four
Lecture 11: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Four
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 4 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 5:The Flood
Video Introduction to Week Five: The Flood
Lecture 1: Noah and His Ark
Lecture 2: The Corruption of Humanity
Lecture 3: Noah’s Faith
Lecture 4: Grace through Obedience
Lecture 5: God’s Call
Lecture 6: Destruction and Preservation
Lecture 7: Noah’s Messengers
Lecture 8: God’s Covenant with Noah
Lecture 9: The Tower of Babel
Lecture 10: Q&A Questions for Week Five
Lecture 11: Multiple Choice Exercises
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 5 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 6: Biblical Epic
Video Introduction to Week Six: Biblical Epic
Lecture 1: Exodus: An Adventure Story
Lecture 2: The Unifying Epic Elements
Lecture 3: The Characters of the Epic Story
Lecture 4: The Themes of the Epic Story
Lecture 5: The Birth of Moses
Lecture 6: Moses Meets the Great I AM
Lecture 7: Moses as a Reluctant Leader
Lecture 8: The Passover
Lecture 9: The Exodus
Lecture 10: Crossing the Rea Sea
Lecture 11: The Ten Commandments
Lecture 12: Q&A Questions for Week Six
Lecture 13: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Six
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 6 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 7: Biblical Poetry
Lecture 3: Metaphor and Simile
Lecture 4: Hyperbole, Apostrophe and Personification
Lecture 5: Parallelism and Unity in Variety
Video Introduction to Week Seven: Biblical Poetry
Lecture 1: What Is Biblical Poetry
Lecture 2: Thinking in Images
Lecture 6: Psalms as Lyric Poems
Lecture 7: Lament Psalms
Lecture 8: Praise Psalms
Lecture 9: Nature Psalms
Lecture 10: Worship Psalms
Lecture 11: Q&A Questions for Week Seven
Lecture 12: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Seven
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 7 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 8: Biblical Stories
Lecture 1: The Setting of Biblical Stories
Lecture 5: The Plot of Biblical Stories
Lecture 9: The Characterization of Biblical Stories
Lecture 10: The Characterization of Jacob
Video Introduction to Week Eight: Biblical Stories
Lecture 2: Setting as Atmosphere
Lecture 3: Setting as Symbol
Lecture 4: Setting as Culture
Lecture 6: Plot Conflict and Suspense
Lecture 7: Conflict in Foil
Lecture 8: Plot Unity
Lecture 11: Jacob and Esau
Lecture 12: The Stolen Blessing
Lecture 13: Jacob\’s Wrestling with God
Lecture 14: Q&A Questions for Week Eight
Lecture 15: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Eight
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 8 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 9: Hero Story
Lecture 1: The Hero Story
Lecture 3: The First Ordeal: Daniel Taken to Babylon
Lecture 4: The Second Ordeal: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Lecture 5: The Third Ordeal: The Fiery Furnace
Lecture 6: The Fourth Ordeal: Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream
Lecture 7: The Fifth Ordeal: The Writing on the Wall
Lecture 8: The Sixth Ordeal: Daniel in the Den of Lions
Video Introduction to Week Nine: Hero Story
Lecture 2: The Book of Daniel
Lecture 9: Q&A Questions for Week Nine
Lecture 10: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Nine
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 9 (The Bible as Literature)
Week 10: Biblical Tragedy
Lecture 3: The Literary Features of Judges
Video Introduction to Week Ten: Biblical Tragedy
Lecture 1: The Definition of Tragedy
Lecture 2: The Spirit of Tragedy in the Bible
Lecture 4: The Tragic Story of Samson
Lecture 5: The Birth of Samson
Lecture 6: Samson\’s Marriage
Lecture 7: Samson\’s Vengeance
Lecture 8: The Death of Samson
Lecture 9: Q&A Questions for Week Ten
Lecture 10: Multiple Choice Exercises for Week Ten
Multiple Choice Exercises for Week 10 (The Bible as Literature)
《圣经文学》PPT课件 北京联合大学 黄宗英