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《专门用途英语课程群(林业科学英语)》PPT课件 南京林业大学 刘存

Unit 1 Tree identification 
1.1 Course introduction 
1.2 Pre-reading & comprehension of the text A 
1.3 Explanation of text A 
1.4 Researching task– data collection 
Test for unit 1 
Field research 
Unit2  The value of trees 
Lecture 1 Background and understandings 
Lecture 2 Text reading & Critical thinking (1) 
Lecture 3 Text reading & Critical thinking (2) 
Lecture 4 Research task: Searching for information 
test for unit2 
Reasearch task 
Unit 3 Forest ecology 
Lecture 1 pre-reading and specialized vocabulary 
Lecture 2 comprehension of text A 
Lecture 3 explanation of text A 
Lecture 4 Researching task—literature review 
test for unit 3 
Writing a literature review 
Unit 4 History of forestry development 
Lecture 1 Background and understandings 
Lecture 2 Text reading & Critical thinking (1) 
Lecture 3 Text reading & Critical thinking (2) 
Lecture 4 Research task: Searching for information 
test for unit 4 
Unit 5 Pest control 
Lecture 1 pre-reading and specialized vocabulary 
lecture 2 comprehension of Text A 
Lecture 3 comprehension and explanation of Text A 
Lecture 4 research task: the structure of academic papers 
test for unit 5 
academic language 
Unit 6 Forest protection 
Lecture 1 pre-reading and specialized vocabulary 
Lecture 2 Comprehension of text A 
Lecture 3 Explanation of text A 
Lecture 4 Research task: Quotation and documentation 
test for unit 6 
mini report on moose and elk 
Unit 7 Genetic Breeding of Trees 
Lecture 1 Background understandings 
Lecture 2 Comprehension of text A 
Lecture 3 Explanation of text A 
Lecture 4 Research task: Preparing a presentation 
Unit 8 Modern Forestry Technology 
Lecture 1 Background understandings 
Lecture 2 Comprehension of text A 
Lecture 3 Explanation of text A 
Lecture 4 Research task: Giving a presentation 

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