01-01Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer,Application of Heat Transfer
01-02Heat and Energy Transfer,The First Law of Thermodynamics
01-03Heat Transfer Mechanisms
第2章Heat Conduction
02-02Heat Conduction Equation
02-03Boundary and Initial Conduction
02-041-D Steady State Conduction
02-05Heat Conduction with heat genration in a solid,Variable Thermal Conductivity
第3章Steady Heat Conduction
03-01Steady Heat Conduction and Thermal Resistance Networks
03-02Thermal Contact Resistance,Critical Radius of Insulation
03-03Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces
第4章Transient Heat Conduction
04-01Lumped System Analysis
04-02One-dimensional Transient Heat Conduction
04-03Transient heat cond. in semi-infinite solids ,Transient heat cond. in multidimensional system
第5章Numerical Methods in Heat Conduction
05-01Why numerical methods,Finite Difference Formulation of Differential Equation,Energy Balance Method
05-02Steady Heat Conduction
05-03Transient Heat Conduction
05-04Controlling the Numerical Error
第6章Forced Convection
06-01Physical Mechanism on Convection
06-02Velocity Boundary Layer
06-03Thermal Boundary Layer,Analogies
06-04Similarty and Function Form of Convection Coefficients
06-05Flow over Flat Plates
06-06Flow across Cylinders and Spheres
06-07Flow in Tubes,flow across banks of tubes
第7章Natural Convection
07-01Physical Mechanism
07-02Natural Convection over Surfaves
07-03Natural Convection inside Enclosures
第8章Boiling and Condensation
08-01Boiling Heat Transfer
第9章Radiation Heat Transfer
09-01Introduction to thermal radiation
09-02Radiation intensity and emissive power
09-03Properties of real body
09-04The view factor
09-05Radiation Heat Transfer,Radiation shield and the radiation effect
09-06Radiation exchange with emitting and absorbing gasses
第10章Heat Exchangers
10-01Types of Heat Exchangers,Heat exchanger mechanism
10-02The log mean temperature difference method,The effectiveness NTU method
第13章研讨专题(Special Topic)
《传热传质学》PPT课件 张欣欣 北京科技大学