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《大学英语》PPT课件 黄跃华 南开大学

《大学英语》PPT课件 黄跃华 南开大学
01-01Unit 1 Growing Up (综合) 
01-02Unit 1 Studying English (听说) 
01-03Unit 2 Fun with Language(听说) 
01-04Unit 3 Understanding Science (综合) 
01-05Unit 3 School Life (听说) 
01-06Unit 4 Going to a Party(听说) 
01-07Unit 4 American Dream (综合) 
01-08Unit 5 Telephoning(听说) 
01-09Unit 6 Shopping(听说) 
01-10Unit 5 Romance(综合) 
01-11Unit 7 A Job Interview(听说) 
01-12Unit 8 Employment(听说) 
01-13Unit 8 Coping with an Educational Problem(综合) 
01-14Unit 9 Going on Vacation(听说) 
01-15Final Exam 
02-01Unit 1 Ways of Learning (综合) 
02-02Unit 2 Food and Drinks(听说) 
02-03Unit 3 Weather(听说) 
02-04Unit 2 Values (综合) 
02-05Unit 4 Music(听说) 
02-06Unit 5 Health(听说) 
02-07Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles(综合) 
02-08Unit 6 Business(听说) 
02-09Unit 10 Places of Interest(Book 1 听说) 
02-10Unit 6 Women,Half the Sky(综合) 
02-11Unit 9 Dreams and Ambitions(听说) 
02-12Unit 10 Disasters (听说) 
02-13Unit 7 Learning About English(综合) 
02-14Unit 12 The Internet(听说) 
02-15Final Exam 
03-01Unit 1 Parents 
03-02Unit 2 Coincidence 
03-03Unit 4 Marriage 
03-04Unit 5 Youth 
03-05Unit 6 Stress 
03-06Unit 9 The Business World 
03-07Unit 10 Cinema 
03-08Unit 13 Inventions 
03-09Unit 14 Women 
03-10Unit 2 Anti-smoking 
03-11Unit 3 Jobs and Careers 
03-12Unit 6  Success 
03-13Unit 8  Public Speaking 
03-14Unit 10 Home-schooling 
03-15Unit 12 Reality TV 
04-01Unit1 BK III Changes in the Way We Live 
04-02Unit 2 BK III Civil Rights Heroes 
04-03Unit 3 BK III Security 
04-04Unit 4  BK III Imagination and Creativity 
04-05Unit 5  BK III How to Celebrate Holidays 
04-06Unit 6  BK III The Human Touch 
04-07Unit 7  BK III Making a Living 
04-08Unit 8  BK III Cloning 
04-09Unit 1  BK IV Fighting with the Forces of Nature 
04-10Unit 2  BK IV Smart Cars 
04-11Unit 3 BK IV Job Interview 
04-12Unit 5  BK IV Cruelty 
04-13Unit 6  BK IV The Pace of Life 
04-14Unit 7  BK IV  Terrorism 
04-15Unit 8  BK IV  Travel 

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