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《医学物理实验》PPT课件 山东大学 盖志刚

绪论 Introduction 
1.1 课程介绍 Course introduction 
1.2 物理学与医学的关系 Relationship between physics and medicine 
1.3 物理学技术在医学中的应用 Application of physical technology in medicine 
1.4 医学物理实验的重要性 Importance of medical physics experiment 
1.5 医学物理实验的上课要求 Teaching requirements of medical physics experiment 
1.6 网络直播 Webcast 
1.7 虚拟仿真实验 Virtual simulation experiment 
1.8 物理科普工作 Science popularization of Physics 
2.1 测量及其分类 Measurement and classification 
2.2 误差及其分类 Error and its classification 
2.3 精确度和误差的表示形式 Representation of accuracy and error 
2.4 直接测量和间接测量随机误差的估算 Estimation of random error of direct measurement and indirect measurement 
2.5 有效数字及其运算规则 Significant digits and their operation rules 
2.6 包含标准误差的运算规则 Operation rules including standard error 
2.7 实验数据图示法 Graphical method of experimental data 
2.8 实验数据处理:逐差法和一元线性回归 Experimental data processing: successive difference method and univariate linear regression 
绪论测验 Introduction test 
第一次作业 First assignment 
实验一 物体的基本测量 Basic length measurement 
1.1 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
1.2 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
1.3 实验注意事项和思考题 Experimental precautions and thinking questions 
实验参考教材1 Experimental reference materials 1 
动画练习1:游标卡尺的读数 Animation exercise 1:Reading of vernier caliper 
动画练习2:螺旋测微器的读数 Animation exercise 2:Reading of spiral micrometer 
动画练习3:秒表的使用 Animation exercise 2:Use of stopwatch 
实验一 物体的基本测量 Test 1 Basic length measurement 
实验二 用拉脱法测定液体表面张力系数 Determination of liquid surface tension coefficient by pull off method 
2.1 基础知识——表面张力 Basic knowledge – surface tension 
2.2 基础知识——接触角和表面活性物质 Basic knowledge – contact angle and surfactant 
2.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
2.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
2.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验参考教材2 Experimental reference materials 2 
动画练习1:表面张力的测定 Animation exercise 1:Determination of surface tension 
实验二 用拉脱法测定液体表面张力系数 Text 2 Determination of liquid surface tension coefficient by pull off method 
第二次作业 Second assignment 
实验三 杨氏模量的测量 Determination of Young\’s modulus 
3.1 基础知识——应力和应变 Basic knowledge – Stress and strain 
3.2 基础知识—杨氏模量 Basic knowledge – Young\’s modulus 
3.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
3.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
3.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1Experimental reference materials 1 
实验参考教材 2 Experimental reference materials 2 
实验三 杨氏模量的测量 Test 3 Determination of Young\’s modulus 
实验四 液体黏滞系数的测量 Measurement of viscosity coefficient of liquid 
4.1 基础知识——黏性流体的流动 Basic knowledge – Flow of viscous fluid 
4.2 基础知识——泊肃叶定律 Basic knowledge – Poiseuille\’s law 
4.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
4.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
4.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验参考教材 2 Experimental reference materials 2 
动画练习1:液体黏度的测定 Animation exercise 1: Determination of liquid viscosity 
动画练习2:黏性流体在均匀水平管道中的流动 Animation exercise 2: Flow of viscous fluid in uniform horizontal pipe 
动画练习3:泊肃叶定律 Animation exercise 3: Poiseuille\’s law 
实验四 液体黏滞系数的测量 Test 4 Measurement of viscosity coefficient of liquid 
实验五 超声声速的测定 Measurement of ultrasonic velocity 
5.1 基础知识——两个互相垂直的间谐波的合成 Basic knowledge -Synthesis of two interharmonics perpendicular to each other 
5.2 基础知识——驻波 Basic knowledge -Standing wave 
5.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
5.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
5.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
动画练习1:李萨如图形 Animation exercise 1: Lissajous figure 
动画练习2:相位法测声速 Animation exercise 2: Measurement of sound velocity by phase method 
动画练习3:驻波 Animation exercise 3: Standing wave 
实验五 超声声速的测定 Test 5 Measurement of ultrasonic velocity 
实验六 非正常眼的模拟与矫正 Simulation and correction of abnormal eyes 
6.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
6.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
6.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验参考教材 2 Experimental reference materials 2 
动画练习1:薄透镜成像 Animation exercise 1: Thin lens imaging 
6.1 基础知识——薄透镜 Basic knowledge -Thin lens 
6.2 基础知识——眼睛的屈光系统 Basic knowledge -The refractive system of the eye 
实验六 非正常眼的模拟与矫正 Test 6 Simulation and correction of abnormal eyes 
实验七 人体皮肤电阻抗的频率特性 Frequency characteristics of skin electrical impedance in human body 
7.1 基础知识——金属与电解质的导电性 Basic knowledge -Conductivity of metals and electrolytes 
7.2 基础知识——人体内的电现象 Basic knowledge -Electrical phenomena in human body 
7.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
7.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
7.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验七 人体皮肤电阻抗的频率特性 Test 7 Frequency characteristics of skin electrical impedance in human body 
实验八 旋光计的使用和测量 Use and measurement of polarimeter 
8.1 基础知识——马吕斯定律 Basic knowledge -Marius law 
8.2 基础知识——旋光现象和电磁场的光效应 Basic knowledge -Optical rotation and optical effect of electromagnetic field 
8.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
8.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
8.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验八 旋光计的使用和测量 Test 8 Use and measurement of polarimeter 
实验九 分光计测光波波长 Wavelength measurement by spectrometer 
9.1 基础知识——单缝衍射 Basic knowledge – Single slit diffraction 
9.2 基础知识——衍射光栅 Basic knowledge – Diffraction grating 
9.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
9.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
9.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验九 分光计测光波波长 Test 9 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验十 扩散硅压力传感器测量人体血压 Measurement of human blood pressure by diffusion silicon pressure sensor 
10.1 基础知识——基尔霍夫定律 Basic knowledge – Kirchhoff\’s law 
10.2 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
10.3 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
10.4 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验十 扩散硅压力传感器测量人体血压 Test 10 Measurement of human blood pressure by diffusion silicon pressure sensor 
实验十一 人耳听阈曲线的测定 Measurement of hearing threshold curve of human ear 
11.1 基础知识——声强和声强级 Basic knowledge – Sound intensity and sound intensity level 
11.2 基础知识——超声波和次声波 Basic knowledge – Ultrasonic and infrasonic waves 
11.3 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
11.4 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
11.5 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考教材 1 Experimental reference materials 1 
实验十一 人耳听阈曲线的测定 Test 11 Measurement of hearing threshold curve of human ear 
实验十二 生物显微摄影 Photography of biological microscope 
12.1 基础知识——显微镜 Basic knowledge – Microscope 
12.2 实验目的和实验原理 Purpose and principle of the experiment 
12.3 实验器材和实验步骤 Experimental equipment and procedures 
12.4 实验注意事项和思考题 Matters needing attention and thinking questions 
实验参考讲义1 Experimental reference handout1 
实验十二 生物显微摄影 Test 12 Photography of biological microscope

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