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《学成语 知中国》PPT课件 雷莉 四川大学

学成语  知中国_四川大学
成语概说 Chapter 1 Introduction to Chinese idioms 
学习目标:通过本章节的学习,了解成语的特点、结构和来源,感受成语背后的历史典故、风土人情、自然风光和哲学思考,进而认识成语背后缤纷多彩的中国文化。Learning target:Students should come to understand the characteristics  structure and source of Chinese idioms after learning this chapter. They may comprehend their historical allusions  Chinese customs  natural scenery and philosophical thinking  and then discover the colorful Chinese culture behind these idioms. 
第一讲 成语概说 
Lesson1:Introduction to Chinese idioms 
日常生活 (上)Chapter 2 Daily life 
学习目标:通过学习本章节,了解与掌握与饮食相关的常用成语,能够在日常生活中灵活运用,同时,增进对中国饮食文化以及相关典故的理解。Learning target:By studying this chapter  you can learn about the common idioms related to eating and drinking  and be able to use them flexibly in daily life  and at the same time improve the understanding of Chinese food culture and related allusions.  
第一讲 民以食为天 —— 饮食类 
Lesson 1:Food is the most important in people’s life —— Food idioms 
第一节 民以食为天 
Section 1:Food is the most important 
第二节 吃什么 
Section 2:What to eat 
第三节 怎么吃  
Section 3:How to eat 
第四节 怎么做  
Section 4:how to cook 
日常生活(中)Chapter 2 Daily life 
学习目标:服饰成语,分四节,将详细解读十多个重点成语,包括锦衣玉食、衣冠禽兽、衣锦还乡、量体裁衣等,并讲解这些服饰成语反映出哪些中国传统社会生活,价值观念,伦理道德及哲学思想等。Learning target:Clothing Idiom is divided into four sections  will interpret in detail more than ten key idioms  such as jin yi yu shi  yi guan qin shou  yi jin huan xiang liang ti cai yi  etc. The course will explain the traditional Chinese social life  values  ethics and philosophy reflected in these clothing idioms. 
第二讲 人靠衣服马靠鞍 —— 服饰类  
Lesson 2:Clothes make the man —— Clothes idioms 
第一节 衣食之需  
Section 1:Need for clothing and food 
第二节 衣冠有礼  
Section 2:Clothing protocol 
第三节 衣饰明义  
Section 3:Values in dress 
第四节 穿戴寓理  
Section 4:Wisdom in wearing 
日常生活(下)Chapter 2 Daily life 
学习目标:通过这个主题的学习,学习者应该掌握汉语中与居住和旅行有关的成语,进而能更好地理解中国的传统建筑、中国人的家庭观念、中国交通工具的演变与旅途中的人文关怀。Learning target:Learning objective of Chinese idioms about habitation and travel Through the study of this theme  learners should grasp Chinese idioms related to residence and travel  so as to better understand Chinese traditional architecture  Chinese family concept  the evolution of Chinese vehicles and humanistic care in the journey. 
第三讲 家与远方 —— 住行类 
Lesson 3:Home and away —— Chinese idioms about habitation and travelling 
第一节 传统建筑密码  
Section 1:Code of traditional architecturearchitecture 
第二节 家,永远的情结 
Section 2:Family,eternal connection 
第三节 车马船帆 
Section 3:Horses and sails 
Section 4:People on the road 
自然生态(上) Chapter 3 Natural ecology 
学习目标:通过这个主题的学习,学习者应该掌握汉语中与自然界中的山与水相关的成语,进而了解中国的山水地理知识,以及中国山水的文化内涵,明白山水在中国文化中的象征意义。Learning target:Learning objective of Chinese idioms about mountains and waterThrough the study of this theme  learners should know Chinese idioms related to mountains and water in nature  furthermore  understand the knowledge of Chinese landscape geography  as well as the cultural connotation of Chinese landscape  and comprehend the symbolic significance of mountains and water in Chinese culture. 
第一讲 万水千山总是情 —— 山水类 
Lesson 1:The love of Nature —— Chinese idioms about mountain and water 
第一节 江山如画 
Section 1:Picturesque nature  
第二节 巍巍乎高山 
Section 2:Towering Mountains 
第三节 洋洋乎流水 
Section 3:Boundless waters 
自然生态(中) Chapter 3 Natural ecology 
学习目标:通过本章14个重点动物成语的学习,掌握这14个成语的意义内涵、结构特点和使用方式,同时在日常交流中灵活运用 了解这些动物类成语所蕴含的历史文化内涵。Learning target:There are 14 key animal-related idioms to learn in this chapter  whose meaning and connotation  structure characteristics and use of method are required to be understand. Besides  students should use them freely in their daily talk  and get to realize the profound historical and cultural meaning behind these idioms. 
第二讲 飞禽走兽,万物有灵 —— 动物类 
Lesson 2:Like birds and beasts  everything has its spirit —— Idioms related to animals 
第一节 展翅高飞 
Section 1:(Birds) soar high with their wings 
第二节 四蹄生风 
Section 2:(Horses) run fast with the wind 
第三节 水中游弋 
Section 3:(Swimming fish) cruise in the water 
自然生态(下) Chapter 3 Natural ecology 
学习目标:通过这个主题的学习,学习者应该掌握汉语中与植物有关的成语,并进而了解不同植物在中国文化中的象征意味,尤其是了解松、竹、梅、桃花、荷花、兰花等在中国的人格化的内涵。Learning target:Learning objective of Chinese idioms about plantThrough the study of this theme  learners should grasp Chinese idioms related to plants  and then understand the symbolic meanings of different plants in Chinese culture  especially the personification of pine  bamboo  plum  peach blossom  lotus  orchid and so on in China. 
第三讲 植物 一花一叶一世界 —— 植物类 
Lesson 3:One flower  one leaf  one world —— Chinese idioms about plants 
第一节 松及其他植物  
Section 1:Pine and Other plants 
第二节 梅及其他植物  
Section 2:Plum and other plants 
第三节 竹及其他植物  
Section 3:Bamboo and other plants 
人物风貌(上)Chapter 4 Typical Personalities 
学习目标:通过学习能够在生活中熟练运用关于描写人物的外表、气质及神态类的14个成语,了解成语的出处及相关背景知识。Learning target:After this class  You will learn the original stories and backgrounds of the following 14 idioms which are used to describe persons’ appearances  temperament and expressions.And use them in your daily life properly. 
第一讲 人生百态,仪态万千 —— 仪态类 
Lesson 1:Bearing —— Our gestures tell our secrets  
第一节 外表  
Section 1:Appearance  
第二节 气质  
Section 2:Temperament 
第三节 神态  
Section 3:Expression 
人物风貌(中)Chapter 4 Typical Personalities 
学习目标:动作成语,分三节,涉及与手足动作、身体语言、动作寓言相关的十几个成语;重点成语有:走马观花、 举手之劳 、掩耳盗铃、 闻鸡起舞等。动作成语体现出汉民族身体语言及心理特征,而寓言故事与古代思想及智慧不可分割,也涉及历史人物事迹。Learning target:Action Idiom is divided into three sections  involving idioms of hand and foot movements  body language  action fables  including more than a dozen key idioms  such as: zou ma guan hua  jü shou zhi lao  yan er dao ling  wen ji qi wu  etc. Action idioms embody the body language and psychological characteristics of the Chinese nation  while fables are inseparable from ancient thoughts and wisdom  sometimes also involve the deeds of historical figures. 
第二讲 举手投足皆有情 —— 动作类 
Lesson 2:Body actions convey one’s feelings —— Action idioms  
第一节 肢体语言和眉目传情  
Section 1:Body actions and facial expressions(一) 
第二节 体态传情  
Section 2:Body actions and facial expressions(二) 
第三节 动作类成语故事  
Section 3:The stories of action idioms 
人物风貌(下)Chapter 4 Typical Personalities 
学习目标:通过学习能够在生活中熟练运用描写人类喜怒哀乐的情绪的15个常用成语,了解这些成语的出处以及相关文化背景知识。 Learning target:After this class You will learn the original stories and backgrounds of the following 15 idioms which are used to express different human emotions .And use them in your daily life properly. 
第三讲 人有悲欢离合 —— 情绪类 
Lesson 3:Emotion —— A time to weep  A time to laugh A time to mourn A time to dance 
第一节 面部表情  
Section 1:Facial expression  
第二节 肢体动作  
Section 2:Body movements  
第三节 直接表达  
Section 3:Descriptions of emotions 
思维认知(上)Chapter 5 Thinking cognition 
学习目标:数字成语,包括单数成语和整数成语两节,重点成语包括:一帆风顺、朝三暮四百花齐放、万众一心等。本课程将讲解数字成语及其中国的数字文化,也将介绍数字成语的形式美、音韵美,以及汉语成语的修辞特点。Learning target:Digital Idiom includes 2 sections:idioms of single digits and integers  including a dozen key idioms  such as: yi fan feng shun  zhao san mu si  bai hua qi fang  wan zhong yi xin  etc. The course will explain digital idioms and Chinese digital culture  as well as their formal feature   phonological beauty  and rhetorical characteristics. 
第一讲 心中有数 —— 数字类 
Lesson 1:The Numbers in Your Heart —— digital idioms 
第一节 数数不同(个数成语) 
Section 1:Single digit idiom 
第二节 成千上万(整数成语) 
Section 2:Integer idiom 
思维认知(中)Chapter 5 Thinking cognition 
学习目标:通过学习本章节,了解与掌握与颜色相关的常用成语,能够在日常生活中灵活运用;同时,更深入理解中国语境中颜色的文化内涵。Learning target:By studying this chapter  you can understand and master the common idioms related to color  which can be used flexibly in daily life. At the same time  you can better understand the cultural connotation of color in the context of China. 
第二讲 五彩世界 —— 颜色类 
Lesson 2:a colorful world —— Color idioms 
第一节 彩色人生 
Section 1:colorful life 
第二节 时光荏苒 
Section 2:time flies  
第三节 从对比到多元 
Section 3:from comparison to diversity 
思维认知(下)Chapter 5 Thinking cognition 
学习目标:本课通过8个重点成语的学习,使学生完成以下目标:(1)掌握这些成语的用法;(2)了解汉语中两类具有不同结构特点的方位成语,即结构上对称的词语和结构上不对称的词语。前者的内部结构主要是并列式,后者的内部结构较为复杂,常常来源于特定的历史典故。Learning target:By studing the 8 key idioms in this chaper  students will achieve the following (1) mastering the use of these idioms; (2) understanding two kinds of directional idioms with different structural characteristics in Chinese  namely  structurally symmetrical words and structurally asymmetrical words. The internal structure of the former is mainly parallel  while the internal structure of the latter is more complex  which often comes from specific historical allusions. 
第三讲:南腔北调话东西 —— 方位类 
Lesson 3:Referring the same thing  living in different directions. —— idioms of directions 
第一节 对称式  
Section 1:Symmetric idioms 
第二节 不对称式  
Section 2:Asymmetric idioms 
人文艺术(上) Chpater 6 Humanistic art 
学习目标:通过本章三个专题16个重点成语的学习,使学生完成以下目标:(1)掌握这些词语的用法;(2)了解中国古人对于文章的敬畏、对于知识的向往以及对于优秀作品的珍视。Learning target:By studing the 16 key idioms in three topics in this chapter  the students can achieve the following (1) to master the use of these words; (2) to understand the awe of the ancient Chinese for the article  the yearning for knowledge and the treasure of excellent works. 
第一讲 天工人巧,各领风骚 —— 文学类 
Lesson 1:Talent  effert and masterpiece of literature —— literature idioms 
第一节 对写作者的评价 
Section 1:Description of a writer 
第二节 对作品的评述  
Section 2:Evaluation of works  
第三节 对写作过程的描述  
Section 3:Description about the process of writing 
人文艺术(中) Chpater 6 Humanistic art 
学习目标:通过学习本章节,了解与掌握与音乐相关的常用成语,能够在日常交流中灵活运用,同时,更深入理解成语背后的历史文化内涵。Learning target:By studying this chapter  you can understand and master the common idioms related to music  and you can use them flexibly in daily communication. At the same time  you can better understand the historical and cultural connotations behind these idioms. 
第二讲 余音绕梁,三日不绝 —— 音乐类 
Lesson 2:“The music lingered for three days in the house” or A fantastic musical world  
第一节 我听你唱  
Section 1:I am listening to your songs 
第二节 效果不凡  
Section 2:Extraordinary effect  
第三节 历史钩沉  
Section 3:Historical story 
人文艺术(下) Chpater 6 Humanistic art 
学习目标:通过本章11个重点绘画类成语的学习,掌握这11个成语的意义内涵、结构特点和使用方式,同时在日常交流中灵活运用 了解这些绘画类成语所蕴含的历史文化内涵。Learning target:Through learning 11 key idioms related to Chinese paintings given in this chapter  students should have a masterly command of the connotation and meaning  structure features and use methods of them. They should also use them totally freely  and then understand the historical and cultural connotation carried by these idioms. 
第三讲 妙手丹青,挥毫泼墨 —— 绘画类 
Lesson 3:Brush-Painting and calligraphy-Idioms related to painting 
第一节 画龙点睛 
Section 1:To add the finishing touch (on the dragon-painting) 
第二节 妙手丹青 
Section 2:A skilled painter expert in brush-painting 
第三节 栩栩如生 
Section 3:Lifelike and vivid as the real scenery 
人情冷暖 Chapter 7 Interpersonal Relationships  
学习目标:通过学习本章节,了解和掌握与中国人的家庭关系、社会关系以及朋友关系相关的常用成语,能够在谈论相关话题时灵活运用,同时增进对中国不同层面人际关系以及相关典故的理解。Learning Target: By studying this chapter  you will understand and master the common idioms about Chinese family relationship  social relationship and friendship  and be able to use them when discussing related topics. At the same time  your understanding of Chinese interpersonal relationships at different levels and related allusions will be enhanced. 
第一讲 家和万事兴——家庭关系 
Lesson 1: A harmonious family cultivates prosperity –Family Relationship 
第二讲 以和为贵——社会关系 
Lesson 2: Harmony is most precious – Social Relationship 
第三讲 海内存知己——朋友关系 
Lesson 3: A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near – Friendship 

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