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《英美文学入门》PPT课件 吴其尧 上海外国语大学

总论 General introduction 
1.1 What is a strong reader of literature? 
1.2 General ideology and literary ideology 
1.3 General repertoire and literary repertoire 
1.4 How to be a strong reader? 
1.5 单元作业 
散文 Essay 
2.1 Essays as factual writings 
2.2 Major qualities of essays 
2.3 单元作业 
诗歌 Poetry I: Why is Poetry a Special Way of Saying? 
3.0 Introduction 
3.1Frequent appearance of rhymes 
3.2 Strongly marked rhythm 
3.3 Lines and Stanza Forms 
3.4 Employment of Tropes 
3.5 单元作业 
诗歌 Poetry II What Does Poetry Say? And How Does It Say It? 
4.5 Overflow of Love 
4.6 Death against the Mortal Coil 
4.7 Nature and Man 
戏剧 Drama I: Tragedy or Comedy? This Is a Question. 
5.1 Why are we concerned with dramatic genre? 
5.2 What is tragedy? 
5.3 What is comedy? 
5.4 Is mixed dramatic genre acceptable? 
5.5 单元测验 
戏剧 Drama II: Reading Dramatic Texts as Literature 
6.1 What is a dramatic text made of? 
6.2 What do dramatic texts as literature \say\ to us? 
6.3 How do linguistic theories help us read dramatic texts? 
6.4 How do theatre and performance studies contribute to our understanding of a dramatic text? 
6.5 单元测验 
哥特文学 Gothic Literature 
7.1 Is Gothic Literature related with Gothic Architecture? 
7.2 What are Archetypal Gothic Characters? 
7.3 What makes \A Rose for Emily\ an acclaimed representative of Gothic? 
7.4 What is the real meaning of the name of \A Rose for Emily\? 
7.5 单元测验 
女性小说 Women’s fiction 
8.1 Why there have been few great women writers? 
8.2 How do we become a strong reader of women\’s fiction? 
8.3 What does it mean to be a woman at the turn of the century? 
8.4 \The Yellow Wallpaper\: why do we call it a feminist classic? 
8.5 单元测试 
历史小说 Historical fiction 
9.1 Defining Historical Fiction: Why does Dickens set A Tale of Two Cities during the French Revolution? 
9.2 Defining Historical Fiction: Why does Hawthorne call The Scarlet Letter a historical romance instead of a historical novel? 
9.3 Reading historical fiction: What does historical fiction bring to us? & How to be a strong reader of historical fiction? 
9.4 单元测验 
儿童文学 Children\’s Literature 
10.1 What helps Charlotte\’s Web become a best-selling? 
10.2 What literary techniques does E.B.White employ in Charlotte\’s Web 
10.3 What makes Charlotte\’s Web a children\’s classic? 
10.4 Subject Matters and Theme 
10.5 Genre and Writing Styles 
10.6 单元测验 

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