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《英语阅读》PPT课件 李淑静 北京大学

In Search of Ancient Chinese Architecture 
Learning objectives:1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and the major points of this article.2. To understand there are different ways to express \cause and effect\ or \compare and contrast\ relationships within a sentence or between sentences.3. To distinguish the attributive clauses from the main components of a long sentence.4. To use the prefix \dis\ to make new words.5. To understand a Chinese scholar\’s passion for his research and love for his country. 
1.1 Text Reading 
1.2 Background Information 
1.3 Text Analysis 
1.4 Reading Skills 
1.5 Sentences 
1.6 Words and Expressions 
1.7 Chinese stories 
Why Options Distract Us from Our Main Objective 
Learning objectives: 1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and the major points of this article. 2. To understand how to argue with examples. 3. To learn sentences with emphasis.4. To use parallel patterns to make new words.5. To compare an American economist’s wisdom and a Chinese entrepreneur\’s advice for making wise choices. 
2.1 Text Reading 
2.2 Background Information 
2.3 Text Analysis 
2.4 Reading Skills 
2.5 Sentences 
2.6 Words and Expressions 
2.7 Chinese Stories 
Ancient Greece 
Learning objectives: 1.To have a general idea of ancient Greece. 2.To identify and explain in your own words the main idea of each paragraph. 3.To recognize signal words in an article and use them in writing a summary. 4.To recognize alliteration. 5.To describe the imported species in Song and Yuan dynasties. 
3.1 Text Reading 
3.2 Background Information 
3.3 Text Analysis 
3.4 Reading Skills 
3.5 Sentences 
3.6 Words and Expressions 
3.7 Chinese Stories 
The Meditations 
Learning objectives:1. To have a general idea of the philosophical book The Meditations and its author Marcus Aurelius.2. To identify and explain in your own words the major points of each paragraph.3. To identify the reference words used in a sentence.4. To expand your vocabulary by learning words of similar meanings. 5. To see how a Chinese scholar introduces ancient Chinese philosophy to the world. 
4.1 Text Reading 
4.2 Background Information 
4.3 Text Analysis 
4.4 Reading Skills 
4.5 Sentences 
4.6 Words and Expressions 
4.7 Chinese Stories 
The Sublime Shadowed by the Awesome and the Fearful 
Learning objectives:1.To have a general idea of Michelangelo and the Renaissance. 2.To identify and explain in your own words the main idea of each paragraph. 3.To recognize block quotations. 4.To use sentences or clauses with parallel parts for rhetoric effect.5.To describe the development of Chinese painting. 
5.1 Text Reading 
5.2 Background Information 
5.3 Text Analysis 
5.4 Reading Skills 
5.5 Sentences 
5.6 Words and Expressions 
5.7 Chinese Stories 
Thinking Like a Mountain 
Learning objectives: 1. To get to know the founding father of the United States’ wilderness system and his \land ethic\. 2. To identify and explain in your own words the main idea of each section of the article. 3. To practice how to find the main idea for a paragraph or an article. 4. To realize the switch of verb tenses may serve as a signal of the change of an idea or topic. 5. To expand vocabulary by grouping new words into different categories. 6. To understand how a Chinese nuclear scientist advocates \holding the nature in awe\.  
6.1 Text Reading 
6.2 Background Information 
6.3 Text Analysis 
6.4 Reading Skills 
6.5 Sentences 
6.6 Words and Expressions 
6.7 Chinese Stories 
Public Attitudes Towards Science 
Learning objectives:1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and major points of this article. 2. To understand how transitional sentences allow us to follow the writer’s train of thoughts and indicate relationships between paragraphs. 3. To understand the implication of subjunctive mood. 4. To enhance your awareness of \part of speech\ of a word and its collocation. 5. To see how a common Chinese national is concerned with science-related issues.  
7.1 Text Reading 
7.2 Background Information 
7.3 Text Analysis 
7.4 Reading Skills 
7.5 Sentences 
7.6 Words and Expressions 
7.7 Chinese Stories 
Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts 
Learning objectives: 1.To have a general idea of the American Civil War. 2.To identify and explain in your own words the main idea of each paragraph. 3.To recognize two methods of contrast and comparison. 4.To recognize transitional sentences or paragraphs and use them in writing. 5.To give a brief introduction of Huangpu Military Academy. 
8.1 Text Reading 
8.2 Background Information 
8.3 Text Analysis 
8.4 Reading Skills 
8.5 Sentences 
8.6 Words and Expressions 
8.7 Chinese Stories 
On Happiness 
Learning objectives:1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and the major points of this article.2. To understand Aristotelian argument. 3. To learn adverbial clauses of reason.4. To learn five frequently used word roots to make new words.5. To understand a famous ancient Greek philosopher\’s view and a Chinese philosopher\’s perspective on happiness. 
9.1 Text Reading 
9.2 Background Information 
9.3 Text Analysis 
9.4 Reading Skills 
9.5 Sentences 
9.6 Words and Expressions 
9.7 Chinese Stories 
The World We Have Lost 
Learning objectives: 1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and the major points of this excerpt.2. To apply prediction skills in reading. 3. To learn some English-Chinese translation tips. 4. To recognize and retrieve terms related to environmental deterioration.5. To summarize a Chinese official document.  
10.1 Text Reading 
10.2 Background Information 
10.3 Text Analysis 
10.4 Reading Skills 
10.5 Sentences 
10.6 Words and Expressions 
10.7 Chinese Stories 
Amusing Ourselves to Death 
Learning objectives: 1. To identify and explain in your own words the thesis and the major points of this article. 2. To understand how to argue with data and facts. 3. To learn parallel clauses and sentences.4. To learn five frequently collocation patterns. 5. To understand an American media theorist’s concern about the development of new media and contemporary Chinese scholars\’ attitude towards new media. 
11.1 Text Reading 
11.2 Background Information 
11.3 Text Analysis 
11.4 Reading Skills 
11.5 Sentences 
11.6 Words and Expressions 
11.7 Chinese Stories 
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin 
Learning objectives: 1. To summarize in your own words the major points of each paragraph. 2. To recognize the narrative style. 3. To use present participle phrase indicating reason  cause  purpose or effect  or the time sequence. 4. To build your vocabulary by learning word families. 5. To see how both Western and Chinese scholars emphasized the importance of reading.  
12.1 Text Reading 
12.2 Background Information 
12.3 Text Analysis 
12.4 Reading Skills 
12.5 Sentences 
12.6 Words and Expressions 
12.7 Chinese Stories 

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