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《专门用途英语课程群(化学工程英语)》PPT课件 南京林业大学 张鲁宁

The history of chemistry 
1. The history of chemistry 2. Chemical elements 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 The History of Chemistry 
Lecture 3 Chemical elements 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Branches of chemistry 
1. Branches of chemistry 2. Plastics 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Branches of Chemistry 
Lecture 3 Plastics 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Inorganic chemistry 
1. Structure and composition of matter 2. Acids and bases 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Structure and composition of matter 
Lecture 3 Acids and bases 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Organic chemistry 
1.Organic chemistry 2. Polymer science 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Organic chemistry: definition and application 
Lecture 3 Organic chemistry brief history and relation with petrochemistry and biochemistry 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Chemical reaction 
1. Chemical reaction 2. Chemical sentences 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Chemical reaction 
Lecture 3 Chemical sentences: equations 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Chemical thermodynamics 
1. Chemical thermodynamics 2. The laws of thermodynamics 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Chemical thermodynamics 
Lecture 3 The laws of thermodynamics 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Chemical equilibrium 
1. Equilibrium 2. Responsible paper prodcution 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Chemical equilibrium 
Lecture 3 Responsible paper production 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 
Green chemistry 
1. Introduction to green chemistry 2. Ecological intelligence 3. Crtical thinking skills 

Lecture 1 Specialized words and jargon 
Lecture 2 Introduction to green chemistry 
Lecture 3 Ecological intelligence 
Lecture 4 Critical thinking 

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