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《工程制图》PPT课件 程蓉 深圳大学

《工程制图》PPT课件 程蓉 深圳大学
第1章制图基本知识 Basic Knowledge of Drawing 
01-01绪论 Introduction 
01-02国标规定及制图工具用法 International standards and the usage of drawing tools 
第2章正投影基础 Basic Orthographic Projection 
02-01正投影法原理 Principles of orthographic projection 
02-02点、线、面的投影 Projection of points,lines and planes 
第3章立体及其交线 Solids and Their Intersections 
03-01平面立体的投影 Projection of polyhedral solids 
03-02曲面立体的投影 Projection of curved solids 
03-03平面与平面立体相交 Intersection of planes and surfaces of a polyhedral solid 
03-04平面与曲面立体相交 Intersection of plane and surfaces of curved solids 
03-05两立体相交 Intersection of two solids 
第4章组合体 Composite Solids 
04-01组合体的形体分析 Analysis for composite solids 
04-02组合体三视图画法 Three views of composite solids 
04-03组合体三视图的读图 Reading views of composite solids 
04-04组合体的尺寸标注 Dimensioning composite solids 
第5章轴测图 Axonometric Projections 
05-01轴测图介绍 Introduction to axonometric projections 
第6章图样画法 General Principles of Representation 
06-01视图(基本视图、局部视图、斜视图)Views (principle, partial and oblique views) 
06-02剖视图1(概述、全剖、半剖)Sectional views 1(summary, full and half sectional views) 
06-03剖视图2 (其他剖视图)Sectional views 2(the other sectional views) 
06-04断面图、局部放大图及简化画法 Cuts, partial enlargement and simplified 
06-05图样画法习题课 Exercises 
第7章常用机件的表达 Representation for Commonly Used Parts 
07-01螺纹画法及标注 Representation and dimensioning for screws 
07-02螺纹紧固件 Screw fasteners 
07-03常用件简介 Introduction for commonly used parts 
第8章零件图 Detail Drawings 
08-01零件图1(零件图的内容、视图选择及典型零件的表达方法)Detail drawings(contents of detail drawings) 
08-02零件图2(零件的结构工艺性及尺寸标注)Detail drawings 2 (manufacturing processes and dimensioning) 
08-03零件图3(零件图的表面结构表示法)Detail drawings (graphical symbols for surface texture) 
08-04零件图4(极限与配合及其他技术要求)Detail drawings 4 (the other technical requirements) 
08-05零件图5(几何公差及标注)Detail drawings 5 (geometrical tolerance in detail drawings) 
08-06零件图6(读零件图)Detail drawings 6 (interpreting detail drawings) 
第9章装配图 Assembly Drawings 
09-01装配图1(装配图介绍及画图方法)Assembly drawings (summary of assembly drawings) 
09-02装配图2(装配图标注与装配结构的合理性)Assembly drawings (dimensioning and fitting structures) 
09-03装配图3(读装配图)Assembly drawings 3 (interpreting assembly drawings) 
11-01期中考试 Middle semester exam 
12-01期末总复习 The final review 

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