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《英语学术论文写作》PPT课件 薛锦 北京科技大学

学术论文的基本特点介绍 Introduction to Academic Writing 
1.1 学术论文的基本特征 Features of Academic Writing 
Test on the Features of Academic Writing 
1.2 英语学术论文写作的基本流程 Process of Academic Writing 
Test on the Process of Academic Writing 
搜集资源 Finding Sources 
2.1 学习研究资源 Finding Resources for Academic Writing 
Test on the Finding Resources for Academic Writing 
2.2 搜集文献资料的工具和方法 Tools and Methods of Finding Resources 
Test on the Tools and Methods of Finding Resources 
不同方向的选题 Topic Selection 
3.1 选题的原则 Principles for Topic Selection 
Assignment 1. Library Research 
Test on the Principles for Topic Selection 
3.2 语言学选题 Topics for Language and Linguistic Research Essays 
Test on the Topics for Language and Linguistic Research Essays 
研究方法 Research Methods 
4.1 研究方法选择 On Selecting Research Methods 
Test on the Selecting Research Methods 
4.2 质性研究方法&量化研究方法 Qualitative & Quantitative Methods 
Test on the Qualitative and Quantitative Methods 
学术论文基本架构 Basic Structure in Academic Writing 
5.1 学术论文结构 The Structure of Dissertation 
Test on the Structure of Dissertation 
5.2 学术写作的重要技能 Argumentation:One critical skill for academic writing 
Test on the Argumentation 
Assignment 2 
写作技巧 Skills for Academic Writing 
6.1 摘要 Abstract 
Test on the Abstract 
6.2 引言(包含文献综述) Introduction (with Literature Review) 
Test on the Introduction 
6.3 正文,讨论,总结 Body Paragraphs,Discussion  Conclusion 
Test on the Body Paragraphs,Discussion  Conclusion 
学术规范 Academic Formats 
7.1 APA格式 APA Format 
Assignment 3: Book Report 
Test on the APA Format 
7.2 论文发表的步骤 Steps to Publishing Paper 
Test on the Steps to Publishing Paper 

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