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《专门用途英语课程群(风景园林英语)》PPT课件 南京林业大学 唐明辉

Landscape architects and landscape architecture 
The mission of a landscape architectThe conceptual definition of landscape architecture 
Lecture 1 Specialized vocabulary and background information: Landscape architecture 
Lecture 2 What do landscape architects do? 
Lecture 3 How do landscape architects fulfill their duty? 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Searching for information 
Landscape architecture and nature 
The definition and characteristics of organic and natural architectureOne classic case of organic architecture 
Lecture 1 Background information: An example of organic architecture 
Lecture 2 Organic architecture 
Lecture 3 Natural architecture 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Collecting data 
Chinese gardens 
The history of Chinese gardensTwo classic cases of Chinese gardens 
Lecture 1 Background information: How can we name classical Chinese gardens? 
Lecture 2 Classical Chinese gardens (B.C.-Eastern Han) 
Lecture 3 Classical Chinese gardens (Wei-Jin and South-North Dynasties-Qing Dynasty) 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Writing a literature review 
Landscape design 
Six basic principles of landscape design 
Lecture 1 Background information: How can principles of landscape design be categorized? 
Lecture 2 Principles of landscape design-Balance; Focalization of interest 
Lecture 3 Principles of landscape design-Simplicity; Rhythm and line; proportion; Unity 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Writing an abstract 
Famous landscape architects 
Information about two famous landscape architects: Martha Schwartz and George Hargreaves 
Lecture 1 Background information: Do you know them and their works? 
Lecture 2 Matha Schwartz-Her main concepts 
Lecture 3 Matha Schwartz-Her main works and criticism of her work 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Structure of academic papers & Using academic language 
Aesthetic elements of landscape 
Aesthetic elements of landscapeAxial characteristics of landscape 
Lecture 1 Specialized vocabulary and background information 
Lecture 2 The aesthetics of planting design-Size; Shape; Habit; Density 
Lecture 3 The aesthetics of planting design-Color; Texture 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Quotation and documentation 
Urban planning 
The way to design landscape in the urban Some knowledge about urban plan making and planning 
Lecture 1 Specialized vocabulary and background information: Urban planning 
Lecture 2 Landscape design in the urban environment: Cities redesigned for living 
Lecture 3 Landscape design in the urban environment: Trend toward recreational system 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Preparing a presentation 
Sustainable community planning 
The character and personality of a sustainable communityTwo classical sustainable communities 
Lecture 1 Background information: Sustainable community 
Lecture 2 The character of a sustainable community 
Lecture 3 The personality of a sustainable community 
Lecture 4 Academic research: Giving a presentation 

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