1. the purpose of this course2. the major sources of this course3. the contents of this course
This section is a brief introduction of the course getting the students to know each other and get ready to learn.
Interpreting Mythology
1. To comprehend some internalistic theories2. To comprehend some externalistic theories3. To use theories to facilitate your understanding of Greek mythology
This section is the introduction of some theories to interpreting mythology and try to help the students understand Greek myth.
Getting to know Greek Mythology
1.Get to know the literary resources of Greek Mythology2.Get to know Homer and Hesiod and their works3.Understand the creation stories related to the genealogy of Greek pantheon4.Understand the differences between Titans and Olympians5.Understand the characteristics of these Greek deities
1.Two major sources of Greek Mythology
2.A brief outline of different generations of Greek Mythology
3.A brief introduction of the Olympians
4.The meaning and embodiment of anthropomorphism in Greek Mythology
Major Gods in Greek Mythology
1. Understand the main stories and their relationships2. Understand the characters of each gods3. Understand the modern cultural significance of the three gods
This section is the introduction of the three main gods: Zues Apollo and Dionysus including their main stories relationships and characters.
Major Goddesses in Greek Mythology
1. Understand the main stories symbols and their relationships2. Understand the characters of each goddesses3. Understand the modern cultural significance of the three goddesses
This section is the introduction of the three main goddesses: Hera Athena and Aphrodite including their main stories relationships and their contributions to Greek mythology
Heroes in Greek Mythology
1. Get to know the definition of heroes in Greek Mythology2. Get to know the stories of major heroes and their relationships3. Understand the modern cultural significance of the heroes
This section is the introduction of the major heroes in Greek Mythology including their main stories relationships and their contributions.
Creatures in Greek Mythology
1. Understand the main stories and their classifications2. Understand the characters of each Greek mythical creature mentioned in the section3. Understand the modern cultural significance of Greek mythical creatures as representation of humanity
1. Classification of creatures in Greek mythology
2. The representations of creatures and monsters in Greek mythology
Fire Stories
1. Get to know the fire stories of Prometheus and Sui Ren2. Comprehend the cultural meanings of fire in Chinese and western cultures3. Explore the nature-human relationship in Chinese and western cultures
1. The fire stories of Prometheus and Sui Ren
2. Representations of fire in both western and Chinese cultures
3. Different relationships between humans and nature in Chinese and western cultures
Getting to Know the Bible
1. Get students familiarize with the Bible2. Help students discover the significances of the Bible
This section is the introduction of the important information of Bible including the history chapters books and the contributions.
Creation Story
1. Get students familiarized with creation stories in the Bible2. Help students discover the significances of the story3. Practise students’critical thinking by comparing and contrasting different creation stories among Chinese culture Greek mythology and the Bible story
1. The story of creation in the Bible such as the beginning of the world and the story of Adam and Eve
;2. The meanings and implications of the story for Judeo-Christianity
The Flood Stories of Noah and Yu the Great
1. To gain a knowledge of two floods stories2. To comprehend and critique the role of flood in developing each story3. To appreciate different value systems in different cultures
1. Two floods stories: Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood from the Bible and Yu the Great Taming the Flood from Chinese mythology
2. The analysis of these two stories
3. The comparison of these two stories
The Story of Babel Tower
1. Understand the main story and the background2. Understand the general image of the tower3. Understand the theme and application
This section is the introduction of the bible story: Tower of Babel including the scripture the theme and the representation in artistic creation and pop culture.
The Story of Exodus
1.Distinguish the differences among Hebrews Israelites and Israelis2.Get familiarized with the key characters in the story such as Abraham Jacob and Moses3.Understand the story of Exodus4.Comprehend the cultural significances of the story critically
This section includes the key terms and relations of the story in Exodus.
Moses\’ Ten Commandments
1. Know what these ten commandments are2. Comprehend the influence and the application of the ten commandments in western society
1. The contents of the Ten Commandments
2. The influence and interpretation of Ten Commandments
Some Parables
1. Understand the main stories and themes2. Have the awareness of the artistic representation of the main parables3. Understand the influence of Biblical stories in western society
1. The Lost Sheep
2. The Prodigal (Lost) Son
3. The Good Samaritan
Origins of Some Festivals
1. Understand the origins of some western holidays2. Appreciate the traditions and significances associated with these holidays3. Learn to think deeper by comparing these holidays with Chinese holidays
1. The origins of Christmas Boxing day Good Friday and Easter Sunday
2. The traditions of Christmas Boxing day Good Friday and Easter Sunday
3. The significance of Christmas Boxing day Good Friday and Easter Sunday
《西方文化之窗》PPT课件 广东外语外贸大学 李惠胤