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《西方文化思辨》PPT课件 南京航空航天大学 陈博

Introduction and Scope 简介与范畴 
1.1 Culture 文化 
1.2 West 西方 
1.3 Contemporary 当代 
1.4 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
Humanities and Science 文与理 
2.0 Lead-in Discussion 引论 
2.1 From Nature to Man 自然与人 
2.2 The Rise of Humanism 人文主义的兴起 
2.3 Humanism in Crisis 人文主义的危机 
2.4 Watch and Reflect 文化思辨 
2.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
Brain and Mind 脑与心 
3.0 Lead-in Discussion 引论 
3.1 Plato\’s Cave 柏拉图的洞穴 
3.2 Psychology 心理学 
3.3 Psychoanalysis 精神分析学派 
3.4 Watch and Reflect 文化思辨 
3.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
Ethics and Aesthetics 善与美 
4.0 Lead-in Discussion 引论 
4.1 Happiness or Virtue 快乐与美德 
4.2 Deontology or Utilitarianism 义务论与功利主义 
4.3 Aestheticism 审美与唯美 
4.4 Read and Reflect 文化思辨 
4.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
Sex and Gender 性别的异同 
5.0 Lead-in Discussion 引论 
5.1 First-wave Feminism 第一波女性运动 
5.2 Second-wave Feminism 第二波女权运动 
5.3 Third-wave Feminism 女权运动的现状 
5.4 Watch and Reflect 文化思辨 
5.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
East and West 东方与西方 
6.0 Lead-in Discussion 
6.1 Approaching the East 了解东方 
6.2 Politicizing the East 政治化东方 
6.3 A Case: Chinese American Voice 美国华裔声音 
6.4 Watch and Reflect 文化思辨 
6.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
History and Histories 历史的版本 
7.0 Lead-in Discussion 
7.1 The Fathers of History 历史之父 
7.2 Historicism 历史主义 
7.3 New Historicism 新历史主义 
7.4 Read and Reflect 文化思辨 
7.5 Further Explorations 进阶学习 
Nations and the Globe 民族与世界 
8.0 Lead-in Discussion 
8.1 Nations and Nationalism 民族与民族主义 
8.2 Globalization and Beyond 全球化之后 
8.3 Course Conclusion 课程总结 
8.4 Further Explorations 进阶学习 

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