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高等院校机械工程·工业工程系列教材 系统建模与仿真 英文版 方水良 编著 2007年版

高等院校机械工程·工业工程系列教材 系统建模与仿真 英文版  
作者:方水良 编著 
出版时间: 2007年版 
  Computer simulation is a discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoreticalphysicalsystem,executingexperimentsonthecomputer, analyzing the simulated outputs, and optimizing the system. It is a powerful tool that is often applied to the design and analysis and optimization of complex systems. This book aims to give a fundamental knowledge about the system concepts,systemmodelingmethodology,andcomputersimulation technology. The main contents of the book are about the technology and application of the Witness simulation software of the Lanner Groups. The ACD (Activity Cycle Diagram) based system analysis and modeling, and the computerized modeling with the Witness\’ Elements, Rules, Actions, etc.are discussed. Some examples have presented and explained in order to make the contents more understandable. This manuscript is firstly prepared in 2005. After two years\’ teaching in the Industrial Engineering classes of Zhejiang University, several thorough modifications have been made and this is the third vcrsi0n. This book is hoped useful for the Chinese universities to have a bilingual course about the System Modeling and Simulation, and also useful for the users of the Witness software. 
Chapter 1 Introduction to System, Modeling and Simulation 
1.1 System  
1.2 System Modeling 
1.2.1 Physical model 
1.2.2 Mathematical model 
1.2.3 Graphical model 
1.3 System Simulation 
1.4 Computer Simulation 
1.4.1 Advantages 
1.4.2 Disadvantages 
1.4.3 Classifications 
1.5 Simulation Execution 
1.5.1 Manual simulation 
1.5.2 Programming with general purpose computer language 
1.5.3 Programming with special simulation language and simulator 
1.6 Development of Simulation 
1.6.1 The late 1950s and 1960s 
1.6.2 The 1970s and early 1980s 
1.6.3 The late 1980s and 1990s 
1.6.4 The present and future 
1.7 General Steps for Simulation Project 
1.7.1 Bound the system based on the objective and preconditions 
1.7.2 Build the logical or conceptual model 
1.7.3 Build the computer model based on the conceptual model 
1.7.4 Verify and validate the model 
1.7.5 Collect data and information 
1.7.6 Experiment on the computer model 
1.7.7 Analyze outputs  
1.7.8 Summarize project 
Chapter 2 Discrete Event System Modeling 
2.1 Discrete Event System 
2.2 General Methodologies for DES Modeling 
2.2.1 Event-oriented approach 
2.2.2 Process-oriented approach 
2.2.3 Activity-oriented approach 
2.2.4 Discussion about the three approaches 
2.3 More about Activity Cycle Diagram 
2.4 Draw Activity Cycle Diagram  
2.4.1 Specify the model domain 
2.4.2 List all entities and their key attributes 
2.4.3 Define individual closed cycles 
2.4.4 Merge the individual activity cycles 
2.4.5 Verify and validate the ACD diagram 
2.5 Extended Convention for Activity Cycle Diagram 
2.6 Use ACD in Simulation Study 
2.7 DES Modeling in Witness 
Chapter 3 Simulation and Manual Simulation 
3.1 Example of a Simple Service System 
3.1.1 A bank system 
3.1.2 Objectives for system evaluation 
3.2 Methods for System Evaluation 
3.2.1 Scientific guessing  
3.2.2 Queuing theory 
3.2.3 Simulation 
3.2.4 Calculation with the help of Excel 
3.3 General Terminologies of Simulation 
3 3.1 Parts (Customers) 
3 3.2 Resources 
3 3.3 Attributes 
3 3.4 Variables 
3 3.5 Queues 
3 3.6 Statistical accumulators 
3 3.7 Events 
3.3.8 Simulation clock 
3.3.9 Randomness in simulation 
3.4 Simulating Algorithms 
3.4.1 Event-oriented simulation 
3.4.2 Process-oriented simulation 
Chapter 4 Witness Startup 
Chapter 5 Witness Elements 
Chapter 6 Rules and Actions 
Chapter 7 Functions and Distributions 
Chapter 8 Witness Programming 
Chapter 9 Winess Practices 

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