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《大学英语》PPT课件 赵雯 东北大学

《大学英语》PPT课件 赵雯 东北大学
第1章Getting to Know People 
01-01Ask Allen 
01-02WILLIAM H. GATES,The Chief Architect of the Microsoft Corporation 
第2章Going out 
02-01Music Makes the World Go 
02-02Rediscovering Music 
第3章Talking about Families 
03-01The Twin Sisters 
03-02Living at Home Is a New Trend in US 
第4章Coping with Technology 
04-01The Communicator 
04-02PC Pollution 
第5章Eating in,Eating out 
05-01Healthy Eating Tips 
05-02″”You Are What You Eat”” 
第6章Staying in Shape 
06-01I Need Some Health Advice! 
06-02Accept Your Body and Learn to Have a Positive Self Image 
第7章Finding Something to Wear 
07-01Big Boot Sale 
07-02Crack the Office Dress Code 
第8章Getting away 
08-01A Vacation Postcard 
08-02A Charming Lake 
第9章Taking Transportation 
09-01New Cause Found for Cruise Ship Illnesses 
09-02Make the Best of Getting Bumped 
第10章Shopping Smart 
10-01Can You Give Me a Better Price? 
10-02Five Tips & Tricks for Effective Online Shopping 
第11章Greetings and Small Talk 
11-01Body Talk 
11-02On British Tolerance 
第12章Movies and Entertainment 
12-01Movie Reviews 
12-02Saving Private Ryan 
第13章Staying at Hotels 
13-01Look at the hotel bill. How many nights did the guest stay at the hotel? 
13-02ON A BUDGET? 
第14章Cars and Driving 
14-01YOOTUR Travel & Yachting 
14-02Driving in the City 
第15章Personal Care and Appearance 
15-01Cosmetic Surgery Vacations 
第16章Eating Well 
16-01Food Fusion : Variety is the spice of life 
16-02Professor Loses Weight with No-diet Diet 
第17章Psychology and Personality 
17-01Nature vs Nuture 
17-02Your Favorite Color: What It Says About You 
第18章Enjoying the Arts 
18-01Living with Art 
18-02Pablo Picasso: a Passion to Create 
第19章Living with Computers 
19-01Keeping Your Computer Safe 
19-02Protect Yourself Online 
第20章Ethics and values 
20-01Honest Man Returns $9000 Cash 
20-02Men and Women: Differences 
第21章Cultural Literacy 
21-01The Culture of Fashion 
21-02The Monochronic and Polychronic Time Systems 
第22章Health Matters 
22-02Testing for AIDS 
第23章Getting Things Done 
23-01How to Enjoy your Party 
23-02Postal Services History 
第24章Life Choices 
24-01A Big Life Decision 
24-02The Other Choice Debate 
第25章Holidays and Traditions 
25-01Food Fight! 
25-02The White Envelope 
第26章Disasters and Emergencies 
26-01Death of a City 
26-02Inferno That Brought Death and Despair 
第27章Books and Magazines 
27-01Winners of Children 
27-02Literature from the Bible 
第28章Inventions and Technology 
28-01The Most Important Invention 
28-02Email Culture 
第29章Controversial Issues 
29-01Newspaper Column 
29-02Money for Morality 
第30章Enjoying the World 
30-02Even Macho Men Cry at Bullfights 
第31章New Perspectives 
31-01The Power of Optimism 
31-02How to Change Your Point of View 
第32章Musical Moods 
32-01Ray Charles 
32-02What Do They Tell Us About? 
第33章Money Matters 
33-01A gift-giver’s guide 
33-02Financing a New Car 
第34章Looking Good 
34-01From Shocking to Striking Tattoos Gain Acceptance 
34-02African Fashion Clothing 
35-01Canberra: A Planned City 
35-02Management of Calcutta Megacity 
36-02The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights 
第37章Advertising and Consumers 
37-01Upward Trend in Global Online Shopping 
37-02Mrs. Dalloway 
第38章Family Trends 
38-01The Sandwich Generation 
38-02The Parent-Teen Relationship: 
第39章History’s Mysteries 
39-01Urban Legends of Today 
39-02Shroud of Turin — Authentic? 
第40章Your Free Time 
40-01Are the “Leisure” Activities of Today’s Teens 
40-02Work and Leisure 
第41章Review & test 1 
第42章Review & test 2 
第43章Review & test 3 
第44章Review & test 4 
第45章Review & test 5 
第46章Review & test 6 
第47章Review & test 7 
第48章Review & test 8 

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